
chapter 11

I have to keep on reading. 6th of March. " Finley is downstairs cooking. The news has not updated us about the uncontrollable rash guy but a new case was reported today. A woman in a rural area. She was admitted to the nearest hospital as well. Damm, I hope that this is not going to be a big problem. Maybe it will. I am nervous." I notice that this guy likes to keep his journal entries short. A thought goes through my head. I never heard anything on the news. Then again I never watch the news. I rely on Mary and from conversations that I overhear from others. Us university students were in our world I guess. Spencer enters the room. " Hey, Andrew." " Hey, Spencer." Spencer sits down next to me. " I found a boombox that already has a USB plugged in it. How about we listen to some tunes? I smile. " What about the zombie mutants?" Spencer smiles. " we will turn down the volume." Lily comes back from her observation. " So far I saw 20 zombie mutants." " What! How many" says Spencer. Lily sighs. "Twenty. This place is packed. I strongly suggest that you don't play any music. You will one hundred percent attract any zombie in the area which by the way is a lot." Spencer looks a bit down. He wanted to play music. I wanted to listen to music as well. I miss listening to music. Music was my escape from reality. I would play it when I was doing projects and assignments, after a long day dealing with Spencer's bullying. I would do anything to just listen to one song. For all I know, the power could go off and we would have no way to charge our electronic devices. Just as I am about to object to Lily's claims, we hear a car engine. Weight drops from my shoulders. It's those people again. Please don't find us again. I hear them shouting. " Duck," says Spencer. We do. The car stops near the house where we are in. " The places in this area look fancy. Let's search them. Plus those freaks could be in there. I want revenge." We look at each other with wide eyes. Not again. I swear in my head. The gang outside continues talking. " We lost half our crew. Can you believe it? Is the universe getting back at us because we killed that couple a week ago?" That poor couple. I wonder what went through their mind when they saw this monster of a gang. A thought goes through my mind. Could it be the couple from the journal? I hope not. It feels like my reading that journal, that couple have become my family. " supplies are running low. I have only a pack of bacon left." All of a sudden a loud moan can be heard. It is zombie mutants. I hear the gang shout. " Zombies. A whole bunch of them." I have to see the zombie mutants. I crawl to the window and peek. " Andrew, what are you doing" hisses Spencer. I wave for them to follow. They hesitantly crawl to the window. What I see scared me. I wish I didn't see it. There are about 20 zombie mutants. Same as before. Six of them are normal zombies. Four of them are the slightly bigger ones. 7 of them have razor teeth and 3 of them have big feet. The next few minutes are carnage. The gang does not stand a chance. The gang has 6 people in it. 3 women and 3 men. All of them have shotguns. The first woman who has red hair shoots a normal zombie and kills it but is attacked by the bigger one and is bitten. She collapses. The man who has a scar on his leg shoots it twice and kills the rest of the normal zombies down. What he didn't notice is that a zombie mutant with razor teeth sneaks up on him and bites his neck. Because of the razor teeth, the man is bitten too deep and dies. The last woman kills 2 of the big feet and also 3 of the razor teeth before she dies as well. The last two men kill all the razor teeth before they are bitten. The last two men are not dead which means they are likely going to become zombie mutants. "Let's finish this," I say. Lily and Spencer nod. We kill the rest of the remaining zombie mutants. The men are on the floor stretching. " please. End us. Don't let us become zombies" says one of the men. Spencer looks at both of them and shoots them. I decide not to say anything and Lily does too I think. "Let's go inside. We don't know if the smell and noise will attract them" I say. We go inside. " I am going to shower. You know when there will no longer be any hot water" says Lily. I also want to shower. " okay. Andrew, you will go next." I roll my eyes. Spencer it seems has become our official leader. I would protest but I don't won't be the last one to shower. I can't bathe in cold water. I rest on the couch for 5 minutes and then I hear Lily shout that she is done. I rush to the shower. Just as I am about to enter, Lily stops me. she is wearing new clothes. A pink shirt and pants that are easy to run with. " what's wrong" I ask. She hands me clothes. " I found this in the cabinet. Check if it fits you. I looked in all the cabinets for some girl clothes. I found this in one of the bedrooms." Lily smiles. " Go shower. You stink." I laugh. I enter the shower and let the hot water run down me like a stream. I remember Spencer and hurry. There are a half uses of soap in the shower and shampoo. I wash and then exit the shower. I try putting on the new clothes which are a blue shirt and baggy pants meant for surfers. I put it on and it fits me. Well, the pants fit me easily while the shirt is a little bit. I don't mind. I go downstairs. " Hey, Andrew. We need to discuss a plan of action tomorrow. What are we going to do? You to Lily" says Spencer. Lily seems taken back and happy that she is also included in the discussion. " Well, those 20 zombies that were here this morning have been killed that is if those are the same zombies. There could be more but at least that is twenty down" says Lily. I smile. That is true. A bright light bulb goes off in my head. " I have a notebook with me. My one. I think we should be writing the different types of zombie mutants down so we know what we are dealing with" I say. Everyone agrees. " I guess we have seen a few different types of zombies. Enough material for now I think" says Lily. " we should go on a supply run tomorrow. I don't want to leave this place just yet. There is just something about it" says Spencer. Lily and I both look at each other. I shrug. " we could do more observations. Plus we have a new car thanks to the gang members" I say. Spencer's face beams up. " We could drive the rest of the way. It might be more dangerous and it would attract more zombies but it saves the walking" says Spencer. " How long are we going to stay here for," I ask. Spencer considers the question. " Three days. Let's get more supplies. Plus I want to work on that car. It might need petrol so we will have to take from cars." Lily smiles. " I guess we have a plan," she says.