
Chapter 18

Spencer and I smile. Lily seems to have grown attached to us despite meeting us not too long ago. We hear a knock on the door. Spencer answers it. It is Brendan. " Good day everyone. I just wanted to check up on you all. I also brought some supplies. I brought some eggs and bread" says Brendan. I haven't had eggs in a long time. " Thanks," says Spencer, Lily, and I at the same time. " Well, I have got to go. Feel free to explore the town" says Brendan. He leaves. " I am going to cook now. Andrew, can you join me" asks Spencer. I want to watch another movie but I go with Spencer. It seems like he wants to tell me something. We enter the kitchen. " Hey Andrew. Sorry about what I said now. I didn't even ask if you wanted to stay" says Spencer. Again, why is Spencer trying to be nice? It is getting worrisome. " Its fine. Just don't do it again. I feel like watching a movie now" I say. " I will join as soon as I am done cooking" says Spencer. I return to the lounge and watch a movie called From darkness into shadows. It is a fantasy movie which is similar to length like The Lord Of The Rings. Spencer finishes cooking. He hand us each our meals. We watch the movie with occasional interruptions from Spencer and Lily asking me about certain parts of the movie. It is around 12pm when the movie ends. " Guys I think we should talk to Brendan. Maybe we can see those farms today or tomorrow" says Lily. I am also curious about the farms. We leave and lock the house. We use the car to drive to the sheriff's office. Brendan is talking to a man who looks like he is in his late thirties. Brendan smiles when he sees us. " I was expecting you all to be indoors. Guess I was wrong. Everyone, meet my deputy Smith. Smith, this is Andrew Spencer and Lily. How can I help?" " We want to see the farming fields" I say. Brendan laughs. " You picked a good timing. My patrol just reported that a group of zombies have been approaching the farms. Would you like to back up the patrol unit?" " Okay" says Lily. I really didn't want to do any zombie killings today or ever but it's too late to back down now. " Thanks. Smith will take you. I will see you later" says Brendan. We exit the sheriff's office and enter Smith's car. It takes 15 minutes to make it to the fields. The fields are gigantic. It's fantastic. I see wide acres of land. I see pumpkins, wheat, Apple trees and many others. I notice people tending to the fields and others on patrol armed. They seem to be worried but become relaxed when they see Smith's car. We stop. We exit the car. A woman with braided hair approaches us. She eyes Spencer, Lily and I with a distrusted expression. She must not like strangers. " What is your problem" says Lily. I am shocked. I didn't know that Lily was so upfront. The woman looks shocked that Lily would challenge her. I smirk and notice Spencer doing the same. The woman looks at us with disgust and we do the same. Smith comes between us. " Hey, let's calm down. Samantha, what is the update" asks Smith. Samantha addresses Smith only with occasional glances at me. I don't know why she is looking at me when Lily is the one who challenged her. ( Samantha will marry Andrew) " It was pretty quiet this morning. We didn't see a single zombie until about an hour ago. The scouts spotted about 30 of them. It was hell of a lot. We only have 12 people on shift. I see you brought back up." Samantha glances at me. I feel very uncomfortable. " Gather the whole patrol. Let's take care of these zombies" says Smith. We walk about ten minutes and we spot them. Spencer fires a shot in the air. I shout in shock. Samantha laughs. That certainty grabed the zombie mutants attention. Some came running while some move extremely slowly. I haven't seen zombie mutants walk that slow. The battle doesn't last long. Even I am eager for a fight. I shoot a zombie mutant in the head and shoot another one in the back, zombie blood squatting on me. I notice a zombie mutant running towards Lily. She is busy dealing with two of her own to even notice. I hope that my aim is good. I am from a distance and shoot. The zombie mutant collapses. Lily turns around and looks in shock and then at me. She nods in thanks. I hear a scream. I turn to the source of the scream. A zombie mutant with large teeth has bitten a patrol officer. I gasp. The man looks at us and shouts shoot me. Smith shoots both the man and the zombie mutant. There is a zombie mutant coming towards a man who is busy distracted by another zombie mutant. For a second I hesitate. I see that the zombie mutant has a knife in her hand. Due my hesitation the zombie mutant slashes at the man. The man yells in pain. I shoot the zombie down. The man runs to us, leaving his gun behind. A thought goes in my head. If this zombie mutant could use a knife, you can say that they can't use guns. There is only five zombie mutants left but the others are taking care of them. I go to fetch the fallen gun. Luckily I saw where he dropped the gun. As I am about to pick it up, the zombie mutant that I have shot rises. I shoot the zombie mutant on the head several more times before she goes down for good. Spencer comes running to me as soon everyone does. " What was up with that last zombie" asks Spencer. " This zombie mutant obviously had more intelligence than the others. She certainly did if she can use a weapon" I say. Smith looks at the man's dead body. " He was my friend.

Let's get organised now. I want someone to treat John for his injury. Someone notify the sheriff on what happened" says John. John looks at Spencer, Lily and I. " Lets get you back home."