
chapter 12

Change to 3rd person narrator if using Spencer or Lily in chapters.

The time is 6am. Spencer gets up quietly. He doesn't want to wake up Andrew and Lily. He wants to go on a solo mission. He needs to get things done without anybody getting in his way. Spencer walks to Lily's room. She is fast asleep. Spencer walks to Andrew's room. He too is fast asleep. Spencer walks down the stairs slowly and avoids stepping on the steps that creaks. Spencer enters in the lounge and eyes the door. Spencer breathes in and out. He is considering not going on the mission. His mission is to go find petrol for the car and find more supplies. Spencer grabs his backpack and puts it on. Spencer leaves the house.

Back to first person

I get up rather late. The time is 8am. I look to see if Lily is awake. She is fast asleep. I won't wake her up that is for sure. I don't want to get hurt. She is skilled at using a knife. I go downstairs and look to see if Spencer is downstairs. I enter the lounge. I notice that Spencer is not on the couch. I start to panic. I run to the bathroom to see if he is there. The bathroom door is wide open and he is not in there. I go outside to see if he is working on the car. He did mention that he wanted to work on the car. I go outside to the car but Spencer is not there. I run inside and go to Lily's new claimed room. " Lily wake up!" Lily jumps up with a knife in her hand. She is swinging it. After about 6 seconds, she realizes that she is not in danger. Lily calms down. " What the hell Andrew? What's wrong?" " Spencer is missing." Lily's mouth falls wide open. " What did you say?" " Spencer is missing. So is his backpack." Lily looks sacred. So do I. We are both sacred. " Where is the car" asks Lily. " It is still outside" I reply. Lily sighs in relieve. " What's wrong" I ask. Lily smiles. " If the car is still here that means that Spencer is still close by. If he wanted to leave us behind, he would have taken the car." Now it's my turn to sigh in relieve. " we have to go look for him" I say. Lily nods. " Time to get ready to look for Spencer" says Lily. Lily goes to fetch her backpack. I also go to fetch my backpack. Lily walks to me. " When we go out, we need to be able to defend ourselves. Here." Lily has something in her hands. I look down. It's a gun. I start to panic. " Lily. I can't use that. I am petrified. I have fired a gun before and practiced using one in the past but that was then. Not now." Lily raises her eyebrows. " This is a zombie apocalypse Andrew. You have to use a gun. If me and Spencer weren't with you, you would have to use it. We are going into enemy territory. We have a high chance that we will bump into zombies. Now man up." She puts the gun into my hands. " ready" asks Lily. I galp and nod. Lily opens the door. We exit.

3rd person


Spencer had been delayed. He wasted a lot of time searching the houses that was close to their temporary base. So far he had found some medical supplies. Some bandages, cream and anti septic. He found more canned food and also some dessert. It was ice cream. He would grab it on the way back to spoil the others especially since they would be angry that he left. If they cared that is thought Spencer. The main worry for Spencer was that he hoped that they didn't think he abandoned them. That was why he left the car behind. To try show them that he didn't abandoned them. Spencer just hopes that if they did remain behind that they would not be angry with him. Slim chances of that. Spencer is now in Montrol Street. This was once a big industrial area. The air around this area would reak of polution and litter would be scattered everywhere. Spencer hated this area. His hope was too find a pawn shop that would have more guns. He knew of a pawn shop that was in the area. He just hopes that it was not raided during the beginning of the outbreak. Maybe the owner had the brains to hide the weapons thinks Spencer. Spencer hears zombies moaning and hides behind a car. He takes a peak and sees three zombies walking into a shop. Spencer sneaks futher and ducks behind another car. The zombies seem to be distracted by something. All of a sudden, Spencer hears a scream. Somebody was hiding in that shop. Spencer thinks and wants to help that person but decides to use the opportunity to run away. He would ever run away if it was Andrew or even Lily. Time is of the essence. Spencer runs fast. He eyes a shoe factory. This is good. The pawn shop should be close. Just a few shops away. Spencer counts the seconds in his head. Then Spencer sees the yellow painted pawn shop. Spencer sighs in relieve and enters the shop. Spencer closes the shop door. Spencer takes a look around the shop. He can't find any weapon. Spencer remembers that the shop had a back door. He approaches the door and opens it. Spencer enters the room and sees a bunch of weapons. "Yes" says Spencer. As he is checking out the rifle, a zombie drops down the attic and attacks Spencer. Spencer trips in fright and the zombie is on top of him. Just as the zombie is about to bite him, Spencer hears a gunshot.

Back to Andrew

"What the hell Spencer? Why did you leave us? We thought you abandoned us" I yell. Spencer looks shocked. " Andrew. You just fired a gun." I nod in embarrassment. I guess I got over my fear of firing a gun or it is that I have began trying to get over my fear. It is a work in progress.