

The cone shaped battle arc looked like a cone spiral drill were the spiral is still rotating in between this spiral you can see many medium level furin combination which formed sub-cannons

This is Thunder Drill battle ark of Dark temple the eleventh ranked super-force of thousand deity world which is located at devil deity continent

After the appearance of this ark a space gate opened and lady in black gown who had covered her face with a veil stepped out she had beautiful black eyes from which we can know that she is a beauty, seeing the space gate captain Aston exclaimed "a universe level being" he said so because only universe being can form space gate for travelling

Yes she is a being above Admantium level a universe level being, those who transcended Admantium level will undergo nirvana to become universe level being, who can travel in vast space and sustain themselves in space by absorbing universe energy to their bodily needs

Those who transcendents admantium needs universe energy to enhance their level further that is what make universe energy very precious for super-forces and they never hesitates to slaughter for universe energy

But those who become universal being can support themselves using origin energy but to cultivate further they need universe energy

Seeing this women lady violet got up and disappeared from her position and appeared in-front of the lady

When the black dressed lady saw lady violet her pupil dilated in surprise she hurriedly greeted her, a bit of fear and respect evident in her face "Dark temple supreme priest Diana Lucifer greets lady violet"

Lady violet nodded and "said we are the first one to discover the entrance we will be the first one to enter oh! And you will be the second one to enter after all you are the second one to arrive" then she looked at the green beam of light and said "and I think it will take a long time to for pathway to open" she again looked at Diana for her confirmation

Seeing this Diana hurriedly nodded "I will respect Lady violets decision" after all she gets second chance there is no need for any dissatisfaction

Seeing this lady violet nodded and disappeared and appeared inside the captains deck seeing this captain's face twitched a little after all, currently Damocles had activated formation preventing even teleportation of universal beings, but lady violet can still teleport inside and outside with out a problem

Looking at lady violet captain said worriedly "its looks like we won't be able to utilize our home ground advantage"

Hearing this lady Galva said "you are simply belittling deities after all they left it as inheritance for world not for one force they will surely have taken precautions to prevent it amassed by a single person, so I don't think the stabilizing process will end quickly, the only reason we deployed our army and fleet is to take no chances if there was any sudden changes in situations in this matter and to let others know its our territory"

Hearing this captain nodded with understanding and relaxed his worrying heart and said " Thunder Drill really is one of fastest battle arc the Dark Temple arrived even before that spirits"

"Of course lightning is on of fastest element and the entire ark changes into a lightning during its journey of-course they will be fast, I heard it can travel seven billion kilometers per minute they must have take thirty minutes to prepare and thirty minutes reach here only they can be that fast in reaching here, after all normal ark has only speed of three to four billion kilometer per minute" said Galva with a proud tone because her element is also lightning

"but the Thunder Drill is famous for not its speed but attacking method" interjected violet

"yeah drilling into enemy, its said that is why the thunder drill has no main cannon" said lady galva

After another forty minutes another two Ark arrived, the first one to arrive was a green leaf like ark of twenty kilometer long, the Nature ark of evergreen union the twelfth ranked super force, the force made of with only spirits of nature and another was light purple colored ark of thirty kilometer long of lavender family ranked twenty sixth super force a clan famous for their potions and poisons

And after that a ten kilometer long battle ship of six star tower of six star continent arrived, which is adjacent to the deity continent they are ranked twelfth in top forces ranking they anchored their battleship far behind from those super-forces as respect to power they posses

All super forces who arrived will anchor their ship direct opposite of the green beam circling it when ever some one arrive the commanders for the mission sent by each forces will go out greet each other, during greeting violet gave them the order of entry, according to their arrival time as it is Leon's territory no one opposed them as second one to come dark temple has already agreed and so all other agreed with them

Followed by the lavender clan supreme sages and other twenty two sages arrived by opening a space gate

Then zifeus family the twenty eighth ranked super force arrived in a twenty kilometer long arrow head shape battle arc they are a famous human family, known for their black smith masters and rune masters

Then a large space gate opened from it stepped out two gigantic being that have size that can rival any battle ark one have a body of thousand miles while other have a body of nine hundred miles they were eastern and western elder dragons followed behind them is many mythical beast like phoenix, Qilin, white tiger, hydra, Pegasus, nine-tailed fox and so on they are the first ranked force of world the mythical council .The two dragon elders first observed situation and they took a position among the circle

Just they took the position a gigantic circle shape portal formed one kilometer away from them, after disappearance of the portal there can be seen numerous beings of different races on forefront is a astral elf with long hair and clean face everyone one of them wore loose clothes of mages, with a wand in their hand they too come and occupied a position. they are the sixteenth ranked among super-force the force with highest attainment in magic The Circle or more commonly known as the academy as the HQ of Circle is a academy for magic studies

commanders of all other super-forces come to greet both the mythical council and the circle and they stood chatting with each other like old friends while violet informed them order of their entry no one opposed her

If anyone saw this happy conversation between super-forces they will think they are old friends who met after long time and know one will think that they are planning how to get rid of other

Suddenly with a sonic boom a large fire ball directly plunged into water when everyone turned to check what is it, a figure with large white angel like wing rose from the water he first looked at surroundings seeing everyone looking at him he scratched his head and said "ahh sorry guys haha.. I just did a sky diving..? Yeah sky diving" said the winged man then he came to the group who was chatting with elder dragon and others, he joined them he is the city lord of Arafier, the floating city ranked fifteenth among super-forces

After ten minutes a forty kilometer long and one kilometer high slim rectangular battle ark with with pointed end arrived, this is battle ark Zephyr of zephyr clan who own and mange transportation route in entire known world and is ranked eighteenth among super-force rank list after the battle ark joined the circle around green beam a space gate materialized above the ark and a winged elf walked to the group of commanders, yes zephyr can is clan of winged elves

Just when they settled down another two battle ark arrived both are more than hundred miles long and one is golden colored sigma shaped while other is fin shaped bronze color they are battle ark of elves and dwarves respectively they also joined the ring and the elf empress joined the group from elven side and a stocky, long braided bearded dwarf the current emperor of dwarves joined from dwarfs side

During arrival of super forces various top forced also arrived but they just stood far away seeing the grand show of various battle arc, the thousand mile dragon and all they keep their distance and dare not to move close without their permission

It has been four an half hours since the green beam has lit suddenly a rumbling sound can be heard from the center of light beam seeing this everyone tensed up immediately and locked their gazes each other

Then the green light started to reside slowly showing a hundred meter high arched door, floating above ocean which has a green water like curtain covering the walkway of the door there is various small figures sculpted in frame of the door there is totally thousand figures and on the arch of the door there can be seen two words 'deity sanctum'

When the universe beings saw the thousand figures sculpted in door frame their hearts began to pound and when they saw what is writtened in arch their heart nearly burst out as they all understood what it signify, but suddenly they began to feel a bad premonition as they haven't ever seen a plane with a door because after collapsing of spatial wall, they normally form a path, through which everyone can pass. next second their premonition came true as few words began to form in the ocean after reading the words they nearly spurted blood

Because the words were " ONLY SENTIENT BEINGS BELOW AGE Of TEN ARE PERMITTED" this words formed like a white carpet in blue ocean

this word were like directly stabbing knife towards heart of all forces gathered, as they were all very excited seeing such big signs and thought to fight if any one obstructed their path but now its laughable because the one blocking their path was arrangments left by those mighty deities