
Chapter 19

We return home in a defeated mood. I still feel guilty. If I didn't hesitate, John would not have been hurt. I don't know how bad the injury is but it's not a nice feeling knowing that you could have prevented something bad but you didn't. Plus there is that dead man. I feel so guilty " I thought this place was safe" says Spencer. Lily nods. " The zombies may not have been in town but they could have if they carried on. Plus these zombies are more dangerous. I would never have thought a zombie mutant would be able to hold a knife" says Lily. " Hey let's calm down. We are still on our days off. Let's just relax and try to forget about it" I say. " I just want the world to go back to the way it was. Sure we had overpopulation, high levels of crime, extreme amounts of pollution and many others but it was better than what we are experiencing now" says Lily. It seems that the death of that man has gotten to most of us. "How about we have something to eat" Spencer asks. I agree with him one hundred percent. We have something to eat. My mind is still trying to process the events of today when there is a knock on the door. I don't bother to get up. Nobody does and the knocks continue. Eventually Spencer gets up. Spencer unlocks the door. It is Brendan. " Good evening folks. I heard about today. It was extremely harsh. I want to thank you for helping out the patrol unit today. Everyone told me how you all did well. I came by to drop more food for you for tomorrow. I packed in a bit extra. I even packed in a bottle of soda. We have so few of those left but after today you earned it. Tomorrow can you guys see me? Let's say around 10am. I need to discuss some things. Well see ya." Brendan didn't even wait for a reply. Well he is the sheriff but still. It is rude but I do appreciate that he brought more food and is grateful for what we did. " Who wants some soda" laughs Spencer. " Yes" shouts Lily and me. Spencer pours us some soda and passes it to us. " Here to having a really stressful afternoon and to hopefully never have another bad day again" says Spencer. " Cheers." I know that we had a stressful afternoon. That is true. To never having another bad day again, that is false but I like the positive attitude. I almost forgot the taste of soda. This soda is a bit flat but in times of this you learn to be grateful for what you have. I does take me awhile to finish the soda. Spencer galped it in one go. Lily is still drinking hers. I decide to watch another movie. Spencer and Lily join me and when the novie ends we call it an early night.

I wake up to Spencer's cooking filling my nostrils. I get up slowly. I check the time. It is seven thirty. I wanted to wake up early to watch more movies but that will wait. After Lily wakes up we have breakfast. We do our own things until the time comes for us to meet Brendan. We leave and arrive at Brendans office. Brendan is busy talking to Tobecca. " Well done. Keep on alert and I expect you on duty on Friday." Tobecca looks at us. " Its also thanks to these guys here. Sorry I was so mean. I just don't trust strangers but I see that you are cool." Tobecca walks to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I am in shock. Tobecca laughs and blushes. " Well done guys." Tobecca leaves the office. Brendan' s eyes are big in shock. " You guys must have really impressed Tobecca with your skills. She hardly compliments anyone. It also seems that she likes someone." Everyone looks at me. I may not see it myself but I know that I am blushing. Everyone laughs. " Back to business. I already heard enough reports to figure out what happened out on the farms. I heard of a strange situation with two of the zombies. I heard that one was carrying a weapon and another had to be shot many times to be killed. What do you guys think of the situation? You guys have been out there so you have more experience than us" says Brendan. " With zombie mutants, it appears that they are divided into different classes. For example there are normal zombie mutants and then there is zombie mutants which are bigger in height. Maybe it depends on the health condition of the person before becoming infected. Maybe healthy people are the bigger zombies or the ones who can hold a weapon. See where I am getting at" I say. Brendan nods. " Well let's hope that they don't evolve more. We can only deal with so much. That's not all I want to discuss with you. I want to say thank you for helping us out. We owe you one. I also want to discuss your future jobs. Have you got anything in mind?" " We want patrol duty but in the town" says Spencer. Brendan thinks about it before responding. " Sold. I will see you soon."

The next week and a half is quite calm. Besides walking around the town it is quite peaceful. I enjoy it. I wonder what am I going to tell Spencer when he expects me to go with him. Night approaches and we are gathered around the radio to hopefully hear good news. What is says shocks me. " Good day survivors. I hope that you are thriving and well. Just an update for you. We have now got 19 new people who came to us here in the Forest of Hooper. Our livestock is healthy and our vegetable plantation is doing extremely well. We also have someone who wants to make an annocument. Here goes." A woman's voice takes over and it is someone that I know just by hearing her voice. " Hello. This is Mary Emerson. I just arrived at the forest and I am looking for a man named Andrew. Andrew, if you are listening to this, please come. I am alive and well. Be safe and I love you no matter what. Be safe." Mary stops talking. The announcer carries on to the next person who wants to make an annocument but I am not listening. Spencer and Lily look at me. They can tell by my facial expression that Mary is talking about me. Spencer then smiles.