
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


"I will be honest with you... your talent isn't enough for you to keep up with me." Sora said stunning Evelyn who was sitting opposite him in the flying car. she couldn't believe Sora just said that,

"don't be sad, I want to fix that... I want to give you something that would allow you to keep up with me." Sora said with a smile, making Evelyn who was about to lash out freeze slightly, why would she not lash out in rage? who just outright say someone was not talented enough, that's not adding all the promises Sora had made.

"what are you saying?" Evelyn asked with a frown, Sora sighed softly before he went on to explain, and slowly shock filled Evelyn's eyes at the information which was given to her.

"the path I want to give you is called the animal path, my sister here has the karma path," Sora said as he looked towards his sister who was sitting next to him. Emilia just nodded slightly at Evelyn, who just looked at her for some time.

"what do you say?" Sora asked with a smile, Evelyn hesitated for some time before nodding slightly. how could she even think of passing up on such an opportunity like this? Nodding slightly, Sora went on to cut himself, causing a huge gust of blood to burst out.

Evelyn was swallowed by the blood, and before their eyes, she began to go through rebirth. Sora watched her for some time before looking at Emilia.

"... I have gotten the hang of my power, and your level of wisdom is boundless," Emilia said with a sigh, confusing Sora. what did he do?

"Really? Go ahead and explain," Sora said with a smile, seemly as if he was testing Emilia. Emilia took a deep breath before she went on to explain everything she found out so far.

"You are the one who secretly had the emperor move to seek you out, this whole time you have been controlling things from the shadows. but you kept yourself hidden well, I can only put two and two together because of the hints you dropped. You knew ahead of time what would happen and controlled things perfectly, now you have a clear path to being emperor with the emperor himself supporting you in secret," Emilia said with a smile,

"Good, just as I expected," Sora said not knowing what hints he drops, but whatever. Emilia smiled slightly, she wondered one day if she could reach this brother of hers level of intelligence.

"... but I have one question... Never Mind." Emilia said with a shake of her head. Sora looked at her in confusion but didn't ask anything.

the question she had was simple, who were freaks? from what Sora told her, there should be 2 humans and 2 from the other races. if Sora was the one who had the blessing of the God of Life and Death, who were the others?

could it be James? but Sora told her that James' sister had an even more powerful physique than James. So it was between James and his sister, that would bring 3 freaks unless one of them is not from this planet.

Sora had the power of life and death, he was blessed by the God Of Life and Death, so who was the other human? She was sure Sora knew the answer so she had to find this out, she wanted to pick James's sister. but James could turn feelings into power, which was never heard of.

She could see hints of a person's fate, and she found she couldn't see James, Sora, and James's sister's future. Sure she hasn't seen James' sister, but through the karma which was formed between James and Sora, and her Karma with Sora, Emilia was connected with James through said Karma.

because of this, Emilia and James' sister were connected, though she could look into James' sister even if they haven't meant. all of their fate was covered in a fog, making it so she couldn't find out which was the second freak and which wasn't.

'Could Sora have made a mistake and there were 5 instead of 4?' Emilia frowned not knowing what was going on with this whole thing.

'what is she thinking so deeply about... Did I make a mistake?' Sora thought while frowning deep down, not knowing what was going on within this woman's head. anyways, a few minutes later, Evelyn had finished going through her rebirth and was slowly waking up.

Sora looked at Evelyn who was currently naked. Sora had to hold his birth for a moment, Evelyn was a stunning beauty. with her long blonde hair and stunning figure, she was like an animal goddess.

the first thing Evelyn did was check her body, and shock instantly filled her upon seeing her current strength. but compared to others, her strength was nothing that huge, what was shocking was her physique which seemed to have evolved, she felt like she could tame every living thing in the universe and have them follow her.

The animal path could tame everything, turning anything living and none living into a loyal follower. of course the stronger the sad thing is, the harder it would be for Evelyn, Evelyn also felt she had new abilities, she felt like she could draw power from what she had under her control, increasing her strength to a limited degree.

"what do you think... Animal empress?" Sora asked with a smile, Evelyn looked at herself for some time before looking at Sora and bowing deeply. She didn't expect the gains to be this whole, how was she to repay Sora?

"there is no need to thank me... get dressed, we are near," Sora said with a smile, stunning Evelyn who realized she was naked. she quickly pulled out clothing from her storage ring and got dressed. she through a look at Sora, but realized he was not bothered with seeing her naked, she couldn't help but be slightly disappointed, and that was even more so when she remembered how long he was with Cai Yi last night. was she not his type?

Soon the flying vehicle came to stop, Sora only brought Evelyn and Emilia with him, the car was on autopilot. the doors opened on their own, and they stepped out to find themselves at the Dumpster Zone. Evelyn was confused as to why they were there, but she quickly remembered James belonged there.

"he is over there," Emilia said softly before she floated slightly into the air and lead the way, she didn't want to get dirty. Sora and Evelyn followed, floating, who knew what sickness they could get from here?

those below seeing them flying avoided them, only the truly strong one was capable of flying, there were two ways for cultivators to fly. the first was through telekinesis, and the second was reaching the Body transformation realm.

Body Cultivators can't fly, they can only use items or techniques to gain the said effect of flight. Sora and the others soon arrived before a cave built into the trash, there was a marking caved into the area, runes that block out other senses from knowing what was happening within.

Runes were a unique power that humans still don't completely understand, runes used the power of knowledge to show their power. so person cultivation wasn't a huge factor, the runes seemed to use an unknown power of the universe which allowed it to act and show huge power. the runes yet up here were set by an expert, but who could have set them up?

"James set these up," Emilia said stunning Sora slightly, how could James Rune understand being so far ahead of the current area?

slowly a shadow came from within the cave, as it neared Sora saw it was James who froze slightly upon seeing who was outside the wave. James was stunned for some time not knowing what to say for a moment before sighing,

"you're more skilled than I expected within the way of runes... I guess your sister is in the cave right? I can fix her up and take you two away. we are running out of time," Sora said calmly before stepping into the cave, James hesitated for a moment before removing the power of the runes, allowing Sora to enter. they entered and saw that within the cave, there was a room built, with runes giving off light.

in the middle of the room was a bed that had a red-haired woman sleeping, but her face was weak and her aura was weak. She gave off the feeling of a dying flame, holding on, but the heavy wind was trying to blow her out.

"... how were you going to use the Golden Sun Flower to save her?" Sora asked calmly stunning James, how did Sora know?

"It's a simple guess, why else would you fight like that? She seems to have a physique, it should be what's killing her. it wants to awaken, but she doesn't have enough energy, thereby it's sucking her dry, slowly killing her." Sora asked calmly, making James sigh softly before he slowly went on to explain.

"I was going to create the Sun Invigorating Pill. it would have given her enough energy for her physique while healing up the damage caused by her physique." James said while looking at Sora deeply, how did Sora see all that with just a look?

"easy work," Sora said while holding out a palm, life force energy exploded from his palm, entering the red-haired woman's body. her pale and weak body disappeared slowly, and slowly a new aura was being birthed.

"As I guessed, It was the Undying War Deity Physique," Sora said with a smile, as he sensed the bloodthirsty Aura. it was an aura that could be found on the battlefield, it was an aura that could make others also enter a bloodthirsty state.

Slowly, the woman opened her eyes, revealing her blood-red pupils. She gave off the aura of a warrior who has been on the battlefield for countless years, but that aura slowly began to disappear, replaced by a confused and innocent look.

"Sister!" James said in joy, it would have been months before he could make the pill, and even then making that pill would have been something extremely hard to make. there was a chance of failure.

James hugged her deeply, and after a moment of confusion, the woman realized the person hugging her was her little brother.

"James... you have. I almost couldn't recognize you." She said with a warm smile, the last she saw James he was about 8 years old, but where he was 11 years later. Sora turned and left, leaving the two to themselves, the woman noticed Sora but didn't say anything, she would wait for James to explain everything.

'she could rival me in talent.' Sora thought while rubbing his chin, by the talent he didn't mean combat strength. but her other talent could one day match his own,

Sora arrived before Emilia and Evelyn who were waiting, and with them, they waited for the two to come out. it took a few minutes, but they soon came out.

"Thank you for saving me," Hana said softly as she bowed before Sora, before hitting James slightly as he refused to bow. but Sora waved it off with a smile,

"I came to get you two and put you under my wins, your physique is powerful, if you don't mind I will like to train you so you can bring out the full power of that physique," Sora said with a smile, Hana was stunned for a moment but she agreed in the end, why would she pass on his opportunity.

So, after some more small talk, they went to the car where they went on to head back to Sora kingdom.

"What did you mean by you running out of time?" James asked while avoiding looking at Evelyn and Emilia, two top-class beauties who could make anyone's mouth hit the ground,

"... this planet is about to go to war with another one," Sora said calmly before going on to explain everything to them, leaving the 2 stunned at what was befalling this world. they also found out the truth about the tournament which was nothing shock to James,

James looked at his sister and back at Sora, he just got his sister back, and he was unwilling to let her leave him again.

'these two have the same aura about them... but I can't put a finger on it.' Sora thought while in deep thought about this whole matter, he looked at Hana, but the moment they made eye contact, Hana looked away. something which confused Sora, she was avoiding any form of eye contact, which left him slightly confused.

Hana was a 10 out of 10 beauty. her long scarlet red hair, and her perfect figure. even with her trashy clothing which barely fit her, she still looked beautiful.

But Sora looked away as he felt Evelyn's eyes on him, they were going to be married and Sora was already eyeing other women. She was of course jealous. She still felt uneasy with how Sora did not react to what happened when she was naked, it made her feel some type of way.