

All crowd were concentrated on last sphere they all thought it will happen soon

After all it has been more than five hours but they were disappointed there was no any sign of innate power awakening so every one waited patiently

Soon an hour passed by and there was till no sign of any phenomena, seeing this Theodore, belle and Delphine began to panic

Even though innate power awakening ceremony is a risk free process, there might be some trouble like the person can't take the world energy and die or he has no innate power, that is the reason of Theodore and his families panic

Theodore looked at jayce and asked with worry" big brother jayce is Prince OK ?"

Hearing this Jayce who was concentrating on the sphere turn to look at Theodore who's face is riddled with worry seeing this he smiled and said" brother you don't need to worry he is OK and he is still absorbing energy like a glutton I don't know were all this energy is going "

Hearing this Theodore and his wives were relieved later got happy after all the better innate power Prince awakens the better it will be for his future

Belle couldn't help but say" he was always gluttonous, how many of my precious herbs has he eaten, still that didn't even cause any problem on him and most of these are tens of thousand year old herbs I always wondered were those energy has gone to but seeing this that is nothing"

After another hour on seventh hour above the sphere an explosion took place followed by a white grey fog appeared and spread all around the hall and began to absorb energy from surroundings and the formation crazily

At first everyone thought he had awakened his power but after seeing the fog absorbing energy from surroundings and still floating sphere they understand it's still in process of awakening

Seeing this everyone including Leon's was confused

Theodore hurriedly asked jayce" big brother what's going on is that his innate power why its absorbing all energies around "

Jayce was also confused so he hurriedly said " I don't know let me ask ancestor" then his send his send his spiritual energy to family token

Everyone member of Leon family were looking at Jayce after one minute conversation through family token Jayce said" ancestor said considering the situation it's most likely that there is less energy for the innate power to congeal so its absorbing energy from surroundings so we are to provide it any type of energy so it can congeal"

Hearing this Noah said anxiously " then master, I will go to the storage of awakening hall to bring some supreme level mana crystal blocks " he said this and immediately left without waiting for answer

Seeing the tension above, crowd below was also confused and they were also feeling little frightened because the white fog is absorbing energy of around the hall initial high density energy in surroundings has become very thin

" What's happening, is there any accident happened, and what with this is this a type of innate power then" asked the fatty to his uncle

"I don't know but that fog is very powerful it just absorbed all energies in here within few second what innate power is this?" Answered fatty's uncle with frown

While Theodore his wives and Leon family members were anxiously waiting, Noah came back with a storage ring containing hundred mana crystal blocks, in thousand deity world mana stone, mana crystal and mana gems are one of normal energy sources they are formed by accumalation of mana for millenniums they are commonly used in air ships, large formation, artifacts and for practicing mage classes for warriors they use warrior energy stone

There are many other higher level energy resources but current beings are unable to use them as they have no means or power to use such resources like ancient times

Noah hurriedly place one of mana crystal block which is one sq meter in size below the floating sphere

Seeing such a large mana crystal shock and greed could be seen in faces of commoners but it went away just the way it came after all they all love their life more, while other have no much reaction, as rich people it's common to have such resources

When the mana crystal block was placed below the sphere it melted like a butter in a hot pan, seeing this every one was shocked, it should be known a supreme mana crystal can only be adsorb by Admantium level beings others will just explode due to excessive energy

Seeing this everyone was shocked, though Leon's are also shocked there can be seen relief in their faces after all they have found the cause of this abnormality

Seeing melting of mana block Noah stacked all mana blocks in his storage ring in around the sphere like last time the mana blocks start to melt this time even faster than before

Drake who was standing in sky can clearly see the white fog and Prince in sphere absorbing the mana in mana blocks like a mammoth absorbing water from a river with it's trunks instantly so he hurriedly said" if any one have mana gems or any another type of energy gems immediately put it beside the sphere, little jay hurry ask ancestor what to do know the situation will be critical if there is no energy to absorb "

Hearing word from Jayce hurriedly contacted ancestor and explained what happend in awakening hall through family token hearing this jayce ancestor to gone silent and after five seconds later ancestor give his instruction to Jayce, hearing ancestors words Jayce froze

He turn to look at the sphere with concern but he nearly fell from sky due to shock mana gems that some of family members thrown just a second ago is also melting and its melting more faster than mana blocks of before, it should be known mana gems is a energy source above mana crystal human cannot absorb energy from it only mythical beings like dragon can absorb energies from it, mana gems is used by human only in luxury type flying arc and in large scale formations in other place it can't be used as energy it contain is too powerful even dragons can use only low level mana gems if they used medium-level mana gems they too will explode

But know some medium level mana gems are evaporating like water seeing this and thinking of ancestors words he hurriedly concentrated his mana and spiritual energy on family token, as ancestor have gave him temporary authority he can control energy tributaries of Leon city so he hurriedly connected awakening hall with a major tributary of energy sea and to the sphere

Energy sea is a large scale pure energy storage which stores energy from origin energy ocean of thousand deity world there is many formation in energy sea which will turn the energy according to mana, natural energy, or warrior energy etc according to usage as energy from origin energy ocean cannot used by human, only after converting it into usable energy such as mana, warrior, elemental or natural energy can they be used every

super forces have a energy sea of their own, as it's a quality of super forces and reason of their long presence in history. Origin energy ocean is energy storage of thousand deity world

it's said in ancient record that cosmos will provide a world energy according to power, number of plane, natural resources and powerful beings live in a world. As more powerful beings live in a world more energy the world will produce bigger it origin energy ocean will be thousand deity world have large energy ocean due to it's ancient history and even if all super-forces and top forces absorbed energy relentlessly through out year they will only use 0.01% of energy which can be produced by thousand deity world itself

Suddenly the silver white sphere changed color to pure white with a glow which is pure energy stored in energy sea sensing this energy the white grey fog and sphere and Prince who was devouring energy crazily stopped and they suddenly jolted with excitement as if a child seeing its precious candy the fog and Leon in sphere lost interest in mana gems, the fog quickly came to the side of sphere and both fog and Prince started to absorb the pure energy which came from energy sea with frenzy

Seeing the first half of the scene Jayce's blood run cold and face become pale as sheet of paper but after seeing second half he was happy, yes this is what ancestor told him he first thought ancestor was crazy but later seeing even the mana gems are breaking like glass, he too made up mind to connect the sphere with energy sphere after all if there happened to be insufficient energy to awaken the innate power of a person he will surely die like person who died of thirst he will die due to insufficient energy, he won't be able to live with burden of his nephew dying due to his fear, after all ancestor is the most powerful and knowledgeable one in the entire Leon family no in the entire world thinking this he gritted his teeth and obeyed ancestor's orders

somewhere seeing changing in emotions on Jayce's face ancestor thought angrily 'little bastard I was observing the the situation since you called if I haven't seen the mana gems burning like paper how the hell I will order you to connect the sphere to energy sea you think I want to kill my blood..... hmph, still that little imp prince he will really destroy my fragile heart, now I know what others feel when they see us awake our innate power sigh' he turned his gaze to prince and thought' looks like something that will change the world is going to happen, if for outsiders our Leon's are monsters for us he is monster'

Seeing the situation stabilizing Jayce explained what happened to Drake, Theodore his wives and other family members hearing he said their faces can't stop twitching

Soon thirty minutes passed but nothing happened except now the fog has covered the sphere which prince resides and the formation grounds if you look from sky you will feel like as white cotton candy is laying on the ground

Since sphere has connected with the energy sea jayce hasn't stopped twitching his lips, because he was controlling the flow of energy as he was afraid excess energy being released to the sphere but he found that just after five minutes he lost control over formation controlling the flow due to suction power of the fog and prince, and after ten minutes ancestor notified him, that ancestor found the fog before him have reached energy sea and devouring it like there is no end, and now after fifteen minute ancestor informed him that, the energy in the energy sea which can maintain every function of the third largest capital city of deity continent with full capacity for hundred years, left only ten percent of energy

Hearing all this he said to ancestor " old man why are you telling me all of this do you want my young mind to go crazy" shouted Jayce to ancestor

Hearing this ancestor didn't say anything only sent a message to him reading that he nearly puked blood he thought ' how did that old man become ancestor he is taking revenge to small things he is very petty' its not he doesn't respect his ancestor but because ancestor reply, it read ' little punk you have to wake me up from my seclusion when there are thousands of others who is more knowledgeable than me is present and not only you try to break my fragile heart the second I left my seclusion and now you also want to stand there innocently but I have to watch all this impossible things and endure it alone don't you think it is heartless ...hmph let us enjoy this together we are family after all we should share happiness together ....hmph other old monsters have smelled something fishy I could only share my happiness with a few others all blocked my communication don't worry even if I can't share with them I will definitely share it with you'

After another five minute Jayce almost lost his balance and fell from sky because he got another message from ancestor it doesn't contain previous playfulness it was quite serious it said ' the fog has entered the tunnel connecting with origin energy ocean and it entered energy ocean '

Hearing this Jayce explained everything happened after connecting of sphere with energy sea to Theodore as he was family head so he should know all this he intentionally said with mouth instead of telepathic communication so other Leon family may hear it for a sweet revenge as he thought' no I am not petty '

Sage Continent

This is a green mountain range that covers over four thousand kilometers with high density of energies and dense amount of buildings around the mountains and people wearing different outfits with scholars outfit most walking on the footpath around the mountain city, like ants in ant nest, among this mountains range there are thousands of mountains that have a height of ten thousand miles and among them at middle part of mountain ranges there is twenty mountains which is more majestic and glorious emanating wisdom and knowledge of who know how many millenniums which reached two hundred thousand miles

In the center of this mountain range there is another four mountains which is tallest of them and reached four hundred thousand miles which is emitting ancient archaic aura and shining with a dim golden light like the mountain itself have life and it have watched the struggles of living beings for millions of years

among this four mountain at center of it stands a majestic golden ancient pagoda which has thousand floors and thousand miles diameter with each floors thousand miles in height so this pagoda is more than a million miles high this is the Sage city, Headquarters of one of top seven super force sage council, the third ranked super-force, the pagoda is sage pagoda it contain millions of years of knowledge and history of every races of thousand deity world and even about forgotten ancient era

The top floor of pagoda which is the hundredth floor is covered with a glass dome describing ancient history and myths and in the top floor there is twenty five pillars among them one is thousand meter tall and have radius of fifty meters as it almost touched the dome, in front of its stood four pillars which is seven hundred meters tall and have twenty five meter radius hundred meters from the four pillars on both sides stood ten pillars each of 500 meter tall and radius of ten meters

One top of each pillar stood a being

Today there is a meeting undergoing here in sage hall which concerns all living being of thousand deity world