
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Time Skip

Sora stood before a huge cuboid-shaped Ship, it was red mixed with black lines which flew alongside its body. Yuki looked at Sora with existing eyes, unable to wait to show Sora her new creations.

"You know how the next generation is always better than the last, evolution allows the new generation to adapt to changes. for example, Animals develop unique capabilities to help them survive in new locations. like their color changing to blend in, them developing the ability to breathe on land and water and so many others." Yuki said to which Sora nodded slightly,

"This is a workshop that creates robots. it holds a battery that holds power equal to that of a mini sun. it creates a robot which would go and conquer the planet it's on for us, but if that robot is killed, a new robot will be birthed, and be evolved to what killed it." Yuki said with a smile,

"let's say it was destroyed using the power of flames. the next one would have higher immunity to the power of flames, making it so that the same level of firepower would do around 50 to 70% less damage." She said with a prideful look, waiting for Sora to praise her.

"Is there a limit to how far it could evolve? and how did you even go creating this?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow, stunned by all of this.

"Life births all types of stuff, So after spending a few months getting stronger with Yalan, and leaving a clone here to do my work or the other way around, I reached a level of strength where with my Life Qi, I can give birth to my imaginations to a limited degree. this metal is almost indestructible, the sun would need at least 30 seconds to destroy it, and that's it without it using none of its Qi to defend itself." Yuki said pridefully, she held out her hand, and her life Qi gathered, taking the frown of metal which Sora looked at for some time before nodding.

"As for its limit, it should be the realm above the Planerty realm. this is because the battery shouldn't be able to have enough juice to create them endlessly. it has self-recovery and other stuff and has knowledge of combat I have recorded from Hana, and with its ways of learning it could find the best way to conquer a planet." Yuki said making Sora fall into deep thought for a moment before asking one more question

"how fast is it?" Sora asked, making Yuki smile as that was the question she has been waiting for this whole time.

"99.9999% the speed of light. It would reach Setchi within 1,000 hours." Yuki said stunning Sora for some time, before smiling slightly.

"Here I was thinking of just flying there myself. I will leave this in your hands. Great job, remember not to push yourself. take breaks from time to time," Sora said seriously, to which Yuki nodded seriously, but Sora could tell she was lying. she couldn't wait for Sora to leave so she could run back and see what more she could do,

Sighing softly, Sora left and went on to see everything else. So, as time passed, and as months passed, the planet's overall tech didn't just reach Hoshi planet or Setchi planet, it went above them. By the time Sora was 20 years old, they were creating their mothership,

What was a mother ship? A mother Ship was a huge ship, it was like its own planet, it was a large spacecraft where smaller craft are launched or maintained. Mother Ships are only used for long distant battles, it's like a base that goes alongside you everywhere you go.

At the same time, Sora's planet has reached a level of strength that he could use to conquer the star system. So, he went on to move forward with the step. the first time he did was have Akon announce they were teaming up to take on Setchi planet.

by the time his mother ship was finished being built, it traveled towards Setchi planet, where it met up with Akon's own Mother ship which was slightly bigger than their own.

Setchi planet was the strongest planet within their star system, it wasn't big or anything. They used technology to supper their cultivation system, to them technology was only something that should support cultivation, and not be relied on too heavily.

because of this, you would not find tech all over the world like how one would find it on Hoshi planet which has more tech than cultivators. those on Hoshi planet of course cultivated, but you have to understand that they didn't put cultivation into that high of regard.

in a world where people cheat death, you would find that 99% of people alive on Hoshi Planet are not alive. They were robots, androids, or cyborgs. It's when you turn to the royal family or cultivators that you would find a living being. most people escaped life and choice a better body. who wouldn't take the easy way out? who would want to suffer when they could pick a body which didn't feel pain, hunger, and such stuff?

but not everyone was like that, there would always be those who wish to reach the peak of cultivation. but because of this, it's why the emperor has to big birth to so many children, and all of them all given the best resources to reach the void realm, dungeons were needed, and androids and other things like that couldn't trigger dungeons to appear,

"What should we do my lord?" A young woman asked with a deep frown while looking at the sky, where the mothership could be seen. a young man with long black hair looked at the mother ship for some time, before sighing.

"From my knowledge, Hoshi planet has birthed the first planetary realm cultivator of this star system. they have a total of 3 planets under their control... no matter how you look at it, we might lose. unless I manage to break through into the planetary realm during battle." He said softly while looking at his palm for some time,

"Don't get your hopes up," A calm voice sounded next to them, making the two and the others around them jump, pulling out their weapons. but they saw a man with a deadly charm, the man caused all of the females and males to freeze in shock.

"Who are you?" The Emperor asked, reminding himself he was a married man who loved his wives dearly.

"I'm the ruler of Chikyu planet and the secret ruler of Hoshi planet. You haven't heard from me due to the distance between us, and because I only came to power not too long ago." Sora said with a smile, this was Sora's true body, paying 8,000 years worth of his lifespan, he teleported here. he also paid 500 of his lifespan to understand this language, they spoke

His words of course shocked everyone, how could they not when a person who they couldn't see through suddenly appeared before them? but sensing the fate of two planets gathering on this person, the Emperor's heart dropped as he could tell Sora was not lying.

"I will be honest with you, I don't want a pointless war. I took over Hoshi's planet without a war. I can do the same for this planet, but it would be harder to do so with few people knowing it's me, so I might have to slaughter a few people. I'm sure you all want to live, what do you say we find a peaceful way to deal with this?" Sora asked with a smile, to which the nobles snorted and were about to speak, but the Emperor stopped him.

"... what do you mean by slaughtering a few people?" The emperor asked coldly, to which Sora shrugged,

"I will have to pull out the weed by its roots. I can't allow your children to pop up 10 years later trying to cut off my neck. but I'm not that type of person, if I can avoid killing, I would like that a lot. I don't want to collect bad karma." Sora said making the Emperor frown deepened, but Sora kept speaking.

"Fight me, you can use the fate of this world, but I will not. You can fight me to kill, but I will fight you to defeat, the winner takes all. this will avoid pointless killing, show my strength, and lastly, set up the formations for me to gain everyone's loyalty. Do we have a deal?" Sora asked calmly, the emperor looked deeply at Sora for some time,

"deal, but we must first make an oath to the heavens," he said seriously, to which Sora nodded by him bitting his finger, so the two went on to make the oath, but while doing So the Emperor's heart grew uneasy seeing how unbothered Sora was about the whole matter,

Once the Oath was made, the two shot up into the sky, shooting far away from the planet and stopping at a spot where they would not be bothered by their battle. Sora looked at the Emepror for a moment, before he sighed deep down,

The Two looked at each other for some time, before the Emperor exploded with power, reaching a shocking 600 million. Sora smiled slightly before he took exploded with power, his eyes turned blood red, his hair turned white, and deathly wings grew from his back. this was the Death God Mode, 3rd stage.

With the Fusion of the 4 cultivation systems, Death God Aura, and Energy Control, Sora's strength reached 600 million. His shadow had disappeared, as within this state it has become a part of him, fusing into his body and further increasing his strength,

"you're strong. I find it shocking that Planet Hoshi gave you such a hard time," Sora said with a smile, The Emperor snorted in disdain hearing Sora's words

"the only hard time they gave me is because of their number and ability to adapt," He said in disdain, you kill one android the next one would be built to counter you, your combat data collected, and the best way to counter you being made, plus their numbers and the amount of energy they held, it made them troublesome.

Sora and the two didn't speak anymore, and with a flash, they shot toward each other. The emperor pulled out a sword once they were near each other, and swung down upon Sora, but a Scythe formed from Death Qi appeared in Sora's hands, blocking the attack for Sora,

the two tried many blows, getting the feel for the other strength, just because they had the same power level didn't mean they were even. The Emperor had the up hand in techniques, as he had techniques that could lash out with attacks more than twice his power level, meanwhile, Sora had the upper hand in skills.

Sora's combat skills allowed him to get the upper hand in combat and allowed him to dodge or defend against the emperor's attacks even when caught off guard. Sora's law of Death turned out to be far higher than his own, as his law of the sword fell into death's hands and was used against him,

In the end, Sora had some injuries from the attacks which managed to break through his Death Qi, but they were injuries that healed soon after. but to the emperor's eyes, it looked as if Sora wasn't injured at all even when the attack broke through the Death Qi.

"My way of the sword stands above all... not even Death Can Stop Me." The Emperor screamed he was one of the lifespan prodigies on his planet, just look at him, 500 times stronger than those of the same level, of course this was mostly due to him living so long, but still being so powerful like that was nothing to look down upon,

Some seemed to click within the emperor's mind as his eyes glowed slightly, and the unique Sword he held began giving off a new aura... this was a realm known as Sword Will, at this world a sword cultivator very thorough can summon get the power of the sword laws.

"Haha, I see... I have been looking at it all wrong!" He yelled as he cut forward, Sora was about to move to dodge, but he found he was not the target of the slash. confused for a moment, shock slowly filled his eyes as he sensed the senses within the emperor.

The emperor's soul cultivation and his will began fusing, bringing forth a greater boost to his strength, reaching 900 million. Sora seeing this was shocked for a moment before he smiled slightly.

"impressive, it seems like I have to try as well," Sora said as The Death God Gear slowly covered his body. Sora's strength measurement reached 1.5 billion, but he lowered it to 900 million, something which the Emperor didn't sense,

The Emperor held out his sword, and his heart dropped slightly, not expecting Sora to have been holding back, but he had to act quickly. he has fused his soul and Will's strength, this was his first time doing such a thing, and he had to act quickly as he was losing a lot of energy, unable to control it.

the two shot at each other and the battle began, but it was like the first time, without anything different, but through such pressure, the Emperor grew stronger, adapting to this new power and allowing him to draw out more and more power.

His Strength soon reached the 1 billion mark and began touching upon 1.1 billion, but by then he had reached his limit and was out of energy, unable to go on. breathing heavily, he looked at Sora who was not out of breath.

"... Is this your full power?" The Emperor asked softly, to which Sora shook his head slightly, and with an explosion of power, he showed the Emperor his full strength which was at 1.5 billion, shocking the Emperor for some time. it would take the emperor years to reach such a level of power, maybe if they fought again like this he could reach it within a few hours,

"You have defeated me," he said softly, the Fate Qi which gathered to form his royal clothing slowly disappeared, entering Sora's body. Sora looked at the naked man before him, before holding his palm forward.

"I place planet Setchi under your hands, it's not like I wanted to take anything from you," Sora said calmly, and with him having this position, the Emperor found the Fate of planet Setchi following through him and entering Sora. although most of it was given to Sora, it seemed different and stronger than before.

He had more than one planet under his rule, this battle was only for planet Setchi, there were 6 planets within this star system, Planet Setchi has taken claim to 2 other planets, leaving only the 4th, 5th, and 6th planets,

"As for the remaining 2 planets, I am sure I don't need to fight you for them. this time I will just kill you." Sora said calmly as he turned and left, the emperor stood in the void of space for some time, before he disappeared returning to his planet.

to the people below, 0.01 seconds didn't even pass, yet to them, they had a full-out battle that took months. they were not fighting at the speed of light, but when their strength reached a power measurement of 1 billion, when they touched the speed of light and began to go faster, although only by 0.000..0001 times faster, they were still going at such speed.

So, Sora took over the star system the following days, and the battle that took place seemed sensed by many people all over the star system, as short as it might have been, the shock wave and power couldn't be missed. this shocked many people, and fewer people tried to fight against it.

a week after the fight, Sora began entering the many dungeons all over the star systems, growing closer and closer to reaching level 2, at the same time he tried doing what he saw the emperor do, fusing his will with his soul cultivation,

It took some time but Sora soon realized that his Death God Aura was putting much another version of Sword Will. It was like the emperor taking Sword Will and fusing it with his body, but this got Sora thinking,

if he could Fuse Death God's Aura with his Body, what about his soul and Energy cultivation, Sora could already see the power this would bring. let's not forget his Shadow Cultivation, with so many things which could be gained, Sora could see how brought his future was.

Time Ship- 5 years.

It has been 5 years since the day Sora conquered the star system, currently 25 years old, Sora was getting ready to set off and leave the star system to explore other star systems. of course, some trouble came up within the past 5 years, but they were just small matters, currently, Sora had picked 6 trustworthy people to look after his 6 planets, and now it was time to leave and conquer more and collect more fate across the galaxy.

"Hana, Emilia, Yalan, Yuki, Evelyn, Cai Yi, Elsa, Tigger, Ao, James, and all other members of my family. We are about to go out into the unknown, and we would most likely face many troublesome matters, but so long as you stay by my side, I'm sure we can get through anything that could come our way." Sora said with a smile, to which they cheered

Tigger, Ao, James, and Hana were the most talented people the planet had to offer of course Sora would bring them with him, and have them join the family. Ao has talent towards the water and was put under Emilia, and Tigger and James were put under Hana, they both had the right to be an Asura, similar to Hana. All of Death Shadow was also here, some were running the ship, and the others were listening to Sora

It would be more than 35,000 hours before they reach the closest star system, but back to the star system, it would be about 87,000 hours before they reach the star system. In other words, to them 4 years will pass on this ship, but to the outside world, it would be about 10 years.

of hours they would not just of nothing within this time, they have brought many dungeons with them to train, and Sora was looking forward to spending some alone time with these ladies...

back to the star system, 5 years passed, and the star system was greeted with a new gust that no one could sense. Yuki tech was too low-level to even sense these guys, these gust landed on Chikyu planet, a male and a woman.

The woman had a complex look while looking at the place she stayed when she had no memories, although many things have changed, she could still tell this was the place.

"it seems like that son of yours become the king," the middle-aged man said calmly, making the woman smile slightly, but it quickly disappeared when the man gave her a cold glare. she could only lower her head in shame,

"you can't blame him for my actions, you can lash out at me, but don't lay a finger on my son." She said softly, to which he just snorted...