
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Death Knight

"cough, I don't have anything to give. I don't carry stuff on me. but you are free to stop by my empire." the beast race empress said softly, Sora just nodded slightly at her seemly not bothered much. of course the group would want to form a connection with one of the 4 most talented people within the galaxy, they are 60% sure that they were speaking to the god of life and death who else would know their names?

that was even more so for the beast race empresses, she had forgotten her name and many people didn't even know of it. those who knew most likely died,

"Sora, you are quite talented... I want to know. what is your dream?" The human emperor asked in a deep voice, stunning Sora for a moment. but Sora smiled as he answered

"well, all my life I was a cripple. I had many dreams like getting payback and such stuff... but now that I can, I have no interest in such stuff. My goal is something bigger and greater... I want to become the strongest person in the universe. a childish dream, that I know... I feel like this is what I was born for." Sora said seriously, stunning the 3 for a moment, they looked at each other for some time before smiling,

they could sense if a person was lying, and from their senses, Sora was telling the truth. Looking at the flame burning within Sora's eyes, they couldn't help but be moved. indeed, the chance for them to rule the universe was right before them...

After talking for some time, the human emperor took Sora back to his kingdom, but the kingdom was currently in chaos. its calls were destroyed, and many people were injured or killed, so for the time being the tournament came to an end, Sora on the other hand for the first time had to stabilize his cultivation, which he found stage.

it was like an unstable build, it forced him to take some time to get used to his current strength. but this was perfect as he could spend some time improving upon his technique and abilities, mastering them all.

within the capital of the kingdom, not many people were injured. of course, the barrier around the capital was powerful enough to withstand most of the impact from the blows, and with experts moving to block the shock waves, only a few injures could be found within the capital

as for other cities, some disappeared from the face of the planet as everyone was killed. Sora of course didn't care, but he had to act as if he cared. but that act only lasted a few seconds, before he took a deep breath and forced on his cultivation.

"Young master, why do you seem... off," Yalan asked with a deep frown while looking at Sora, ignoring how good-looking Sora had suddenly become, Sora gave off a unique aura as if he was some ruler of life and death. Sora smiled slightly while looking at Yalan for a moment,

"Yalan... I want you to remain by my side. what do you think of being reborn?" Sora asked confusing Yalan, but she instantly frowned as she took a step backward.

"My lord, I'm your knight," Yalan said seriously, making Sora roll his eyes slightly. she thought Sora was trying to make a move on her once again, which she was of course not going to accept.

"I know... I can pick 14 followers. they can be my elites, my guards, and or my knight. Do you want to be reborn as a knight?" Sora asked softly, making Yalan confused about what Sora meant. but Sora didn't explain and simply looked at her, waiting for her answer.

"My lord, for long as I live. I shall be your loyal trustful knight." She said seriously, Sora sighed for a moment before shaking his head.

"I asked if you were willing to be reborn. Yes, or NO, rebirth means you shall forever remain by my side, and your talent shall improve to keep up with me to some degree." Sora said calmly while releasing his aura, which made Yalan's pupils shank.

"as it stands, I'm stronger than you. that will always hold, but as it stands that gap would only enrage. I want you to be reborn to change that." Sora said as the aura disappeared as if it was never there. Yalan looked at Sora in shock,

"... this knight has failed the prince. I can't accept." She said with a shake of her head, with her talent how could she be worthy of such a thing, she believed she would be wasting such a position

"it makes no difference who I give this position to... so I look for people I can trust. Can I trust you?" Sora asked in a deep voice, Yalan froze for a moment before she slowly nodded.

"then I want you to follow me. tell me, what element you specialize in." Sora said calmly, there were 14 positions, and Sora had to give her the right one. Yalan was quiet for a moment before she answered

"My lord, I use a sword and shield," Yalan said softly, making Sora fall into deep thought before he spoke after some thought.

"Then I will give you the position of Death... from now on, become known as my Death Knight, with the sword in one hand, bring death upon those who stand in your way, and with the shield in the other hand, no life shall be taken," Sora said while holding out his palm, which he went on to cut,

A huge amount of blood exploded, stunning Yalan. but before she could do anything, she fainted, and the blood swallowed her. Sora went on to mark her with the Death God Soul Mark. With this mark, Sora felt Yalan's karma him strengthening to a great degree, it was so strong that Sora who had little understanding of karma could reach out, and kill Yalan with a thought.

So long as this karma between the two isn't broken, Yalan would be pretty much immortal if Sora lives. if by chance she does die, for example, her soul and body being destroyed, she can be reborn through Sora's blood. of course, this would cost Sora's lifespan. of course, this level of immortality can evolve and grow with Sora's immortality.

Sora's Death God Immortal Body gave him the ability to regenerate from having all biology completely incinerated. This includes being reduced to ash, dust, smoke, vapor, or plasma.

meanwhile, The Death God Immortal Soul allowed Sora to recover from a small piece of his soul, 99% of his soul can be destroyed, but given some time, Sora can recover as if nothing happened. of course, he would go through a period where he would have no memories and stuff. the time needed should be about 365 days, earth time measurement

Anyways, Sora went on to sit back and watch as Yalan's body was completely destroyed, not even her soul was left behind. but through the body, her body began to reform, releasing a powerful aura of death.

She didn't just gain the death god bloodline, she gained something more. She was now A Death Knight, Sora's knight. out of the 14 potions, the death position was the strongest out of them all,

Sora calmly watched as the aura of death swallowed everything, turning it all into ashes. Sora held out his palm, absorbing the aura so that no one could sense it. after some time, Yalan stopped giving off that aura and simply laid their butt naked. slowly she awakened, confusion filled her eyes before her eyes landed on Sora.

"Your talent should only be second to mine. tell me, how do you feel?" Sora asked calmly, closing his eyes to avoid such an enchanting figure. even before this rebirth, Yalan was up there with one of the most beautiful females Sora have seen, that only increased with this transformation

Yalan did feel off, she felt stronger than ever before. she didn't cultivate her soul, but she could feel her soul was suddenly power, which confused her. but when she looked down, she instantly covered up, but seeing not looking at her she calmed down slightly and checked her body.

her eyes widened when she felt her current strength. in total, her Qi Cultivation, Body cultivation, and Soul Cultivation suddenly reached level 5 of the 4th stage of cultivation, only 3 levels above Sora. all of them also had a strength measurement of 23,000 which made her stronger than Sora.

"h-how is this possible?" Yalan asked in shock, she didn't dare to believe such a level of power, there was even this strange knowledge in the back of her head. although she only had basic information about it, she could feel how powerful that basic understanding was. thats ignoring her bloodline, and how strangely heath she was

"You are now my Death knight, take time to master what you gained today, later I will teach you new things you can do with that bloodline you gained," Sora said calmly, Yalan slowly got up while covering her body, she was too stunned to speak. but in the end, she bowed deeply at Sora, such benefits... the only way she could think of repaying Sora was with her body. if Sora just asked right now, she would accept without a second thought.

Yalan turned and left, entering her room which was connected to Sora's room. after she left, Sora sighed softly while looking at his pants, if one looked closely, one would find something had grown, how could it now grow with him seeing such a beauty?

"Elsa," Sora said calmly, the fearful cry of someone sounded behind Sora, where the door was slightly cracked, and Elsa was looking in. seeing as she was caught, she fearfully entered the room and stood behind Sora.

"Are you loyal to me?" Sora asked calmly, stunning Elsa for a moment. she would be lying if she said that she didn't want such power, so with slight hesitation she opened her mouth to say yes.

"No." She said softly, but her eyes widened slightly, that was not what she wanted to say, she quickly opened her mouth to speak, but before she could Sora cut her off.

"then I will wait for you to become loyal... you should hurry, as anyone can take these positions, all I seek is loyalty." Sora said calmly before taking out the doll, and pulling out Yalan's hair, and throwing it back toward her.

"you are now free, you can stay or leave. either way, you are in control of your fate now." Sora said calmly before turning to look at Yalan who was slowly looking at the hair hitting the ground. the chains which held her for the past month disappeared, making her feel light,

she looked at the hair for some time, her mind racing on what she should do. should she run away? but where would she run off to? the clan which lied to her all her life? wonder the world? or stay here?

Sora secretly sighed while looking at Elsa, she was too adorable... what he would not do to pin that adorable thing under him and go to town, but he shook such thought away, she was not seeking some fun, but loyal followers who he could have fun with.

"I... want some time to make up my mind," Elsa said weakly with some fear that Sora would get angry with her. a part of her thought this was a test from Sora, so she was thinking of secretly running away. She wanted to be free and have some control of her life, all her life she was feed lies and brainwashed, and she wanted to live

"do what you want... if you plan on running away, here are some spirit stones to use to buy stuff," Sora said while getting up and throwing her a spirit stone, and simply leaving. Yalan was frozen in shock for some time, not knowing what to say.

she turned to look toward Sora, but Sora had disappeared leaving her standing there. after some thought, she headed to her room after taking her hair off the ground, she waited until it was night and slowly left her room. yes, she was grateful to Sora, but she was more scared of him. she wanted to be free after all.

so she left and ran far away, heading toward where she once lived as a kid, that was the only place she could think of. it took some time, but she found the location of it and went to see her father. although she had no good memories of him, and fact he sell her off, she wanted to know what he has been up to all these years.

meanwhile, Sora watched her leave, before shaking his head. what a pain in the ass this would be, of course, he could kill her, but he wanted to know how this would play out. as for if she would tell others about his strange ability, she could tell, Sora feared no one on this planet.

anyways, Sora went on to head off to see his father. that guy was a pain in the ass, and Sora also had to deal with the Su clan, since he offered them 3 favors, he of course was unwilling to complete any of them. either he has them forget about the favors, or slaughter than all, it was still something he was thinking about