
_______RASOOL WAHE_______

There was a time when the love for women doesn't have any means, Before 1960 in Pakistan, Love was only for wives, and most notably there was no concept of love marriage. Except for the family ( wife, children, parents, and other relatives), the love and the respect were for the ALLAH Almighty and the ALLAH's PROPHET MUHAMMAD (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). And also for the beloved persons to Allah almighty.

Now, the question is this what were the ways to express love and respect for the Allah Almighty and MUHAMMADصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم?

One simply was to obey the orders and fulfill all the responsibilities of Islam.

The other way was to sacrifice their properties in the of Allah Almighty.

My father told me that when he was 13 years old there was the term Rasool way which was a system to sacrifice property in the name of Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم.

There was a system in which all the people of the village got together and harvested their crops together one by one and settled the crops on a specific empty ground called 'DEERA'

When all the crops were settled there and the grains were taken out in the shape of little beautiful mountains before taking the grains to their homes all the poor and needy people of the community were called up and specific shares of grains were taken out from each of the mountains of grains. That specific share of grains was called the Rasool wahe, It was given to the poor and needy people.

Why this was done?

Rasool wahe is a term in the Saraiki language which means "In the name of Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم"

And this was done to express respect and love for Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم.

That was real love and respect in those times, all things are created by Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty does not need anything. By helping the needy and helpless people we will earn more from Allah Almighty and also will get the love and intention of Allah almighty and Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم.

Allah blesses you.