
In a billion$ of $tar

My name is Joshua, I used to be a simple man living in my own small world with my foster parents but that world collapsed when I found out my true parentage, the only child of a very famous and rich business. In time I found out that my real parents were murdered by those that claim to be the 3 most powerful and forbidden families in the country and from then, I knew I had to change to avenge my real parents and I became the perfect unfeeling CEO in my parents company dedicating the rest of my life to growing the company and getting revenge on the 3 forbidden families My name is Ysabelle and once upon a time, I was a rich daughter of a business mogul but things changed when we lost everything to father's gambling habits. In a bid to help my family recover it's lost status, I took up a job as a manager to the ruthless CEO, Joshua But in time, I realized that buried under the hatred and ruthlessness, Joshua had a kind heart and charm no lady could ever resist, not even the strong and persistent me Will Joshua be able to grow his parents company and enact the perfect revenge on the three forbidden families? Will Ysabelle succeed in reinstating her family's lost glory and will she be able to open her Manager's closed heart to a feeling called love?

RemremzPSm · สมจริง
28 Chs


"Yes? Do you need something for me miss Emie? as Joshua said

"Ah , master Decker,  I need to see you tomorrow  for important things to talk about at wild coffee shop  after your class." As the lady on the other phone said.

"Okay no problem ."Joshua replied and hung up his phone .

The next day morning , joshua was about  to go to school but he met the principal again in front of campus gate.

As usual ,the principal looked so neat and formal. He suddenly recognized  Joshua and said with a disgusting voice to him.

"Oh , I know you! and where are going?

Going to school ? stop fooling yourself !

What I've said last day that you don't have any reason to go to school .I've already expelled you ! How dare you to show up in front of me!"

Joshua nodded his head and ignored him.

The principal was  feels embarrassed when Joshua ignored him. So he shouted and  immediately  called the security.

"Just like you are harder than a rat, you are not fit for this school.  If I were you, much better go home and plant some rice for you to  eat!  Guard! Don't you  ever allow him to go inside the campus even his single finger! Understood?!"

the principal treated joshua like a rat.

Joshua was fells little embarrassed what his principal said.

So he took his phone and made a call to Emie Ogeim.

"Hello,  miss emie , do you have a  phone number to my dad? "joshua asked to her

"Yes young master, I will forward it to you for his contact number." as emie said

After getting his father's contact phone number.

Joshua made a phone call immediately to his father

"Hello dad , it's me Joshua  , I need your help. I'm in a trouble now.  The principal here in my school had expelled me,  and  even he command  to the security here to not allow me to go inside the campus,  what should I do dad?"  As Joshua said  to his father.

"Don't worry  my son, it's just a piece of cake. Just tell me now at which school do you enter? "

"At St . De heartfillia university dad".

His father laughed loudly and said ,

" Hahaha , Oh son that's school belong to us, I will removed and terminate  immediately that principal  there for nothing and think he is the superior in himself .

Joshua was shocked when he heard what his father said.

"Ah ,okay dad ," as Joshua replied

And he said nothing but say "Okay" and agree what his father's said.

Rodulf Vanlimz  was immediately called to the director of the school and to not tolerate the arrogance and superiority of the principal to his only son.

The derictor was afriad of what Old master Rodulf Vanlimz could do. So he asked him if what the name of his son.

"Master Rodulf what the name of your son?"

"Joshua  Decker " as rodulf replied to her

He search in the files to find who is joshua decker.  When she found the files of Joshua and found out what department he belong ,she  immediately took to his phone and called to the security guard to inform them that   let enter Joshua decker .

After the security recieved  and noticed of what the derictor said  about Joshua identity the security guard immediately call Joshua's name.

"Ah , excuse young master decker , I apologized of what was happened but because I'm following and doing only what my job here. Please don't dismiss me from my job." As the security guard said while started kneeling to Joshua.

"Uncle,  stop! no need to do that it's okay, I know how you value your work here. Thank you uncle."  As Joshua said

  The security was very emotional when Joshua talked polite and even call him uncle . 

He said , " thank you  young master Decker."

"Nope, see you uncle ."Joshua replied

While principal was in the front of the huge building and he was about to enter in the elevator but suddenly, the security didn't allow him to enter in the building.

"Excuse me Mr. principal , I'm so sorry but the derictor told me that you are not allowed to enter here."

As the security said which is obviously scared of the principal's arrogance.

"What the f*ck are you talking about!?

Do you want this job?! Let me in or else you will regret!"

As the principal lost his temper.

"But Mr . Principal I'm sorry I can't let you in. " a gentle voice of the security

"HAHAHA!  Get out of here! Your fired!" The principal laughed while  shouted to the security


A very loud sound that everyone inside the building heard it and caught their attention .

"How dare.... "  Slap!   he even cannot say when there's another big slap to his face.

When the principal noticed that it was the chairwoman of this school ,he was sweating immediately and he was clearly frightened and confused by

the circumstances .

"Ah , chairwoman Rena Akang, its  you". The principal's warm welcome to the derictor while trying to smile even suffering his pain on his cheeks.

"From now , get pack all  your things in the office now ! You dont have any longer to be a principal! "  I don't want to see your face here ! understood ! As the chairwoman said .

"But why chairwoman? Did I have something wrong? Principal ask her in a confuse

"Yes! You have ! What the right you have to scream and humiliate the only son of this school huh!?. "  as chairwoman shouted him.

The principal was confused who was the person she was talking about.

"Ah, chairwoman what did you said the only son? Did I do that chairwoman? May I know who was the person chairwoman?" he was defending himself .

Derictor  Rena akang answered him quickly and said,

"His name Joshua Decker from the computer engineering department."

The principal was stunned and schoked what was chairwoman akang said and he can't believe of revealing the true identity of Joshua.

When he realized it was joshua who he  insulted,  he was very scared and begging for another chance to the derictor .But suddenly , everyone was silent when Joshua passed by in front of them.

When  the principal call his name

"Master Joshua,  please ,  I'm begging you , I'm so sorry ".

They all shocked what the principal said even the chairwoman because it was her first time to saw joshua in personal .

He immediately bow her head and kneel down ," Hello young master Decker."

Please master joshua, I'm so sorry for what i've done. First,  I didn't know who you are, I scolded  you and even insulted you and I admitted it . Please give me a chance,  I need this job." The principal was frightened to scream and he was sweating  begging to Joshua.

"It's not about who I am , it's all about that you have forgotten in a way how to respect people those who are in a lower position than you."  Joshua replied to him.

Everyone was shocked when Joshua spoke frankly, they even don't know what to say but the derictor and all people inside the building was bow their head and treated Joshua as their young master .

"Young master wait, the principal insisted and asked for the second chance but joshua was not in mood to entertain him and said ," please drag him outside the campus , I don't want  to see him here." As Joshua command to them

"Yes master Decker" chairwoman  replied to him immediately.

While joshua sitting in the principal's chair ,  looking for the view in the window, he was amazed the beauty of nature . It was  a good place and over looking viewed . People are like a little ants and  tress  when viewed from here, as Joshua thought.

He sighed and said to the chairwoman

"Are you a chairwoman of this school right?"

"Yes young master , I'm Rena akang the derictor of this school.

" I want  you to inform all of here who where saw and know what had happened earlier that to hide my identity.  So, inform them not to show up my real identity and inform all my teacher in computer engineering department to let me attend every class." joshua said

"Yes young master , as you wish it, we will." Chairwoman replied him while she lowered her head.

When it was all cleared and joshua was able to attend his class he went back to his class .

Everyone was looking at him when joshua entered in the classroom.

"Good  morning teacher ", as joshua greeted his teacher

"Good morning to you joshua, please have a sit." as his teacher replied

Rizza was not completely finish dealing with Joshua of what he had done to her , so she suddenly stood up and spoke.

"What a shame ! What are you doing here ? How dare you to show up here? Your already expelled , so don't insist that you belong here!  Teacher please don't let him to stay here , his not one of us now, right teacher?" Rizza said

"No ,  he also part of our class and he still a student here " as teacher said calmly

"But teacher?" rizza wanted to speak but her teacher stop her.

" Don't ask that again  just  sit down and listen to my lecture ." Teacher replied to her

Rizza has no choice but to follow and listen what her teacher said . She rolled her eyes and looked to joshua with disdain .

After his class ,

Joshua was confused how to spend his money , so he decided to buy a new big house . He parked his new car far away from his school to avoid some complicated things to his classmates.  He thought that it takes time if he took his car so, he will take taxi and go straight to the high end class diamond valley.

When he arrived at the diamond valley, he was amazed of the structure of the house . It was a quite place and only for the noble rich family can afford to leave this place .