
Chapter 18: Disagreement (Edited)

*Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!*

A flurry of slashes mixed in with the cries of war and battle could be heard through out the battle field, Dawn and Gauz were going at it at high speeds, sparks flew each time their blades clashed.

Dawn:'I'm close to it I can feel it!' she thought as she parried another slash from her opponent, they both had bright smiles on their faces, the two were enjoying this fight. Knowing each other was so strong they were glad they could face such strong opponents.

Gauz:"Your not bad Morgiana, why don't you become my wife I'm sure our children will be incredibly powerful!" said the ogre, though Dawn didn't looked fazed she had a calm look on her face.

Dawn:"I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse, I alread- it doesn't matter."

Gauz:"A shame I guess one of us must die here. [Sonic Thrust!]" his blade came at Dawn at incredibly fast speeds, Dawn raised her sword above her head.

Dawn:"[Hammer Smash!]" She brought down her blade as it glowed blue and both blades clashed kicking up an even bigger shockwave, the continued their dance around the battle field, each slash slightly grazing each other the both of them were losing stamina fast.

Dawn:"It's about time we end this bout don't you think."

Gauz:"I agree [Pride of the Ogre!]" A red aura surrounded Gauz as he got into a stance. [Pride of the Ogre] is a skill which is only unique to those who descend from Ogres, it gives a boost to all physical stats.

Dawn:"[Updraft Slash!]" A white aura surrounded and Dawn's blade grew green as wind picked up around it, she dashed towards Gauz who did the same a small crater formed at were they originally stood as they closed the gap between each other. Gauz came in with a downward slash, while Dawn went with a upward slash.

*CLANG!!!* Both of them were on the opposite side with each of their backs turned to each other, blood spewed from Gauz's shoulder he fell down to the ground covered in mud and blood of the fallen.

Gauz:"*Cough!* It's seems I lost Hahaha!" he laughed dryly as he caught some blood.

Dawn:"No you got me too." Dawn's hip bled slightly a cut wound could be seen.

Gauz:"Hahaha! That's barely a flesh wound compared to what you did to me...*sigh!* it was fun while it lasted." his eyes closed slightly as he drew his last breath.

Dawn:"Yes it was my friend, but I must aid my allies." she ran off towards her next battle.

In the sky flying at high speeds were two wizards dueling it out, a green ogre wearing high class robes with a dark orb in its hand, while a wizard with lazy looking eyes with bags under them was also wearing a majestic robe with multiple staffs floating around him, he pointed them at his opponent. With a wave of his hand the staffs fired off multiple fire spells, while the ogre chanted and summoned a dark barrier.

Guilo:"Tell me who the hell gave you so many high-class equipment, you guys don't look like the type to be able to make this good equipment unless you kidnapped a few hundred dwarves which is unlikely, so who supplied you?"

???:"I have nothing to say to my enemy Guilo of the Arcane." Guilo didn't look shocked his face remained stoic for a moment until he closed his eyes and he sighed.

Guilo:"Never thought I'd heard that name again."

???:"I'm a fanatic of sorts after all your one of the most powerful spell casters known throughout the land." The continued their battle, but slowly the two were losing mana and fast too.

Guilo:"How about we end this in one final spell?"

???:"So be it!" the two began to chant.

???:"Thy will cast a darkness upon on this world that will overshadow even the brightest of days, thy gods of Darkness shall eliminate all thy hopes and dreams of man, thy pray to God's darkness to illuminate this world with nothing but darkness allow me to cast a shadow never seen before of on all of man!"

Guilo:"Thy pray to God of fire and the great spirit king of flames Ifrit, bless thy soul with your spiritual and divine power, allow me burn brighter than any sun allow me to burn thou enemies and reduce them to ash!"

Down below in Luffy's dagger was Ifrit watching the battle through Luffy's eyes, said siayan was keeping everyone off his allies alive he'd send clones to slightly help his comrades, while some idiots were trying to gain his favor by jumping in his way, to which they got attacked he was able to save them though, but they'll be getting a lecture from him later.

Ifrit felt someone praying to him he knew it was a spell with his name in it.

Ifrit:"Someone using my name in as spell isn't it that Guilo guy? Why not help him out." So he added as bit of his power in the mix, not much but enough to leave some small amount mana.

Guilo:"[Flame Meteor!]" A huge fire ball appeared above him and shot towards the ogre.

???:"[Descending Darkness!]" While a beam of Darkness fired off from his hand, both magical attacks collided and a clash began between the two, however while the clash was going on.

Guilo:"[Lightning Bolt!]" Guilo struck the dark orb the ogre had and the beam weakened while the his fire ball completely swallowed his opponent along with his attack.


An earthquake shook the entire battle field, the wizard and priests who were gulping down mana potions, fell and spilled them while some fighting stopped and looked up in at the explosion.

The ogre Wizard fell down but was caught by Guilo.

???:"How did you know?" asked the ogre.

Guilo:"Simple on my own I'm just mid-tier A rank level, so I had to get equipment which is able to boost my over all magical stats, so I collected many different artifacts wether cursed or blessed by the gods themselves. Even I would recognize the Orb of Luciferano a cursed object that's able to boost darkness magic."

???:"I see your reputation precedes you."

Guilo:"Though [Flame Meteor] normally takes alot more of my mana this time it didn't, I wonder why I haven't died of mana deprivation?" Mana is connected to the user's soul, so when it's used up the mage or priest may die from mana deprivation.

Guilo:"Though that last spell, took out my last drop of mana, I'm just floating on fumes. But before I pass out can you tell me who sent you here and supplied you with so many weapons?"

???:"Simple Demon General Greeden." Guilo's eyes widened but were shut when a pang of fatigue washed over him, he passed out and began to free fall, however Luffy was able to grab him before he even touched ground.

Luffy:"Your an idiot you know that you lazy oldman." said Luffy then went to the camp set up and headed to the medbay and handed him to suprisingly Francia along with a few other priests and medics who were dealing with other adventurers, Luffy made sure not make any lose a limb, thought they were still left with scars and wounds.

Francia:"Guild Master!" said Francia with her hand covering her mouth, she would never expect the guild master to be in such a position.

Luffy:"Don't worry he's just knocked out from mana deprivation, just fed him these mana potion and he should wake up in a few hours, I need make sure no one dies." Luffy left and went to rejoin his clones who were hiding themselves among the battle.

Luffy however was tired of this, it was time he ended this stupid war. He walked out into the battlefield and released his [Conquerer's Haki] along with skill [Bloodlust] which sent waves of fear into everyone there, they all looked at the source suprised silencing the entire battle field.

???:'Man this is nothing compared to when I use [Bloodlust]!' thought one of them, he dared not speak when he felt Luffy's power they all felt they were in the presence of a predator but not only that a king.

Luffy:"Oi I can sense you the chieftain of the dunbaku tribe." A green ogre wearing armour walked out, he had multiple tribal tattoos which are visible on his face.

???:"I am Shaku the chieftain of the dunbaku tribe, you must be the infamous Monkey D Luffy!" said the ogre with a feral smile on his face.

Luffy:"You know me?"

Shaku:"Of course I can recognize the strawhat and that aura there's no mistaking it!" he pointed his blade towards Luffy.

Shaku:"Let us battle with out pride and honor as warriors on the line!" said the chieftain with a look of pure joy on his face. Luffy sighed and picked up a pebble from the ground.

*WHAM!* Luffy kicked Shaku in the crotch so hard an audible *CRACK!!!* could be heard. Every single male on the battle field winced, even those injured who weren't in battle heard it and had a urge to cover their crotch.

Shaku:"How could you attack a fellow warrior who invited you to a honorable duel?! Aren't you hailed as a hero!?" shouted Shaku in rage.

Luffy however kicked him again in the nuts.

Luffy:"Stuff like honor and chivalry I don't follow, pride I may have but I'll fight dirty if I have to win, I'm not some shitty hero to have codes like that." said Luffy calmly as he began lay down a beat down on the poor Shaku.

He even used his clones and commit one of the worst cases of gang violence this world has ever seen. After a few minutes poor Shaku was nothing but a pile pixelated mush of green and red.

The ogres seeing what happened to their leader and knowing they've lost promptly retreated, they are the only defense for their clan, so the survival of their clan depended on them.

Dawn who saw and heard everything what Luffy said held her sword tightly.

-A day later-

The entire town was in celebration, the people ate, drank and partied as they celebrated their heroes victory, not only that no one died they all thought the God of light was helping them however as you know it was Luffy.

Luffy and Skipper were eating a large amount food along with Snow who was had a huge belly and was however she couldn't keep up and passed out she and went into a food coma from over eating. Dawn silently approached Luffy.

Dawn:"Luffy can we talk in private?"

Luffy:"Sure why not." he got up and followed Dawn to training grounds.

Dawn:"Luffy why did you not accept Shaku's challenge? Don't you have any honor?!"

Luffy:"Dawn like I already said, I don't follow that stuff."

Dawn:"I see what are your thoughts on honor, pride and chivalry?"

Luffy:"Like I said originally I don't care something like that will just hold me back. Honestly chivalry is dead."

Dawn:"I see....Luffy if that's how you feel, I don't think we should be a part of the same party."

Luffy:"What's this about?"

Dawn:"Luffy honor, pride and chivalry those are things I live by and they are incredibly important to me, that's something I would and never could discard, as someone with the blood of Knights flowing throwing my veins to have someone think so low of chivalry this is an insult to my pride."

Luffy:"Chivalry and honor these are the things that so call heroes preach about and it leads many young men to their deaths, I may not say I out right hate it, but I'd rather avoid something like that would put me in a early grave."

Dawn:"Luffy.....I don't think I can be apart of the same party with someone who'd think so low and competely insult what I believe in. I think the best thing to do is to for me to leave the party, as we have a clash in ideals, this would lead to problems down the line." she bowed and walked away.

Dawn:"I think this for the best Luffy."

Luffy's hat covered his face he said nothing, he just returned to the party.