
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Far From Home

The technique the undead used to shatter space was not all that impressive. It couldn't even be counted as a technique, it should be counted as a technique all experts who have reached the speed of light should learn to use.

It's like how one might move so fast not allow air the chance to move out of the way, shattering some barriers. reaching the speed of light allows one to do something similar, but to do so one needs to learn how to control their speed and Qi in a way that space in front of them doesn't move, and isn't even a chance to move, leading to space shattering like glass

Once this happens, one would see the void. not the void of space, but the void outside of space. the hole in space would disappear after a few breaths, but the hole on the other hand would lead to another point in space.

as for where it's random. it could be 1 light year away, 10, to even 1,000 light years away. if one strength and skills with space are high, then one could control where the endpoint of the hole would lead, it would be like opening a door to another place in the universe. but with it being random, you're leaving your life up to fate, anything could happen.

you could appear next to a sun, near a powerful enemy, and so on. but Sora was not worried at all about this, once the undead entered from the hole with them, they found themselves losing all senses of space and time. they felt sick as if they could throw up all of their organs the next moment.

but that feeling lasted a heartbeat, the next moment, they found themselves flying out of the hole and appearing in an unknown space.

Sora went on to sit in the head seat of the ship, took a deep breath, and slowly regained his missing energy. This was the closest he has ever been to losing his life, but he was not that worried. once he summoned the undead from hell, he quickly wrote the undead name down in the Death Book, and had it appear somewhere with a good opportunity and was safe, so there was a huge chance this place they were at was near a good opportunity.

"Bad news! we are over 5,000 light-years from home," Yuki said in shock, leaving everyone on the ship frozen in shock.

"We can return home in the future, for now, find where we are at and the nearest star system to head to," Sora said calmly, to which Yuki nodded moments later, the ship power was on and they flew towards a star system that was not far away, the undead which brought them had shrunk and had entered the ship. every minute that passed, took 100,000 years worth of Sora's lifespan,

they took some time to arrive there a few months for them, but once they arrived they were shocked to see the star system up close. this star system had 2 suns and a total of 36 planets, but some planets looked man-made... at least that's the feeling Sora got off them.

They didn't enter the star system instead Yuki tried to connect to the star system tech to get some information. although the tech was light years ahead of theirs, she was able to hack those low-grade techs and get some information after a few days.

This star system is called the 2 Solar Fist Kingdom, under the rule of the Solar Fist emperor, this star system land calmly into space within 100 light-years around them, which meant that the many star systems within this range were there.

of course, travel between star systems was nothing huge, it happened at least weekly. so Yuki had the ship fly towards a planet and went on to land on a cloud which had a work there to check them.

instantly, they noticed the disdainful look in the eyes of the worker, how could he not see just how low-grade their ship was? Not in the mood to deal with him, he had Emilia handle this.

"I will too hold between his karma with the outside world the moment he enters the ship, Evelyn tame him," Emilia said while looking at the screen which held much information about the planet, the language being the main thing,

The ship door opened and a young man with short air, and many ears piercing entered the ship. this planet had a unique sense of beauty, they saw piercing as a sign of beauty, and the bigger they were the greater their beauty would stand out.

The young man went on to hold up a strange device to his mouth, but just as he was about to speak, he froze as he felt something off. he felt like he was disconnected from the outside world like he was all alone with nothing to hold onto.

this feeling made him uneasy, and before he could do anything, he felt his mind being slammed by a huge impact. looking up, he saw Evelyn looking at him with a slight smile. she had entered her most powerful state, with her wings out.

he fell to his knees while holding his head, the image of Evelyn slowly twisting, turning into a stunning goddess who he didn't dare to go against. Evelyn seeing this had a look of shock, which made the young man's world shatter, with Evelyn being the only thing standing in this dark and hopeless world.

"To think they have a level 3 Void realm expert working such a job... his mind is also protected with some technique, it was harder than expected. to think my smile wasn't enough." Evelyn said before noticing Emilia was slowly bleeding from her nose, she too was in her strongest state, but it was blocking the strings of karma connected to this young man was harder than expected.

"He has many connections, his bosses boss boss's, is someone who as the Stellar realm, with at least 100 stars formed," Emilia said weakly, making Sora frown deeply while holding his palm out, a strong wave of lifeforce entered her, healing her back up to the peak.

"what's the highest level of cultivation you could find in this star system?" Sora asked while looking towards Yuki, who had an uneasy look while looking at her screen.

"The Stellar realm is split into 4 parts, low, mid, high, and peak," Yuki said before she went on to explain everything they needed to know about the Steller realm.

Low Stellar was split into 4 parts. Small Sun, Medium Sun, Large Sun, Gaint Sun. remember that one star is equal to a power level of 1 billion

small Sun- PL of 1 star=

Medium Sun- PL of 5 stars = 5 billion

Large Sun- PL of 25 stars = 25 billion

Giant Sun- PL of 100 stars = 100 billion

Bove this was mid-Stellar, it's at this realm where one begins forming more than one sun, making 1 sun would double your strength, and so on.

Mid-Stellar 2 to 100 suns- PL of 200 to 10,000 stars

HIgh-Stellar 101 to 1,000 suns- PL of 10,001 to 100,000 stars

Peak-Stellar 1,001 to 10,000- Pl of 100,001 to 1,000,000 star

the more stars one form, the harder it is to form the next star, so it's normal for a person with over 1,000 stars to struggle just making 1 star in 100 years.

This star system was ruled by the Star Star emperor, a powerful expert who was at mid-Stellar, had formed 99 Suns and was last measured to have a power level of 750,000 stars, a scary level of power, which reached the realm above that of the Stellar realm.

Sora and everyone went quiet at this news before their eyes slowly landed on the young man who was just tamed. it was time to get some information out of him, and have him help them out within this new era of the galaxy they found themselves in...

The tamed young man was called Nick Gurrs, he was nothing special on this planet. Reaching the 5th stage of cultivation was nothing special, only the planetary realm or Stellar realm cultivator was seen with some importance.

He went on to have them pass without any problem, before having them fly their ship to a place where he would come see them once he was off work. Robots couldn't do this job as robots had the risk of getting hacked, so for the most safety, a human had to do such a job.

He only worked for 500 hours before he was off, luckily for them, he had worked 380 hours already, so they simply had to wait 120 hours before h was off and able to show them around the planet and tell them everything they needed to know about this star system, and it was a lot.

the star system power system was complex, about 10 of the planet within this star system were man-made, and they belonged to organizations known as Sects. these sects gather cultivators from all over the star system and other star systems to join their sects.

once they join the sect, the sect would help them grow and cultivate, the sect's disciples, on the other hand, would be sent out on missions around the star systems, getting paid for their work but the sect would collect most of their pay.

the Sect takes you in, raises you, and in return you bring in the sect income. Of course, the sect had many dungeons, but other forms of income were needed. plus, other planets might need help clearing a dungeon, so they could seek help through the sect. this was a way for the sect to spread its name and reputation while spreading their influence

On this planet, one needed an organization backing them. if not, then one would have a hard time reaching beyond the planetary realm. the star system also had many rules, such as speaking ill of the emperor, and many others,

depending on what planet you are on, you also had other laws you had to follow, and even more, depending on which part of the planet you're in. This was a lot of things to keep track of, but cultivators had strong minds and good memory so they could easily keep track of such information.

While within a ship many light years away, a young man had a slight frown while looking at the screen which showed Sora and the others. He fell into deep thought, for some time before looking toward Sora's mother who was eyeing the screen with a shocked look, she was chained to the seat as she had tried to leave the ship to go help Sora and the others, but he didn't allow it. So after a short battle, she ended up giving him an opening to defeat her and seal her up.

the era Sora happened to pop up to is rumored to be near where a powerful inheritance of an expert who had reached the Galatic level would be showing up. many people from all over the galaxy and some from other galaxies would be coming over to see if they could get their hands on the inheritance.

What was a Galatic level expert? Someone who had reached a level where all of their suns come together to form a galaxy. such an expert had not appeared within this part of the universe for many years, and the doors to reach that realm were opening up.

It's said that when these inheritances appear, the end of the galaxy would be around the corner. the galaxy was huge, and it held more than one space. every galaxy had its cycle of reincarnation and much other stuff needed for the growth of a star system.

if their galaxy was destroyed, the karma which held them to this galaxy would link them with this galaxy, meaning if the galaxy dies, everyone born from this galaxy shall follow it.

"My son he would get the inheritance, who is more talented than him? He is most like a super prodigy." She said pridefully, only to be coldly glared at by the young man. her eyes widened for a moment, realizing she missed speaking, luckily no one heard her as there was a barrier shielding their words.

but it would be foolish to let your guard down, the sky, air, and shadows, all had ears and are always listening. So, mostly someone heard what she just said, hopefully, they were not forced in on them...

'his eyes...' the young man thought while in deep thought, there was something off about Sora's eyes. They felt disconnected from the rest of the body, but he couldn't say for sure why he felt this way.

He went on to an image of Sora who was showing all types of emotions pop up to the right side and an image of Sora who is showing emotions made him feel off. so, he watched, and watched, until he noticed it.

'His eyes lack care, interest, worry, or anything. No love, no joy, he has no emotions about anything... it's all an act, this chance seemed to have happened when he died.' He thought while looking at the image before Sora's death, and the image of a few days after Sora's death.

'Did someone take over his body? No, the signs of taking over the body are not shown with him. It's more like he awakened some power... The power of life and death? was Death the requirement for such power? did the power kill his interest, or did the fact he died through poison causes a chain reaction? he didn't die, but deep down the ability to care to die?' He thought while searching for more stuff to do with Sora

'... what a scary kid. did he plan for his mother's return? putting on an act to guilt his mother, if she were to return she would have spoiled the hell out of him, instantly making him a powerful expert.' He thought with narrowed eyes as he saw more and more information about Sora, this time through new eyes, slowly his understanding of Sora reached a new level.

'He has a unique mindset, why care about anything if nothing matters? With how huge the universe is, what's the point of even caring? Did this realization just make him not care anymore about his suffering? Instead, he wants to reach the peak, then it would matter... I have no words for such a mindset. did the year's worth of torture from everyone around him do this to him?' He thought as he looked at Sora with pity before killing intent slowly filled his eyes.

Such a person shouldn't be allowed to live, Sora was someone who cared about things and only saw benefits. He knew how to use the public eye, seek talented people and make them loyal to him, and put everything aside for the sake of a brighter future, on top of all that, he lacks any form of care.

He could do anything and everything without a care for his actions, who knows he might care if he slaughter a good amount of the universe, at least he would have done something that mattered. with the sole goal to make his existence matter, everyone and everything around him didn't matter.

He could kill you, torture, rape you, and make your life a living hell, but maybe in his eyes this would give his life meaning as in the end, you're a stepping stone to having his life matter.

But he couldn't kill Sora... his wife wouldn't stand for it. he didn't travel all these light years to kill Sora and his father. He understood what happened to his life, she lost her memories after a hash battle and was lost through a space crack.

she happened to appear on that planet and was saved, she didn't hide anything from him and told him everything that happened. but refused to give him any information or even a hint as to where she was at.

Was he angry that someone found his wife and took her as their own, of course, he wanted nothing more than to make their life a living hell. but he loved his wife and understood what happened, so he remained quiet and wanted to see things through before making a choice.

They both had to die, if Sora's mindset was different, he could have taken him in as his stepson, but such a person needed to die. As for Sora's father? he shall suffer the worst possible torture before being put to death.

His wife was never locked away, she locked herself away out of guilt. in her eyes, she cheated on him, although in his eyes it was not her who at the time. but what happened still happened, and she couldn't forgive herself for that.

"..." Killing intent filled the ship as their eyes met, the only time his fight fought him was because of Sora. he could understand why, she might just be the main reason why he is like this.

"I will not kill him... if I have other choices." He said calmly, they were evenly matched in strength, some ways she was even stronger than him. but she was still injured from that last battle, so she couldn't show her full strength. but this was the woman he loved, and he was unwilling to harm her.

So, instead of jumping straight to killing, he should first find a way to have Sora's eyes regain life. if not... with Sora's talent, the universe would be in danger