

Above the five hundred meter 20 pillars there stood living beings of different races, on right stood a elf, a dwarf, a demon, a devil, a ocean nymph oceanid, a human, royal ice elemental, a little Pixie, a beautiful women large butterfly like wing a fairy, a beautiful women with a tint of blue in her pale skin a Mermaid

On right stood a being look same as a angel the wing folk, a old tortoise beastmen, a old draconian with long white beards, a slim man with blue crystal like skin a crystalian, a large humanoid tree treant, a handsome man with blood red eyes a vampire noble, a ten meter tall women a titan, a old women with entirely white shiny eyes and long white hair with pale skin and wore white witch robes a witch, a small black cat lazily laying on the pillar but normal from other cat it have three eyes and lastly there is a one meter tall hill on last pillar which is breathing like a living being

They are current generation sages of sage council they are beings who have enlightened on life and death and seven emotions,

They are beings that live for safety and prosperity of world instead of their own races

The are beings detached from worldly matters and only intervene in great crisis of world

Each of them is peak Admantium level beings and live hundreds of thousand years unlike human who have normally only have a lifespan of five hundred thousand most other races live longer and some are even immortals. the human standing among them is the fourteenth human sage the sage who live longest among human and said to be the wisest among twenty sage's who rumoured to have infinite lifespan as his innate power

On first left pillar of the seven hundred meter tall pillar stood a humanoid being with green skin snake like eyes fish like gills on her neck with thin body she is ancient sea serpent a immortal creature of ocean

On second left pillar stood a humanoid being with long white hair which look like a waterfall and a white horn an her forehead she is mythical creature unicorn

On right first pillar stood a brawny man with broad shoulders who have tiger strips in his face dragon wings on his back with dragon tail he is a chimera a mythical being

On last pillar stood a devilishly handsome young man who have pale blue skin with exposed muscular upper body with a long triangular face which have long thin curled beard and thin mustache with queue hair style he have have a pair entirely sapphire colored eyes he is floating with his cloud like lower body on the pillar with hands folded he is of Djinn race a immortal race

They are four high sage of sage council

On highest pillar there there is a white eastern dragon with aura of wisdom and ancientness with golden colored eyes golden horns it has it body coiled around the pillar entirely from top to bottom still its head which extended from pillar is five hundred meter long who know how long is this dragon he is supreme sage of sage council

If taken super forces of world sage council is the force which least meddle in worldly matters, their aim is to only to protect thousand deity world and it's long standing prosperity

Currently everyone in hall has serious faces

The oceanid sage said" on my territory the production of various natural resources has increased largely for last century, even the millennium water has produced ten drop of a millennium water essence "

Normally if they heard a millennium water essence which takes ten thousand year to form has formed they will be very happy but now they were all gloomy

"Like wise natural energy is increasing in crazy rate in all forests and many natural born beings and forest are being born at a fast rate if this continued for another thousand years the balance of entire world will be lost" said the fairy sage

Once they become a sage on sage council they never use their name they only use their race name as a respect to their origin

"according to my calculation if origin energy ocean grew in size like this for more than five thousand years entire world will explode due to excess release of energy "said a noble voice the vampire sage, to immortals like them thousands of years will pass in a blink of eye so it is a short time for them unlike mortals

" if it was ancient era the power full beings will normally absorb energy for cultivation so such thing normally doesn't occur only energy deficiency occur due to their usage" said human sage

"But after ancient era without all powerful beings why would mother nature absorb all this energy from cosmos" said a humanoid tortoise with large shell on its back the beastmen sage

"Not only is she absorbing she is also storing energy and forming origin energy gems is she waiting for ancient beings who went to the battlefield to return, but they all are dead " said draconian sage

"the last time we checked the origin energy ocean is full and there is no more space to form origin energy gems and now energy is overflowing to surface world if we didn't find a solution and energy continue to release like this like vampire sage said world will really explode " said elf sage

" why would the world do such a thing even in ancient time before I get sentience I have known the love of thousand deity world to its children, I have known no mother who sacrificed much to her children than thousand deity world and no mother who loved much by its children" said a rumbling voice it was actually the one meter tall hill, actually it's not a hill but a sentient mountain it just reduced it's size to sit in the pillar he known as mountain sage

" witch sage, aren't your clan the proxy of mother thousand deity can't you really communicate with mother thousand deity " the pixie sage asked anxiously

A heavy sigh can be heard from witch sage as she said " as you all know, during the end of ancient era all powerful beings of that era left for outside to resist the calamity unknown to us, even higher beings of our witch clan left to defend against the calamity" everyone sighed hearing this with sadness she continued " only low tier gold level were left as they can do nothing in such a war, and as power full beings were afraid that someone will attack their powerless mother, thousand deity, they sealed the world combining all their powers and with help of mother thousand deity it was written in our clan records that all of powerhouse of that entire era lost a tier of their power to deploy this seal" hearing this respect and reverence can be seen in faces all sages even high sages and supreme sage included

Witch sage continued " and its impossible for any outsider to break the seal it was recorded only a Arch duke can break such a seal I don't what level is that but It's recorded there is no such being in the entire war, its said mother thousand deity waited return of her children for tens of a million years with grief and fall into slumber due to grief and sadness from then on we couldn't summon her " sadness and helplessness could be seen on face of all sages

Suddenly crystal sage asked with confused face " I have hear this part of history but if she slumbering how could world continue as normal "

Hearing this high sage unicorn said " you don't know this because you are youngest of us, just consider mother thousand deity as humanoid being with her real body as a world then you will understand that it like us breathing and digesting food, all process of world are involuntary actions conducted by her, so her slumbering doesn't effect us, and it is recorded in his history that thousand deity world is powerful as a universe but mother thousand deity can only control her world power little even though she can sense big change as how a mortal have stomach ache like if she ate something bad, but she can't actively watch world like other worlds as she is almost like a fragile mortal women, its said that its the price she had to pay to make thousand deity world powerful as universe so she can't cultivate and her body is of a mortal with infinite life span " said high sage unicorn

Hearing this crystal sage was confused how could a powerful world only control things it see, seeing his confusion the human sage said " its like differences between mortal with cultivation and without cultivation she can only understand and change what she saw as she have no powerful senses cover all over world she is really like mortal who will only feel a insect if it sit on her body unlike us who has powerful cultivation and nothing can disturb our body so she can only control what she saw, though she is strong in her own world she can't actively watch her people like other worlds and use strong power of the world "

Suddenly an archaic ancient voice sounded " she did so that it will make her children powerful and she thought there is always her children to look after her and it was like that in ancient times even the most powerful beings may they be cruel, selfish, arrogant, look down all creatures in world, under her selflessness and kindness there was no beings who didn't saw her as their mother if not how would they willingly loss their power to protect a small world when they reign over million such world and choose to seal the world with a heavy price of increasing their chance to loose their life in a war of life and death " hearing this even the in eyes of sages who saw through all emotion showed some emotion seeing this supreme sage white dragon continued "her thought process to make her celestial body powerful instead of herself is simple she thought how could her children try to harm her" sighed supreme sage white dragon and he said" I think its a blessing of cosmos to her being in mortal body after all if she have consciousness like other world won't she die from grief seeing her children killing each other I think cosmos know of this and to protect her it asked such a price ....sigh" sighed supreme sage again

Suddenly another ancient voice sounded " you are all getting anxious for nothing mother nature will never harm her children even subconsciously, I think she is preparing the energy for something, if it was me I will wait for mother's decision " said djinn sage angrily for them doubting mother nature

Hearing this supreme sage said" brother djinn I know your race are directly given birth by mother nature from origin energy ocean and you are angry for their opinions but we never accused mother we are only worried and confused because of increase in energy and her slumbering what if it's something happened without her knowledge would she feel happy if anything happened to her children due to her" hearing this djinn sage also start to worry, djinn country is closest to origin energy ocean so he know energy is increasing and there is many djinn born due to this increase of energy actually it's not problem if energy stay this level but it increasing at a high rate it will cause a catastrophic damage to world which he know that mother nature will never want to see

Djinn sage suddenly said" the only solution is to wake her then she can easily prevent this energy overload"

" if there was powerful beings of ancient era it was possible but for us its impossible "said witch sage shaking her head

"Even if she wake could she live in this era" sighed supreme sage

" Due to her absence from world for more than hundred million years, now mortals have forgotten of her they are all thinking she is just myth from past....sigh " said mermaid sage

" You don't understand it doesn't matter the forget her, only by waking up all living beings will feel her love and presence and by seeing her you will feel intimate to her like seeing your own mother, but I don't know who will protect her and shield her from impurities of present era where it's filled with filth, a place were people who will even stab dagger into heart of their own mothers, live and mothers, who kill their own children live, would they care about mother thousand deity ...sigh it's not like ancient era were sages and deity's guard morality and lead mortal and powerful beings alike " said human sage

The all sighed at the same time

While the sages are anxious and worried about energy overload in origin energy ocean and thinking a solution to prevent the problem with all their brain power, in Leon city innate power awakening hall the ancestor just informed Jayce that fog produced by Prince has just reached the origin energy ocean

And jayce has just informed it to all Leons hearing this one of Leon's said" oh god, what the hell is this kid going to do "

Olivia said " don't tell me he is going to dry origin energy ocean next! "

Hearing all this Leon's faces couldn't stop twitching their eyes, if so he will be really a monster among them

At the same time the fog reached the origin energy ocean