
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


"you're finally here," the fish man emperor said calmly upon seeing the Emperor arrive with Sora, James, Seth, and a few others who were going to watch the match.

before them stood the Fish Man emperor who had a group of fish man people all in their humanoid forms. on the other side was the beast race, which was led by the beast emperor and her group of beast race members.

The Human Emperor went on to speak telepathy into the minds of the other emperor, informing them of what he found out about Sora's dreams. this made the 2 faces change slightly, but they returned to normal almost instantly. They spoke for some time before the 3 nodded slightly,

it was funny to think that these 3 were never really on good terms, but in the face of danger, they threw everything out of the window for the sake of the planet's future, and their future.

holding out their hands, the 3 emperors went on to step to the side and look at the group from the 3 races.

"There is a total of 9 of you here... there can only be one of you who can stand out as the winner. we would start with a 1vs1, the lucky person among you would have the chance to skip forward to finals. As for who that is, each of you you draw a number, which would decide who you're fighting," The Human emperor said calmly

"There are no rules, before the battle begins, you have 5 seconds to get ready. within that time, you can hide, or set up traps. whatever would allow you to fight to your fullest, you can even use outside help to a limited degree. for example, using the wildlife around you, but you can't get support from, anyone not a part of the wildlife." The Beast race empress said calmly,

"Lastly, fight like your life depends on it. if you are about to kill your enemy, be at ease knowing we would step in. Each match would last 10 minutes, which is more than enough time, if by chance no winner is picked within this time, then both parties shall lose." The fish man emperor said seriously,

"There is an oath I want those who wish to take part in this to make... No one is forcing you to take part in the match. the oath goes as 'I hereby declare that if I win I shall bring forth a new era for this planet and its lifeform, no matter how far I might fly, this shall always be my home which I shall never forget and turn my back on or those who have chosen to support me. but if I were to lose, I shall support the winner and my planet and never betray him or her so long as I live." The Human emperor said, making all 9 of the people who were going to take part in the match go quiet, even the others who were just going to watch went quiet.

"... So, those who are willing to take part. step forward and make the oath before drawing a number." The Fish Man emperor said calmly, the 9 looked at each other, unsure about all of this, but among them, one person stepped forward.

It was none other than Sora, who went on to cut his arm and draw upon a contract paper, which shall strengthen the oath. after which, Sora made his oath, followed by an oath seal appearing on his palm. with that done, Sora draw a number and went on to step aside to wait for the others.

James looked at Sora for a moment before stepping forward, he had a feeling Sora would win this. Sure the oath was going to be troublesome, but if it was Sora he didn't mind. Seth seeing James making his oath hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he stepped forward and also made the oath.

the other races seeing the humans all stepping forward were of course displeased, they shall humans are lower lifeforms, so how could they stand by and see as lower lifeforms take the lead to rule the planet? So they all stepped forward one by one, making their oath

Among all 9 of them, a woman with long blue hair was the lucky one to pick number 9, she was called Ao SeaDragon, of the sea dragon clan she was a talented person who caught Sora's attention as she had powerful Sea, known as the Mighty Sea Dragon God Physuque. but she was now going to skip every battle and instantly fight for the chance to fight for the ruler of the planet.

The first match was up, and it was Sora VS someone from the beast race. It was of the Black Cat race, a powerful race within the beast race known for its stealth and unmatched level of speed and strength,

She was called Neko Black Cat, in her human form, she took the form of a black-haired woman with black cat ears. She had a long black tail that waved slightly in the air behind her,

as soon as they were picked, they faced off against each other, but she disappeared the next moment, hiding away. the match began 5 seconds later, leaving Sora to stand there,

"you have a barely passable level of stealth skills..." Sora said softly, followed by an explosion going off far away. Neko could be seen jumping into the air, with a barrier surrounding her. In the air around her, a fist formed out of physical energy, invisible to the naked eye shot towards her, she was quick and quickly flew around trying to dodge all of the attacks, but some strength her barrier, leaving deep cuts within.

Neko ran all over the place, meanwhile, Sora just stood in one spot, not even bothering to look at her as she shrugged to get close to even attack.

"Emperor's, this might come off as me sounding rude and arrogant, but I'm running low on time. can we change the rules slightly and have everyone come at me all at once? If I lose, then it was me being arrogant and not knowing my place. but If I win, I would wish to enter the dungeon and start gaining resources to grow stronger." Sora said softly while turning to look at the Emperor, while his spiritual energy continued to gather forming fists around Neko which attacked her none stop,

"... Are you sure about that?" The Fish Man emperor asked with a raised eyebrow, as the Human Emperor had told him, he could understand what Sora meant, Sora wanted to save as much time as he could, but he was under the effect of the contract and was about to face this planet's most talented.

"I'm sure," Sora said seriously, the 3 emperors looked at each other for a moment before looking at the others who had frowned upon hearing Sora's words, who would be happy with hearing something like that.

"Then you all can join... if all but one of you remain standing and Sora is defeated, it would be counted as all of your wins, and be given time to rest before your matches. If Sora wins, he instantly wins this whole thing, even if all of you don't join." The Fish Man emperor said calmly, making the group of 7 look at each other before a few stepped forward, those being the few who saw Sora as too powerful.

it was not easy to attack with your spiritual energy, while at the same time doing something else. this showed that Sora was highly skilled with mind-based powers. So, two people stepped forward and attacked Sora,

With an arm on at waist, Sora smiled slightly as the attacks landed before his eyes, stunning everyone who saw this. one attacker was from the beast race, he had ranked 3rd in the beast race tournament, his claws were only inches away from Sora, but they were blocked by an invisible wall.

the other was a member of the fish man who also ranked 3rd, his spear was also blocked before Sora's face, leaving him shocked and shocked

"you should all come together, I might have to try if you all do so," Sora said softly, and with a boom, the two were sent shooting backward, but Sora held back so they were not injured. the two landed on their feet with their eyes filled with shock, everyone who was watching was also shocked.

Behind Sora, Sora was still attacking Neko, yet he had enough control to split his attention to doing something like this, all so easily and without much work.

"that measurement to be a strength measurement of 60,000, but so compressed and controlled so well the power has more than doubled, reaching 180,000. He also has Qi and Body cultivation to the same level, it's safe to say he is holding back." Ao said with narrowed eyes while sizing Sora up and down, such strength was something that shocked her, she would estate Sora's strength to be around 500,000.

'He was strong but fullish to think he could face all of us, but what if he has some unique power or something he is hiding.' She thought while sizing Sora up, Sora threw her a look before ignoring her. seeing this, she got annoyed, how dare a human look down upon her, but she didn't move, it was too soon to make a move.

"Got you," Neko yelled as she turned into a huge cat the size of a truck, at blinding speed, black lightning covered her body as she shot towards Sora, her claws stretched out, readying to rip Sora apart.

"wow, it seems like you were at half strength..." Sora said softly, this was his first time facing a beast, to be honest, he was confused as to why this woman was weak. but it turned out they are at half-strength while in human form. well, it wasn't truly 50%, more like 20%.

When they are within this human form, they are sometimes weaker than most humans, only when she was in her true form was she capable of going up with elites like Seth and the other talents.

No race on his planet had the upper hand in physical strength, the gravity on this planet is so strong it pretty much even out most things, but beast and fish man are more durable and have more stamina than humans. but the fish man only has more stamina than humans when in water, when on land, they would be weaker and would grow tired easily.

Sora reached out and caught the incoming attack with just one hand, making everyone freeze at the sight. this was because that palm was strong enough to destroy someone with a strength measurement of 300,000. but Sora caught that so easily with just one hand.

'such control, his physical energy can be controlled to such a point that it could show strength measurement of 10 times.' The emperor thought in shock, the current Sora just showed a strength measurement of 690,000, more than enough to do what he just did.

"you don't seem so bad, you might be a worthy match for me." With a laugh, a young man with long black wild hair stepped forward while looking at Sora. Sora looked at him for a moment and nodded slightly.

'the 3-headed White Tiger Physique?' Sora thought while looking at the young man, the young man jumped towards Sora before he went on to transform into a white tiger with 3 heads.

Sora's eyes narrowed slightly as he sensed the air around him growing restless, he instantly realized this tiger was the wind element time. Sora reached out, forming a barrier with his spiritual energy which block the tiger, before throwing Neko into the sky just as she was about to attack,

the tiger's sharp claws slowly began piecing through the barrier, Sora seeing this had the barrier disappeared, leading to the tiger claw falling towards him, at the same time, the tiger shot air breaths towards Sora, Sora was hit hard and sent shooting backward, while the 3 headed white tigers followed, and at a blinding speed, it easily caught up to Sora and pinned him down, inches away from killing him.

"Wake up to reality," Sora said calmly, the 3 headed white tiger which was about to mock Sora blink slightly.

He looked up at Sora, who was standing over him with a blinking look, and for some reason, he was back in his human form. Sora was also holding a black-white cat in his hands, which he was playing with, and he instantly realized that was Neko, but why did she look like a tame house cat in Sora's hands?

"from the moment you enter the battle, you were already under my illusion," Sora said calmly, the moment he jumped towards him, Sora had placed him in an illusion. Tigger, the young man on the ground was shocked for some time before his face turned dark, he tried turning back into his true form while getting up, but his body was not listening to him.

"you are still under my illusion, it's just that your brain longer spends signals out. I'm blocking that." Sora said calmly, stunning Tigger for a moment.

"you coward, why don't you face me in the tiger form," Tigger yelled angrily, Sora looked at him for a moment, before sighing.

"I only have 5 minutes, so I honestly don't have time to let you do that," Sora said calmly, making Tigger grit his teeth, he should have trained his mind more. the others seeing how Sora had taken care of the 4 enemies were shocked for a moment, but as Sora said 5 minutes were running out.

the sky slowly began to dark as storm clouds gathered, Sora looked up at the sky for a moment before looking at Ao who had transformed into a huge Blue dragon, easily the size of a town. she looked down upon Sora from the sky, while the rain got heavier and heavier.

"It's said that the mighty sea dragons brought forth floods everywhere they pass, it seems to be true. but in your case, it seems to be some type of domain." Sora said calmly, making Ao's eyes narrow. Sora caught on to her technique a bit too fast, the rain which was falling was not spreading out, instead, it was forming a domain which was the center, this way the other fish man can fight at full power,

She didn't have much trouble, but this domain would also weaken Sora, which was another plus. without another thought, her Qi shot out, she wanted to use natural water, but she seemed as though she didn't have the time. her Qi went on to transform into water, which quickly spread out to form a dorm

"..." Ao's pupils suddenly shrink as she found herself unable to move. her water which was spread out also froze, making her seem like a picture. slowly, she felt something tighten around her, through her spiritual senses, she sensed that something was wrapped around her shadow, and everything that happened to that shadow was transformed back to her.

"well, 1 more minute. this would count as a win right?" Sora asked calmly while looking at the 3 emperors who nodded slightly, amazed at how easy it was for Sora. while the human emperor was not shocked, Sora already told him about his strength.

"What are you 3 doing, you want him to win?" Tigger yelled, he just wanted them to force Sora to let go of him so he coughs fight and shows Sora true strength. James, Seth, and the last fish man looked at each other for a moment, would their actions make a difference?

James refused to step in, knowing that Sora was far stronger than the current him, and the same for Seth who realized how out of class he was. lastly, the last fish man stepped forward and shot himself toward Sora, but he froze as his own shadow came to life, wrapping around him, and tying him up,

"Well, I will allow you to transform so you can show off," Sora said with a smile seeing James and Seth were not going to step in, so, he allowed Tigger to transform, and he did, with a mighty roar that shocked the sky. Tigger attacked Sora, his eyes sharp while looking coldly at Sora.

but when his claw was an inch from Sora, he stopped as sweat covered his face. fear filled his eyes as he shakingly stepped backward. everyone was shocked once more, but those with sharp senses narrowed their eyes as they felt death coming off Sora, that aura was enough to make them feel chills.

"I surrounded," Tigger said fearfully, Sora nodded slightly before his aura disappeared, while he played with the cat in his hands which was shaking in fear, but quickly calmed down under a warm life force aura. the cat let out a soft moan, enjoying Sora's hands.

well, seeing no one attacking Sora, the 3 emperors announced Sora as the winner, Sora let go of the cat which unwillingly went on to turn back into her human form, at the same time, Ao and the others stepped forward before Sora was now the winner.

as the Emperor said, Sora would have the full support of the 3 races and be now considered the Sovereign of the planet,