
The east forest mission (part 1)

The moment prince Jason mentioned Justice, Anne immediately walk in front of the prince, asking for the welfare of the crown prince.

"What? I am sorry, your majesty, what happened to Justice?" Anne was worried and demanding answers by prince Jason. Even forgot to use formality in Justice's name.

"Look, let us sit for now, and I will explain everything." Prince Jason ushered Anne onto the sofa. His hand touched the back of our heroine, making Vale and Henry shoot a dagger at the prince.

"Now, can you tell us what exactly happened? Because Kirara went all vague on me." Said Vale, who switch his place to be closer to Anne.

"Kirara told me that they have ten suspects of the new variant of the moskeet fever inside the guard's encampment. One of them was Bernard." Said prince Jason to everyone in the room.