

Seeing both of them first to broke the silence was phiya who have know idea what's going on "yeeeee? Big sisters are you dressed up for treasure hunt, can I come with you pleeease?!!"

Phiya totally didn't get the situation

Theodore looked at prince and asked" my dear son what is happening? Can you explain?" His son is giving him more and more surprises each passing day

"Oh! Vega told me that she can devour another innate powers which has a body or form and make it my own and they can live in various planets on her and I can use those innate powers as I wish, but there is some restrictions like l can only use nine powers at a time to use more certain requirement must fulfilled" said prince

Hearing this Theodore and his wives were speechless they thought it's better to not compare to him as their fragile hearts can't take it anymore

Then Theodore suddenly thought of something and asked "so can your universe house living beings? "

Before prince can talk a servant came to the garden bowed and said "family head we have arrived "

Hearing this Theodore said "hmm lets meet ancestor first he must called us to know details about your innate power and he might have something to ask"

Because the castle was close it only take fifteen minutes to reach, and that is because it was inside city and its traffic

When they got down from the airship they saw a large airport with various flying airship, flying arc, battleship and battle arc so on parked in rows

This is Leon family's subterranean space just below the Leon city which is open to only family members and servants

Then Theodore with belle, Delphine, Zoe and prince arrived at a open area they didn't take phiya. but the maids tagged along as they said they have to protect their master

Although the maids were powerful in their peak but now their main class has been sealed and will only level up with increase in prince's power. Even for Vega can only release more of power as his power increase now he can only use basic powers of his innate power

Theodore then summoned a lion with red mane and red tail with red eyes and big fiery red eagle like wings, the lion increases its size up-to ten meter wide and thirty meter long, except the two maids all hoped on lion and flew into sky

Seeing the two maids not getting on lion they were confused but soon they got their answer as they saw the maids were flying beside them like escorts seeing this Theodore frowned he could feel their levels, both them were like normal humans but still they have mana which is something not possible due to prince's level, so they shouldn't have mana so he raised the question to blue maid Anne

"Oh that! we are different from normal innates even though our levels are zero, we still have mana as we are part of big sis Vega, she supply mana to us, as big sis Vega is a universe she have insane amount of energy which we can use freely, when master's power increase the quality of energy we can use increase so we will get powerful, as for ability to flying it's because we used mana to activate our artifacts flying boots, yes our boot is artifact so we can fly even if we are not at gold level" said the blue maid while flying beside them

Hearing this Theodore understood so they have artifact so my son got two poweful maids he thought then he suddenly thought of another thing and asked Anne again" so is your bag an artifact what about her weapons" he pointed at Anna the red maid

Hearing this Anne smiled and said "except by bag all others thinks on our body are artifact"

Hearing this Theodore froze and thought 'what do you mean by all other thinks didn't it mean even your clothes are artifacts your previous master is really is extravagant '

Suddenly they could feel an extremely powerful force heading their way and in distant they saw a meteorite like fireball heading to them with speed of sound they can even hear the sonic boom produced by the meteorite

Seeing this Theodore felt familiarity but before he can think more, he heard a energetic voice filled with excitement and thirst for battle" threat detected Anne shield master I will stop him " said Anna before flying of like a comet with red tail towards meteor and Anne immediately cast a invisible shield on the entire family

While flying she took the shield that was strapped on her back, the shield was exactly the shield which covered her back from below neck to waist it was diamond shaped shield of half meter she sped up keeping the shield at front and you can see maniac like smile on her unlike her normal calm and cool smile

When she was just about collide with the meteor the meteor slowed and tried to change its path but Anna didn't let it do that the half meter shield that she was holding into suddenly transformed into athree meter wide two meter long shield with full of sharp thin spikes at front

The meteor that was trying to change direction caught of guard and directly collided with the shield when meteor collided with spike the spikes emitted red color laser beams

Hit by laser beams and spike the person inside the meteorite screamed like a pig and was directly thrown into the forest below

Anna was filled with lust for battle and seeing her enemy falling into forest her fiery red eyes shined brighter

Just when she was about to continue she stopped as she saw prince and Anne came to her side with prince

Prince asked Anna anxiously " what happened is he okay is he injured "

Just when Anna was about answer she was alright she froze and she rechecked what she heard and felt something amiss then she spot light smile on Anne's face seeing that smile she understood instantly she messed up something

just when she was about ask what it is, the enemy she hit down slowly rose to air it was a man in white yeah it 'was' because his suit is now charred black and there can be seen several holes on the suit you can only discern the color of suit because his back was still white, his face too was charred and you can even see several depression of spikes in his facial skin

Seeing this man prince said " grandpa you are alright giggles...you really collided with Anna like you collided with great tiger whale back then but here tiger whale was you hahahaha" seeing he is OK prince start to tease grant, yes he is prince's grandfather Grant Leon when he heard news of his grandson had awaken a super powerful innate power he was happy when he heard they were going to see ancestor he came here and was waiting nearby when he saw them he thought he should make grand entrance to keep his dignity as grandfather who would known it will end like this his dignity was directly thrown into mud and trampled

Hearing the word 'grandfather' Anna's face turned red with shame and her excitement and battle lust lost like a balloon loosing its air

Actually no one was to blame here if not grant making such commotion and release his full power to make his entrance Anna won't think him as a threat and attacked after all he was Admantium level warrior and if he is flying releasing his true power like that towards someone, they will surely treat it as an attack

But Grant never thought such a think as he knew Leon are a super power and the subterranean space which allowed entry to only Leon family members and servant and they will never attack each other so no one will think so when he was showing of like this, so he act wildly and thought if some one see him they will just think he is going to take care of an urgent matter

But he didn't know that his grandson got two powerful maids who know nothing about Leon family and among them one is a battle maniac who is fully equipped and even will dare to go toe to toe with a battleship not to mention a Admantium level being so such a scene happened

due to this place being close to were ancestor's stay, this place was deserted so no one saw this scene

Theodore flew with his wives on his lion and came beside Anne who was holding prince in her arms and asked "cough...cough..so that shield is also a artifact?" He asked Anne

Anne knew Theodore was trying to solve the awkward situation so she said" yes it was forged by our old master as Anna is attack type she have all type of artifact she needed in any type of combat situation may it be short, long, assassination, magic combat anything and as I'm support type I have all type of artifacts for enchantment, smiting, potoineering, rune inscription, crafting and for even support type magic skill like healing and buffs"

Suddenly prince interjected " papa grandpa is hurt check on him" hearing this everyone's eyes twitched

Grant said" you rascal you are doing it on purpose aren't you" even though he caught of guard he wasn't injured in least, because he didn't expect a attack he didn't protect his body with warrior energy instead he was busy making cool effects around him for his entrance so the fire energy burned his clothes and spikes poke hole in his dress

Hearing this everyone laughed especially prince who had evil smile on his face, belle said" father let me clean you "then she cast a clean spell on Grant which cleaned all mud and ashes from his body though his cloth is still tattered one

When the mud and ashes were cleared you can see a handsome face with golden hair and golden eyes his facial feature resembles Theodore a little

Stepping to front Anna bowed first and said" sir I plead you to forgive my mistake, I thought you were an enemy please accept my apology"

Grant waved his hand and said" no need you were protecting my grandson I'm only happy to have you here, look like my son had find some good guardians for my grandson " he laughed happily

Theodore and his wives looked at each other and smiled they understood grant misunderstanding but they didn't try to correct it

Theodore said" father lets go ancestor is waiting we shouldn't let him wait any longer"

"Oh yeah we should be going" then he took prince from Anne and pinched his cheeks and said " you are getting naughtier each day" he got on the lion which resumed its journey

"Grandpa it hurts" said prince then his eyes shined with slyness that doesn't match his age and he asked" grandpa what gift are you going to give me after my awakening look my papa give me super beautiful super powerful maids what about you grandpa after all I'm your only grandson"

Hearing this grant couldn't help smile and say" yeah yeah your father has really bled for you hmmm... how about this I will gift you a battle arc not like something your father's battleship this can engage in long long journeys and can support hundred people with its own ecosystem without any supplies and you can even travel under water and extreme conditions like lava how is it do you like it?"

Hearing this prince said "Grandpa is best I love you " and kissed grant in cheeks "pinky promise" asked prince for which grants said "pinky promise"

seeing this Theodore looked at his father with sympathy and thought 'poor father he got tricked by that devil' suddenly he felt three pair of eyes looking at him with sympathy bewildered he turn to look to see his wives

Suddenly it struck him, if his father gifted his son with extravagantly he too will need to gift him otherwise his father will make him as revenge for getting tricked, hurriedly he turn to stop his father from promising only to see the deal is already sealed so he can only think sigh...after all he is my only child

The lion then landed in a grass plain with a pond were you can see many people sitting in a grass plain enjoying the peaceful environment while drinking tea or wines