
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Elsa trouble

"Let's cut to the point, I spent 2 days getting here. I honestly don't have time to waste." Sora said calmly while standing before a throne that the dark moon kingdom king sat on while looking down upon him. Around Sora, many guards stood, all looking at him weekly daring him to do something.

they just arrived at the Dark Moon Kingdom just a few minutes ago, Sora was pretty much forced to enter the throne room while Yalan and the others stayed out. the only reason Yalan didn't stay headstrong with the thought of staying by Sora's side was that Sora ordered her to look after his sister and Cai Yi.

"then get to the point." The king said with a sneer, the only reason he was bothering to even meet with this brat was that he was curious as to why Sora so easily agreed to leave his party, and why he was so calm.

"I already defeated my father and threw him away, your kingdom and my kingdom have some troubles which would get troublesome if I don't take care of them," Sora said calmly while pulling out a cigarette, along with a lighter which he used to light up the cigarette

"What?" The king almost laughed at Sora's words, of course, he wouldn't believe Sora's words, seeing this Sora sighed softly. after releasing a puff of smoke into the air, time suddenly seemed to have come to a stop.

The king and everyone suddenly felt as if they were in danger, their instincts yelling at them to run, but before they could tell where that feeling was something from, Sora stepped forced, and with that step, horror swallowed everyone. they grew panicky, they wanted to run, they wanted to do anything if it meant getting as far away from this place as possible.

"Will you kneel?" Sora asked calmly as the Aura of Death Grew, reaching such a level that the whole floating island which he was on felt it, everyone grew fearful, even Yalan and the others who were just outside the castle felt the aura,

"p-please, don't come closer. I kneel." The king yelled in horror, never in his life had he felt such horror, anything was better than this. but Sora didn't stop walking, as he got closer to the king, the panic the king felt was enough to make him just want to kill himself to run away from Sora.

"Is that who you kneel?" Sora asked calmly, the king's eyes shrank in horror before he dropped to his knees, his body shaking like a vibrator. Sora couldn't help but wonder what would happen if a woman sat on this guy...

"I like reasonable people," Sora said with a smile as the aura he was giving off slowly disappeared, leaving the king to remain there, kneeling. Sora ignored him and went on to sit on the throne, resting his legs on the king's back,

"This kingdom shall be absorbed into my kingdom, of course, you can gather your clans and run, but when I find you... who knows what I will do." Sora said softly, making everyone shake in fear, although the aura was gone, fear towards others didn't just disappear... no they were not fearful of Sora, they were horrified of Sora.

"My Dark flower clan submits." a woman took the lead and fell to her knees, with her actions, the others followed making Sora nod slightly in approval. but with the fun out of the way, it was time for the boring stuff, he had to put his skills to the test and see how he could manage the two kingdoms, kingdoms which have been at war against each other for thousands of years.

So, for the next 3 days, Sora spent his time getting to know the culture of this kingdom, their laws, and much other stuff. each kingdom has its own culture, a stereotype for the Dark Moon kingdom would be that they kill their children.

long ago, they used to kill newborn babies when they were talentless, only allowing talented children to be born. of course, such a thing died out, but still, some people all over the world avoid marrying those from this kingdom.

they of course had new stereotypes, such as the most talented people are from the Dark Moon Kingdom. well, that was because they killed off most of the untalented people. it was like back on earth how America had smart Asians come into their county, leading to the Stereotypes that Asians were smart to grow

Of course, Sora did not have an intreast in managing the kingdoms, this is where Emilia came to play. with still the mindset that Sora was testing her, she gave off her opinion on what to do, while Sora used his lifespan as a sacrifice to give her small hints on what she could do better,

This led Emilia to think Sora was just some all-knowing being, easily able to give the best answer to everything she was not sure of. This only made her guilt grow, to think someone so smart was willing to ignore everything, just because he wants a sister by his side. but she forced such feelings down,

anyways, on their 3rd day, Sora went for walk to visit some cities within the Dark Moon Kingdom, unlike his kingdom, the Dark Moon Kingdom had its unique way for build houses, it was pretty much like on earth, on part of the world built building their way, and the others build things their way.

unlike his kingdom, the sky was land for those with the high position, unless you were the mayor of the city, was of nobility, was royalty, or something else, the sky was not for you, unlike his kingdom where money could allow anyone to live in the sky

Sora of course was not randomly walking around, most people within the kingdom have already known that he was in the kingdom, and were currently watching him. everywhere Sora went news reports would not be far, they were worse than bugs

"... Elsa is something wrong?" Erick asked with a slight frown while looking at Elsa who was looking at a huge screen that had Sora on it, shock filled her eyes, along with slight helplessness, she came all this way, yet Sora just happened to pop up.

"No... thank you all for bringing me up here, but I can't bother you all anymore," Elsa said with a slight bow, she couldn't have these people be pulled into her mess

"What is your connection with Sora?" Erick asked with a slight frown, Elsa froze for a moment which everyone noticed, it seemed like Elsa had some type of connection with Sora. and by the looks of it, it was not a good connection.

"Are you running from him?" Erick asked with a deep frown, if this woman was running away from someone like Sora, that would be troublesome,

"No, its compercated." Elsa said softly, making everyone's eyes widen slightly. did this woman come all this way to see Sora? No wonder she avoided all of Erick's attempts on her, someone has already won over her heart.

"... I see, but you can't leave so soon. let's have a small party." Erick said with a smile, Elsa hesitated for a moment, but she nodded slightly. she couldn't just leave her new friends and go on with her life,

So, the group planned for a battle. they went to a bar where the party shall be held, and once they arrived, Erick ordered a bunch of drinks and personally went on to open some for Elsa, which made Elsa almost cry...

meanwhile, Sora finished up on one part of the city, seeing that it was almost night, he went on to look at the dark side of the city he was currently at. the slums, he wanted to see how the criminals and gangs worked,

while looking around the slums, soon he sensed an aura that caught his attention, looking far away, he saw Elsa shrugging to fly in the sky. her face was flushed, and her eyes were watery. she was struggling to remain in the air to fly, but that was harder said than done,

behind her, a young man shot after her, he whipped the blood on the corner of his lips, and upon arriving before Elsa, he caught Elsa, before he shot down into the forest.

'The future is so easily changed.' Sora thought as he disappeared, he was alone at the moment, Yalan and the others were currently somewhere else within the city, not wanting to go to the slums.

"Erick, please stop." Elsa weakly as she tried to break out of Erick's arms, but it was pointless. Erick licked his lips slightly while looking at Elsa helplessly, such a look on such an adorable little thing, it only made him more lustful.

throwing her to the ground, he got on top of her and was about to remove her clothing, but after some thought, he stopped. with the drug he gave Elsa, and with how much she took, she would be wanting a man even if he does nothing.

Elsa's breath grew restless, she wanted to get away but her body was no longer listening to her, she looked at Erick for a moment, and slowly her hands played with her small breast while her other hand stretched the inch between her legs, but it wasn't enough.

"what's with that look? you need something?" Erick asked with a smile, while slowly removing his pants, he would have her crawl towards him.

"Sigh," A sigh sounded throughout the forest, causing Elsa's mind to clear for a moment. Erick also froze and the two looked around, trying to find where that sigh came from, and soon their eyes landed on Sora who was standing in the trees.

"Elsa, do you need help?" Sora asked seeing Elsa looking at him, Elsa's eyes widened for a moment upon seeing Elsa, but she took hold of this lifeline with the little strength she had, she nodded weakly at Sora's words, who went on to node back at her.

Sora disappeared, moving at such speed that none of them could follow, Erick was only at the second 3rd stage of cultivation, how could he hop to keep up with Sora? Sora tapped his neck, and the next moment, Erick fell to the ground, out cold.

"So, what happened with you?" Sora asked with a confused look while looking at Elsa, he could easily tell she was under the effect of an Aphrodisiac, but it seemed to be weak she foolishly allowed it to affect her leading to this.

"He drugged me... I can't hold, please help." Elsa said with tears fearing her eyes, it hurt her pride to ask the person she was running from to help her. but she had no other choice, her hands were not listening to her anymore and were currently playing with her small breast.

"I don't know too... drugs are not my specialty, I will go ask my guard for help," Sora said with a frown, before turning to leave, but Elsa suddenly shot and hugged him. Sora turned around in shock, but before he could do anything, Elsa kissed him.

Elsa couldn't control it anymore, so she pushed Sora to the ground. Sora tried his best to stop her, how could he an innocent soul allow such a thing to happen? but Elsa overpowered him and forced him to pin her under him and start kissing her all over.

Sora looked at her naked body, before looking at her small cute adorable beast, and showing them some love. Elsa moaned as Sora played with them, each touch bringing forth a boundless amount of pleasure, after an orgasm, Elsa looked deeply at Sora for a moment, before smiling.

But Elsa wanted more, Sora eyes widened as Elsa pinned him to the ground, Elsa lustfully looked at him while sitting on top of him, her love juice making Sora's pants wet, with a wave of her hands, Sora's pants exploded, revealing his dragon which made Elsa breathing grow.

Elsa sat down, causing the dragon to enter her. and so, the sound of skin slapping each other, and moans filled the forest, it went on for the whole night, only slowing down when the sun slowly came up.

Sora who had Elsa's legs over her shoulder, while pressing her against a tree came one last time inside Elsa, Elsa let out a soft moan before she fainted, unable to go any longer. Sora pulled his dragon, causing a bunch of wives to stop spilling from Elsa,

"Well, this went better than expected... to think such an adorable thing has such a wild side to her in bed," Sora said with a smile, before looking towards Erick, who had some liquid on him, but he was not the only thing which was not marked by love juice, the trees, plant, ground, and pretty much everyone was covered in it.

the amount of cum Sora released was overflowing, this was because he births life, and the quality and quantity of it were far more than that of normal humans.

'well, I should go and get her some rest... she lasted Yalan, I wonder what potion I should give her?' Sora thought before disappearing, and Qi covered them, making masking them from the outside world.