
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Sora Plan

Evelyn stepped into the throne room where her father was currently sitting on the throne, her heart was a bit heavy, after all, she was about to tame her father. But She was a member of Death Shadow, she couldn't allow her emotions to get in the way of the others,

'Father has cultivated all 3 cultivation systems to level 10 of the 5th stage of cultivation, without using the fate of the humans, he has a strength measurement of 15 million, but it shall increase to 40 million once he draws upon such power. without the fate of the human to draw upon, I could easily defeat him, my strength is at 25 million after all...' Evelyn thought her mind racing with what could happen,

her father was an elite, but he also had other elites under him, each capable of drawing upon the power of the empire as well. they were only weaker than her father, but above her father stood the former Emperor, a man who was trying to break through to the Planetary tier and has been closed off from the world for many years now, in all Taming the emperor wasn't going to be an easy task.

"... your strength." The emperor's pupils shrink upon seeing his daughter, how could she have become so powerful within such a short amount of time? it made no sense,

"Sora is gifted with unique power, using the power of life and death, he was capable of making me reborn," Evelyn said softly, the emperor looked at her for some time before hints of greed began filling his eyes. how could greed not slowly began growing within those eyes of his,

his daughter stood before him with such strength, it had barely been 2 weeks since they last met, and this was a huge improvement in strength. he of course wanted to gain such an opportunity, the nobles all within the throne room also had thoughts filling their eyes,

"Father, this gift can't be given out so freely. there are many conditions needed to be met..." Evelyn said softly, making everyone's excitement die down a little as thoughts on what it could be. while everyone was in deep thought, Evelyn closed her eyes slightly.

"I can ask to enter the Diamon rank dungeon, my beast taming capability has greatly improved, and I feel like I could tame the boss of the dungeon along with the other monster, with this we could start using the dungeon more and more often, allowing our kingdom to grow," Evelyn said softly, because Emperor has the fate of the empire on his side, he was protected by fate. meaning, the Emperor had a universal shield against all types of things, even her powers.

"... what does Sora has to say about this?" The emperor asked with narrowed eyes, but Evelyn just shook her head.

"Sora is busy clearing out the gold-rank dungeon to get the resources needed to cultivate and support his kingdom with his wishes," Evelyn said softly, making the emperor's eyes narrow even more. he was more than willing to pass the throne to Sora, but that was under his term,

"What wishes." The emperor said making Evelyn not know what to say, she didn't think her father would push on like this. but she suddenly froze as she heard something in her head, after a moment she spoke out.

"He has been having dreams lately, he says they are glips of the future. events that are to happen, among such things are war with other planets, destruction of planets, and enemies coming from other star systems. he has been uneasy for days, trying to grow stronger as he is running low on time." Evelyn said softly making the pupils of the emperor shrink,

"... describe to me these dreams he has been having." The emperor said quickly, Evelyn hesitated for a moment before nodding and began explaining the first dream. the dream of this planet being conquered, how robots from another planet would come to this planet to conquer them, slaughter all the big powers, and replace them all, amongst such people who would be killed was Sora as he was the king of a kingdom.

the second dream showed the planet at war with another planet that uses androids and other types of high tech in battle. Because he put everything into training hard, he was capable of fighting back, but he was left helpless before a beam capable of destroying their planet.

The 3rd dream showed Sora moving on to conquer the star system, but another star system suddenly appeared and easily overpowered them. Of course, Evelyn was hearing Sora's voice, and these dreams had extra made-up detail added by Sora

"... Sora wishes to take in all of the diamond-rank dungeons. this is my why for trying to help him." Evelyn said softly, her father was quiet for some time before he nodded slightly, stunning Evelyn that her father believed this.

"Sora has a gift, the vision he saw... I saw something similar, but that last one is something I haven't saw. it seems I might not be of use, so there is no point in me seeing it." the emperor said softly before closing his eyes, in deep thought

"about the rebirth, tell me about it." The emperor said softly, Evelyn said softly before she went on to speak.

"It's a process in which you die. Sora killed me and had been reborn through his blood, the condition is I must have faith in Sora, or else I would have remained dead. there are other conditions, such as talent, physique, and something fate connection matching with him. All of these must be met, it's why Sora took an interest in me, he saw I had the capability of gaining this power." Evelyn said stunning herself at how well she could lie,

"I see... then return to Sora's side. tell him to come to the kingdom within 3 days, I will lay the foundation for him to gain the trust of the other emperor." The Emperor said stunning Evelyn,

"I want to push Sora to become the ruler of this planet, his future is something that can't be measured." The emperor said, making Sora smile as he looked at all of this through the shrink in front of him. paying with some of his lifespans, he was able to spy in on all of the happenings within the throne room, and even tell Evelyn what to say.

Evelyn appeared before him a few seconds later, and the two talked with Evelyn questioning how Sora was able to speak to her form so far away. even the speed of sound couldn't travel so far away so quickly, or it had to be a spiritual-based technique.

"I linked myself with you, if you were on guard you would have sensed something messing with your karma," Sora said calmly, stunning Evelyn who blushed slightly, she was too forced by her father to pay much attention to anything else.

"... did you know I couldn't tame my father?" Evelyn asked changing the subject, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"I already knew he wanted to make me the ruler of the planet... so taming him was never really a goal of mine," Sora said calmly stunning Evelyn, as expected of her master a step ahead of everyone, Emilia couldn't even compare in the slightest.

'damn, her father was stronger than I expected. luckily Evelyn saw to his real strength before we made a mistake or something.' Sora thought he had forgotten that the Emperor would have the power of fate, this was mostly because the power of Fate he had was so weak it he ignored the strength it gave him, meanwhile, the emperor got a +25 million on his strength

the next day, Sora left and head toward the kingdom where he met with the emperor. but it was within a garden where they sat at a table, alone to speak.

"Judging by your breaths, and movements, your energy control has reached a high level. let me guess, is your strength nearing 10 million?" The emperor asked with a smile, technique used to measure a person's strength can't measure a person's energy control, for that a person got to guess

"21 million... I heard from Evelyn you too have been having dreams?" Sora asked softly, the emperor's eyes narrowed upon hearing Sora's strength measurement, it was too high, more than half his full strength. this made Sora more than a thousand times stronger than those of the same level, this was the freak he was sitting before.

"Yes... has anyone spoken to you within these dreams?" The emperor asked softly, Sora shook his head slightly before looking at him in confusion. The emperor opened his mouth to explain, but he froze as he felt like he was opening the door of death. if he opened it he does, but if he simply stepped away, he would be alright.

"... it's nothing," The emperor said while hiding his cold sweat, he had no idea what that feeling was, but he felt as though the God of Death was looking at him right now, daring him to speak.

"Could it be someone is giving me these dreams?" Sora asked softly, making the feeling of Death swallow the Emperor, panic filled the emperor's eyes,

"We should Move on from this topic." The emperor said quickly, snapping Sora from that line of thought, and with that, the emperor felt those eyes on his slowly closing, allowing him to breathe

'wow, this effect for only 100,000 years? the death book is overpowered.' Sora thought, before coming, Sora had written the emperor's name into the death book, he wanted to see how many years would be needed to affect someone like him, who also had the power of Death protecting him, and it was 100,000 on top of his current strength,

If the emperor or the other emperors were to speak of the God of Death to anyone, if only a hint they shall feel this uncontrollable sense of fear, but if they dare to go on and speak, they shall die

'I guess I should have just made them loyal to me.' Sora thought secretly, then again he was not sure 100,000 years was enough to affect these guys.

"the other 2 emperors just finished a tournament like our own. the top 3 in each tournament would be coming together. The winner shall have the support of the 3 emperors to rule this planet." The emperor said stunning Sora for a moment,

"you are the most talented person of this era... no, you might be the most talented person to ever exist. I will put my faith in you as the ruler of this planet. Honestly, with how things are going, we would be conquered unless we have your support." the emperor said softly, to which Sora nodded in understanding,

So, after some talking, Sora left and returned home where he entered The Blue Flame Continent, where he switched places with his clone. He sat down and went on to watch a sight worth matching,

Hana was covered with the aura of slaughter, which gathered to form a spear, which destroyed all of the monsters in her way. Not too long ago, she had no cultivation, but now she was already at level 2 of the second stage of cultivation, in both Body and Qi cultivation.

she could already fight those a whole realm above her in strength, which was just impressive. but she was not the only one here, James was not even forcing on clear the dungeon, just swallowing the flames of the boss monster and the other monster while leaving the weaker ones to Hana to train,

this way, James was growing at high speed, he could have cleared the dungeon hours ago, but he wanted to maximize his growth before doing so.

'See looks like a war god... well, her delicate appearance destroys the image.' Sora thought with a shake of his head. Sora sat down and went on to create a true clone which left Evelyn to go clear a few High-Rank dungeons, the goal behind the true clone was to of course go berserk,

And a few days later, Sora and James left the dungeon, leaving Hana behind to slaughter every monster within the dungeon, with a clone formed by Sora to stay back and make sure everything was alright.

"... why are you coming?" Sora asked calmly while looking at Emilia, shouldn't she be looking for smart people to join her?

"I'm the best person to keep you safe, although my power is limited against them, it would still be gratefully useful... plus, I want to see the plan you laid out," Emilia said with a smile, Sora plan was something she didn't see coming.

he laid everything out for him to become emperor, while at the same time a way for him to win the hearts of the top talents within the other races. Sora was not 10 steps ahead, he was hundreds of steps ahead of everyone. But she was sure there was more to this plan, so she couldn't wait, she had to see it for herself.

'The hell is on about?' Sora thought while ignoring her, he had no idea what she was on about. his plan was simple, lie his way to the top. manipulate and use others to his benefit, be it gaslighting, playing the victim, or whatever, Sora had nothing to worry about... only robots which had no feelings were troublesome