
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Fate Defying strategy

"Well, that was unexpected... it seems the VR world couldn't take the heat." a middle-aged man stepped forward to ease everything. With a few more words, everything was calmed down but now there was the matter of how they are going to find the first place holder,

"Sora would take first place, James will take first place. although he should be eliminated for breaking the rules, it shall be overlooked due to the matter behind it." the hologram of the emperor appeared in the sky, making James who had calmed down from experiencing Sora's aura depressed.

there was a rule about breaking the equipment or trying to attack the main body of course within the tournament, there was also the fact that violence was a huge No at the moment, plus everyone can see he was forced backward by Sora's aura.

well, after a few minutes, Sora stood on filler which had first place written on it. to the high right was a smaller pillar where James stood taking second place, and to his left, Seth who had taken 3rd place stood.

the crowd was cheering out loud, and a beautiful woman stepped forward to reward them, while at the same time giving them an invite to appear before the emperor first thing tomorrow morning.

it took some time, but once everything was over, Sora returned to his room. falling back in a seat, he sighed in deep annoyance. this event was a must for him, he needed to spread his name out there before he took the throne. and second, he was curious about the VR world, but he ended up seeing this whole event as annoying.

'The death book only does things based on my strength measurement, energy control has nothing to do with this. in another world, I can at most curse those with a strength measurement of 200,000. although using the lifespan would allow me to curse the emperor, I don't want bad karma. he isn't a bad emperor and has more good karma than me. I just gained enough karma to be considered slightly lucky.' Sora thought in annoyance before looking towards Emilia's room.

'When would she cheer up, I kind of need her.' Sora thought before getting up and going to her door and knocking on the door slightly.

"Sis, I won... I was wondering if you want to go out and celebrate with me." Sora called out softly,

{Host, you do know your acting skills are a bit too much... if the guilt is too much who knows if she wouldn't just take her life.} the system said making Sora freeze slightly. indeed, his acting skills were perfect, he could play any role he wants. he was an expert at gaslighting others, an expert at playing the victim, and an expert at making the person in the right feel as if he was in the wrong.

Just look what he did to his sister, she has been locked away and avoiding him for so long, but Sora honestly didn't know what was going through her head. if the guilt was so big, why was she avoiding him weather than speaking to him?

"... I'm sorry. I guess I was a bit too pushy, I have been thinking of myself but never of your feelings. I'm pretty much trying to control you. you deserve to be free, I will stay out of your hair." Sora said in a soft voice after some time of Emilia not saying anything, he turned and walked away with slow and sad steps,

but Emilia's door suddenly burst open, as Emilia came out and moved to block Sora. She tried looking Sora in the eyes, but the shame of it all forced her to look back down.

"You did nothing wrong... your my little brother, all your life I ignore your suffering and treated you like you didn't exist. you only love you could find was sleeping with women, even if they were simply trying to use you." Emilia said as she slowly began crying,

"Even now I ignore your cries for love... it's just that I'm not worthy, you deserve better. I don't want you to settle for me and ignore everything I did. You can start your own family, I'm sure you would find someone who would treat you much better than I could ever treat you." Emilia said as her nose slowly began running,

"I'm scared of starting my own family, If I were to be anything like my parents, would I not become something I hate most? You're the only thing in the universe I'm willing to see as my family." Sora said softly as he stepped forward and cleaned her face with a tissue

"It's fun... I say nothing doesn't matter, yet at the end deep down... I want to feel loved by my family." Sora said with a sad smile, making Emilia cry even more. She hated herself, every time she thinks of how she almost killed Sora, a part of her died inside.

"... I will stay by your side. at least to help you find someone special." Emilia said softly, she couldn't allow her little brother to travel out there with such a mindset. who knows, one day Sora might fall in love with someone who would treat him badly, but he wouldn't care because of some stupid reason.

"As long as you're with me, it's all worth it," Sora said as she gave her a deep hug, Emilia who just stopped herself from crying suddenly froze. this was the first time anyone has ever hugged her. being a princess, such things as hugs were of course something extremely rare, she, of course, couldn't go around hugging anyone she sees.

'... it's so warm.' She thought as she slowly hugged Sora back, deep down, she promised herself to always give Sora the love he should have gotten growing up.

'thank god she opened the door. I don't want to use that move out of fear she wouldn't open the door.' Sora thought while skiing deeply, he wanted to break the huge, but Emilia was hugging tightly onto him as if never wanting to let him go.

It took some time, but after a few minutes, Emilia let go, Sora smiled slightly while looking at her, but Emilia just looked away, unable to look Sora in the eyes.

"Sis, I want you to travel alongside me... but to do that, you need power. which I can give you." Sora said while holding her shoulder, Emilia was confused as to what Sora was saying, so Sora went on to explain what he did to Yalan and the others.

"I got a unique position which would be perfect for you, it's.." Sora was suddenly cut off by Emilia who stood a step backward.

"no, stop being so nice to me. I almost killed you for goodness sake, I can't take such a huge gift." Emilia said today she went through the most emotions in her lifetime, she would do anything for Sora, but she didn't find herself worthy enough to take Sora's position,

"... ok, what if I kill you? will you accept this and we can put that whole event behind us?" Sora asked stunning Emilia, how was Sora going to kill her? but after some thought, she just nodded, she didn't ask questions out of fear of the answers. but if Sora wanted to kill her, she has it coming.

"Good," Sora said as he went on to cut his arm, and with that cut, blood exploded from his arm shocking Emilia who wanted to rush forward. but before she could do anything, the bloodshot towards her, and swallowed her.

Emilia struggled for a moment, but her body instantly began shaking as it began breaking down, she screamed in pain, but none of her screams could be heard. Sora watched this happen for a moment, before stepping forward to mark her with the Death God Soul Mark, after which, he waited.

Soon, Emilia's body and clothing had completely disappeared, but slowly, the blood began to reform back into her body. In no time, Sora was looking at Emilia who was laying on the ground completely naked.

Slowly, Emilia began to move. she opened her eyes and looked around for a moment, and froze upon seeing Sora.

"Well, you died and have been reborn. check your body." Sora said with a smile, and Emilia although confused did a quick search of herself and instantly froze upon feeling her strength... it was too much power, her body, Qi, and Soul cultivation had gotten such a huge boost in power it made her wonder if she was dreaming or not.

"We are even, I killed you and you killed me. so let's put all of this aside." Sora said softly, making Emilia look at him with a complicated look, how the fuck were they even. All that happened to her was the process of gaining this power, this only increased the guilt she felt toward it all. but in the end, she had to force a smile and act as if she put it to the side.

"You gained the position known as Karma. Karma fits perfectly with you, force your energy to your eyes and you would find that everything is connected through some strings. those small strings are known as karma threads, it's up to you to come up with ways to use them. you can use them to attack the enemy's allies, look into a person's secrets, and so on." Sora said with a smile, stunning Emilia for some time.

"the position I will give you is the... Fate Defying strategy. You have his potential within this field." Sora said with a smile, Sora could yet control karma, in a way the 14 positions are for those who shall help Sora understand his power, through them Sora could get more understanding of his power

"But you are far more intelligent than me," Emilia said softly, to which Sora shook his head slightly,

"you're far more talented than me within this field. you will one day reach a point where you can outsmart me... you're my sister after all." Sora said with a gentle smile, Emilia forced smile, in her eyes, Sora was many levels above her. but she couldn't disappoint him

well with that done, Emilia went to her room to get dressed and understand her newfound power, meanwhile, Sora went on to go and look at the rewards he got from coming in the first place, amongst the rewards were many void-grade spirit stones, many void grade treasures, many void grade herbs,

Sora looked at them all before he smiled slightly, for the past week he had many clones to go out there and clear many gold-rank dungeons, trying to clear enough and collect enough Soul for him to breakthrough,

but even so, Sora's soul cultivation remains at the same level. because of this, Sora realized that the amount of energy he would need per breakthrough suddenly skyrocketed, and he could guess why.

He is too talented, he already knows the amount of energy he needs to break through, he would around the same amount of energy a level 8 void realm cultivator needs to break through to the level 9 void realm. that was of course a lot of energy, and Sora would need a said amount of energy for each cultivation system.

Sora also had a feeling that the amount of not raise steadily, of course, this didn't bother him much. If Sora wanted, he could have been at level 10 gold rank by now, but he has allowed his clone to just get so powerful, that even without a breakthrough, Sora was one of the strongest being in the star system, with a peak strength of 6.3 million, Sora was strong

to put his level of power to show, Sora was strong enough to destroy the moon. Earth's Moon can be destroyed 10 times over without trouble, but of course, this planet's moons were much harder to destroy.

Anyways, Sora, since he was now out of the dungeon, was planning on entering the dungeon as soon as Total arrives. once he speaks with the emperor, he and his followers shall spend the next upcoming few days training hard,

Sora wanted to conquer this star system and await the star system which would be arriving here not too long after. Sora also hope he could find more people to join him, the most important thing was mindset, personality,

Sora's eyes narrowed suddenly as he felt someone outside, only He and Emilia was there. The others were off cultivating and trying to become strong as fast as they could, plus the person outside was hiding his aura as if he was here to try and steal something.

'it seems like he wanted something from the first place so badly, I didn't see him as the type to act like this.' Sora thought while sensing James lifeforce, he looked through the ring, curious as to what he wanted,