
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


"Who Dare Curse He!!!" Within a Castle, a Middle-aged man suddenly let out an enraged scream which was heard all over the planet, everyone hearing the scream grew panicked as this was known own than the ruler planet.

Within the throne room, a middle-aged man was slowly recovering the blood from the corner of his mouth, with his eyes bloodshot while looking at those within the throne room, making everyone uneasy.

"The only way for a person to curse you is if they get something belonging to you... and the curse capable of effecting, we know no one with such capability." The nobles of Hoshi planet said with a frown,

"Plus, we can just clone you and you can just take over a new body." Another said making the planet ruler's bloodshot eyes land on him,

"Would I care so much if that was an option, whoever is cursing me is even killing off my copies and memories I back up into a computer. I lived for millions of years, I cheated death for so long yet I'm about to die without knowing who it is that's killing." Hoshi planet ruler rage grew, making everyone in the throne room's heart drop, what type, of course, was this, was it not too overpowered?

For people like them who had cheated death for many years, death was something they feared. Of course, some got tired of living and just died, but others refuse to die. The Hoshi planet ruler was born millions of years ago... well, at least his main body was, starting as a soul cultivator, whose body soon reached old age, he began seeking a way to live after taking over another person's body.

So, the easiest way to live forever was simple, store your memory in a computer and up loud that memory into a clone. A technique is needed, so that the clone is you but at the same time not you, the same soul, the same mindset, and so on. After millions of years, such things were gained,

At first Hoshi, the planet didn't want to accept this, so he ordered everyone to find a way to protect him, he tried using all of the planet's fate energy to protect himself, but it only slowed down. this bought him a few months,

With some time to live, he began lashing out his rage, how could he accept this, in this life, he was so close to reaching the Planetary realm, but the chance was taken away from him, and after some time he fell into depression, he locked himself away refusing to see anything for some time.

but upon coming out, he had come to accept all of this. He would die, but for now, he should try and find out who cursed him and who would be his replacement, his mind was lining towards the crown price, it was just a feeling. like a 6th sense telling him that the crown prince would be the best.

Luckily he had the news of his being cured to be hidden, so he summoned all his children, all 109 of them to come over to the throne room, which they arrived within the minute of getting the call.

"Akon, how Chikyu?" The Empire asked calmly while looking at the crown prince, Akon's body shook slightly upon hearing this, but he quickly answered.

"it went smoothly, I managed to take over the planet after showing my might. Andoirds of myself are there currently take charge of everything, such as creating a new dungeon, and getting enough energy for the ship to return, Since the planet is far larger, I plan to have it be our place to build mother ships and other weapons... but if lord has any better idea, my ears are open." Akon said respectfully.

"The planet is more than 10 times the size of my planet, indeed using it for creating weapons and goods. try and build a space gate between our to the planet, the sooner we can move to the planet and back the better." He said to which Akon's eyes widened slightly, a gate needed formations,

the formations were mixed with tech which shattered would act like a wormhole, creating two points in time and allowing a person to pass through. the further the other end of the whole, the more unstable and dangerous it uses this, Sora planet has not even touched upon such a technique, with this technique, Hoshi planet could send his amount of ships to and from Chikyu within only a few days, although the energy to keep these things open was a lot, they were easily overlooked since the planet can easily mine Diamond rank dungeon.

"How is the colonization of Doro planet?" The emperor asked calmly, the second prince stepped forward and answered with a smile.

"Doro is in good hands, I say in a few more years those on Doro would have reached stability allowing them not to worry about anything." The second prince said with a smile, to which the emperor nodded slightly. the second prince and crown prince threw a glare at each other, but they returned to normal.

They were the 5th planet from the sun, next to them were Chikyu and Doro. Doro was the 4th planet from the sun, a dead planet without any life. but for the past few years, they have been trying to colonize the planet. Currently, a group of people was on the planet, planting planets near man-made water. once the planet has a stable level of air, it would be time for them to start using that as a base for their war with Setchi, the 3rd planet from the sun.

The emperor went on to ask the others about the many responsibilities he had, this was his way of not relaying his guts but making sure he picked the best person. but this was pointless and meaningless, upon hearing how good the crown prince have done his job, he was sure that the crown prince was perfect. how here have conquered a planet? Only the prince had

"... I summoned you all because I shall be stepping down from the potion of emperor, for countless years I have been in this seat, it's time for one of you to take over." The emperor said calmly making all of them hold their breath, upon hearing this,

"I will be picking the crown prince." the Emperor said stunning everyone for a moment, but then again it was reasonable, the crown prince was the emperor's favorite son, so it was understandable.

Knowing that he only had a few months to live, the Emperor had a few things he wanted to do, one such as to defeat Setchi, but that was impossible, the second was to do nothing, years of ruling and never allowing anyone to take the throne, he had been stressed out for a long time, not he was looking forward to doing nothing, and forget the fact he was about to die...

A week later, the emperor stepped down from the throne and announce he was entering closed-door cultivation, but in truth, he was leaving to go find someplace to die. the planet couldn't know that there was a curse capable of killing them, so that was kept guarded at all costs.

So, he flew off, no longer the emperor, the curse power was much stronger, but he was able to resist the curse for some time. using the fate of this planet would only bring harm to the planet, something he didn't want to do.

So he traveled the world, seeing all of the beautiful views that tech had yet to destroy, and the little bit of nature that could be found in some places, soon he found himself sitting under a tree with pink leaves, and before him was a small pond, the scene was beautiful, and a perfect place for him to die.

He closed his eyes, accepting this thing called Death which had run from for many years. but after some time of coursing his eyes and nothing happening, he opened his eyes and found himself within some time of the dream. he was still under the tree, and before him was the pond, but he knew, at first sight, this was a type of dream, there was fog all over the place making it hard to see

he looked ahead and saw a shadow slowly coming toward him, he looked on with an uneasy look. slowly the tree began dying, and the life around him all began to rot away and die, leaving him shocked and slightly scared.

"Who goes there." He yelled, only to see a person in completely black robes stepping out of the fog, He looked at that person, unable to see any hint of this person's skin or flesh and only the red glowing eyes looking at him.

"Ako Electic Wolf... you have run from me for a long time, this was a warning. I can take your life whenever I wish, but I will let you walk. Support the crown prince, make an oath upon the heavens, and I shall let you live. depending on how big the oath is, it shall depend on how many years I shall allow you to live or if I should just take your life." The being said in a voice which couldn't be put in words... it sounded like, well... death.

Before Ako would say think, the being turned and walked into the fog, forcing him to quickly scream out, even though fear of the unknown had swallowed him.

"Who are you?" He said in a shaky voice, the being within the fog froze for a moment, but in the end he just walked off, not bothering to answer. the dream shattered and Ako found himself back in reality, but to his horror, the beautiful spot he was at had died, what happened in the dream had also happened here.

the water was gone, the ground was dry, and the planet and trees have also died. he looked at this sight with some fear, before he noticed his body, he was back to full health, but he felt himself dying at a fast rate. his instant screamed to him to make the oath, and without a second thought, he bite his finger and began to make, hand seals, a drop of blood floated up into the sky, followed by him taking the oath.

"I Ako hereby promise to support Akon as the Emperor with all my heart, and never betray him." He yelled, the world seemed to freeze for a moment, followed by a huge amount of energy suddenly rushing towards him,

"smart choice," The voice of Death sounded next to his ear, making his knees almost go weak, the energy entered his body increasing his lifespan and forcefully helping him break through and reach the Planertay realm. in the sky, storm clouds slowly gathered due to this action, a Planertay realm cultivation was coming, without a second thought, he shot into the sky and left the planet, and went far away.

"it seems like the planetary realm, all cultivation seems to go by the same name," Sora said calmly while looking into the sky where Ako was facing tribulations. putting away the death book which had a type of stuff written down, most of it being what Ako just went through, Sora got up to look at what has happened in the past few days.

ever since the knowledge of how to form a dungeon was found, the planet has gotten only 1 new diamond-rank dungeon, and a new diamond-rank dungeon is yet to be found. using the copper rank dungeon, they were able to find out why.

the more dungeon, the harder it is for another dungeon to appear, this meant if they wanted more Diamond rank dungeons, they had to quickly have more cultivators in order to increase the chances for it to happen,

Emilia had spread the other followers around the world, each tasked with managing their own part of the land. Cai Yi, Elsa, and Yalan remained by Sora's side, but the others had their work cut out for them,

They were to manage their part of the land on the behalf of Sora while at the same time making sure that part of the land grew to become power. Evelyn took over the land which once belonged to the beast race, Emilia took over the land which once belonged to the fish man race, and Hana took over the land which once belong to the humans,

new land was currently being created for Sora, which would allow him to live on the moon or somewhere near there to allow him to overlook the whole planet with ease. Emilia planned to have the same pattern follow as the land Sora control grows, soon they would be overlooking planets, star systems, and even galaxies. just the thought of it made them restless

"Emilia who is in charge of the robots and ship creation?" Sora asked calmly, although Emilia was far away, through the power of karma, she could feel when someone say her name.

Sora's eyes glowed slightly, and he saw the string of karma connecting himself to Emilia slowly wrapping round itself to take the form of Emilia. Sora had learned to sense karma, and soon he was going to learn to control it like Emilia,

the mini Emilia went on to fly over and sit on Sora's shoulder and explain things to Sora, the person she gave the task of managing those things was a talent she found. She was a bit weird, but she was far smarter than most people Emilia could find. Emilia didn't want to pick someone of the older generations, instead, she picked someone of newer generations.

they were about to enter a new era, the young one was what was needed, not some old people who were no longer creative. So, Emilia lead the way and soon Sora came to a huge work sharp where a woman was studying the robots in great detail,

"oh my god, that's so smart. who knew cultivation and tech could be combined in such a way, the creature of such a thing a genius." She said to herself while writing down her finds in a notebook, which transformed information into her computer.

Sora watched her at work, mumbling away for some time, never once even noticing that someone has entered this place.

"what do you want to do with her?" Emilia asked calmly, Sora sized her up for a moment, she was quite the beauty with long pale green hair, and she had glasses that made her look like a nerd. she was the type of beauty that many wouldn't be into as she came off as weird, and nerdy

"Tif she is capable, I will give her the position of life. Death kills all, Life births all. if she is capable of bringing to life something amazing as an android then she can be taken in." Sora said calmly before turning and leaving, Emilia was stunned for a moment before looking deeply at the woman who didn't even notice someone was speaking.

Emilia took a liking to this woman, unlike others who would scene for their benefit, she was not such people. She was straightforward and awkward around people. she was even alone all because she was uneasy with being around those she didn't know well.

if anyone... Emilia wanted to person to join, so she had to contact her and give her a push and deadline. or else knowing her, she would take her time to break down everything these androids had while sitting back and thinking just who it was that created or came up with eh concept of such things.