
About Anya

Anya Felice Maximoff.

Younger sister of Wanda Marya Maximoff and Pietro Django Maximoff also known as the youngest triplet.

She was also willingly experimented on by Wolfgang von Strucker after the attack in Sokovia that killed her parents.

The experiment made her sister able to warp reality, teleport and manipluate energy,matter and time

It caused her brother to gain superhuman speed and reaction time as well as a super speed metabolism, which when she thinks back on seems pretty useless.

While she got the ability to control the elements and talk to animals, her favourite element to control being earth whether it be growing plants in her small house or using the power to make a shield or barrier on missions.

Though, after the death of her big brother she asked Director Fury for permission to have a break of sorts. To only be called in for missions where she was needed. Once given permission she chose to move to a small town in Washington and started a job in a cafe being more than surprised by Tony Stark buying her a house.

Quickly getting a fake surname without legally changing it and hiding her middle name, courtesy of S.H.I.E.L.D, so that anyone that could be looking for her had to try much harder to find her.

That café she chose to work at is where she met her soulmate.


Quil Ateara was of course shocked to meet his imprint so soon after all the Bella incidents.

3 years later they're engaged and all Quil about her being an Avenger is that she sometimes goes on missions with them. Though of course he also knows that she's Artemis.

Anya Felice Maximoff played by Katherine McNamara