

The origin energy ocean is energy core of the entire thousand deity planet it contain semi-fluid energy and is pure form of energy which is provided by cosmos to its planets, which will converted by the planet to energy that living beings use, as it's energy provided by cosmos normal flora and fauna can't use this energy, only if planet convert into usable energy according to law's of planet, can it be used

But now the entire core has become a solid in state due to the energy being overloaded and only at the hundred miles below from surface on the circular energy core there is energy in semi-fluid state below it have become energy solid in state, if the entire core become solid in state and if world try to store more energy the core will break and the planet will explode into pieces

And now the fog reached the origin energy ocean, as sensing vast energy below the fog began devour the energy happily at a fast rate the more the energy fog devoured the more fast the devouring become, at last the fog become a whirlpool of millions of miles and it began to suck energy in origin energy ocean like there is no end

As if sensing the need of energy by the fog, the origin energy ocean began to move it's energy to the whirlpool this increased the speed of fog devouring energy twice

In somewhere among unexplored areas of thousand deity world

Here exist a vast forest filled ancient trees and mountains the smallest tree have reach above ten miles while highest have reached above thousand miles, with million of miles tall mountain ranges.

At the center of this forest there stood a tree with cloud white trunk and shining sky blue leaves the trunk has girth of more than five hundred thousand kilometers and the root of tree spread throughout the the forest and bound around the earth it stand and most peculiar thing is its roots are also in cloud white color and its branches and leaves has covered sky above the forest to form a dome not allowing sky to peek into the forest

but if any one look at the sky from the forest below they would only thing it is a morning sky with clouds they won't think its branches and leaves of a tree that formed a dome upon the forest like a sky

On the tree, branches of tree only form after the trunk reach seven million kilometers tall and the branch above tree has spread thirty million kilometers around the tree right above the forest

if someone look from long distance one will only see a big tree with dense leaves and branch were end the of the branch touching soil and there is a clearing right under tree with some hills and grasses in hills only if one come close to it they will know it is a forests under a gigantic tree but that is only if some one can see it

This is ancient tree levita normally the piece of land were levita stands will be floating on land the larger the tree the higher it can float and this tree is floating in atmosphere, fifty two billion kilometers from surface of planet, the tree has camouflaged itself among the sky so the island is hard to detect

On the tree, were the trunk divide to form branches there exist many flat surfaces in between the gigantic branches, in one of them there exist a meadow of thousand kilometers on the center of the meadow there exist a lake of hundred kilometer with full of lilies, which shone with dim white color and at the center there is a hundred meter large Lilly which is dim unlike other lilies with its petals closed

When Prince is devouring the energy of origin energy ocean like a hungry wolf this dim Lilly began to shone with green light now and then it look like someone is blinking their eye lids and trying hard to wake from sleepiness

While in origin energy ocean, the fog now turned whirlpool, has been absorbing the energy faster than before it has been only one hour but the entire semi-fluid energy has been devoured and it's now moving to the energy gems or solid energy

The whirlpool now has increased thrice the size before at still showing no sign of stopping

Leon city

Mean while in innate power awakening hall of Leon city every one anxious it has been around eight hour and thirty minutes still there is no change in fog every one Leon family member is anxious for prince and helpless as they can't do anything in such a situation

Then suddenly the cute little girl Emily shouted pointing the thick fog which is now have covered land and sky of formation ground " look...look something appeared above!!"

Hearing this everyone one looked at the sky above the saw a black sphere like object of ten meters appeared in fog, first it was like a lifeless drawing then, after some time like it came to life terrifying attraction power appeared around it but the fog still covered black sphere, and the attraction power have no effect on the fog but normal people around the gallery and kids in ground got pulled to the sphere, they began to fly to the sphere like a moth to burning candle

Seeing this Leon family members hurriedly caught those people and bring them to gallery and Jayce

Instantly activated a formation which form a barrier between the gallery and formation grounds isolating the fog and prince

Seeing this Theodore said "what is that think its terrifying, that suction power is out of world" looking at Drake Leon

Drake said solemnly " really I have no idea, well but I feel like its only beginning"

Followed by his words the attraction force got even more terrifying that barrier began to shake seeing this Theodore said to Jayce " fourth brother lets activate pseudo-dimension formation I don't think the barrier will hold on"

Pseudo-dimension formation is a formation that can change a place into somewhat like a pocket dimension temporarily, if the formation ground turn into pseudo-dimension there will be no problem even of suction power increase hundred time as pseudo dimension can increase in size according to wish of controller, so Jayce increased the size of formation ground to ten kilometers so they didn't get affected by attraction as before even though it's told that it's like another dimension its not perfect it's only a cheap imitation as it's not a dimension created in void but it's like dragging space around real world to increase size with help of formation so it still stand in same world and place

After the appearance of black object numerous light spots began to appear around the black sphere like stars in sky each light spot appeared with different colors and size, first the light spot were four or five kilometers far away from the black sphere but it get closer to it due to its attraction the closer light spot get to the black sphere the more light spots formed around the black sphere some light spot collided to form some sand like grains and some violet or other colored gases the more the light spots formed slower the speed of attraction got at last many light spots formed around the black sphere but the speed of light spot reached near black sphere become snail pace, as there is trillions of light spot around the black sphere so attraction power got less and less as light spots formed without stopping

This continued for another two hours though the process was extremely fast it continued for two hours and over all it have been ten hours and thirty minutes

Now if we look at the formation ground you can see a bright object at center, a spiral of light spot surrounding it, the sphere at center turned a bright bone white color ,and surrounded by white light spots who's travelling thousand times slower than a snail, which has form into a spiral shape it contain tint of blue, violet and pink in some areas and the light spots are still forming as the speed of light spots travelling are decreasing

This spiral object has covered entire one kilometer of formation ground and the size is increasing at thrice of the speed when the process started

Seeing all this everyone was stunned and the can't revert their eye from such a scenery as it was too beautiful and majestic as they all thought it was like vast starry sky

Leon family current Ancestor and some of old monsters who he dragged to watch prince's awakening to share his feelings to ease his heart, were stunned silly to see such a scene, seeing this scene they were not shocked because of it beauty, majesty and greatness it was because they knew what was this spiral shaped object is

In Leon family normally family give you any resources and anything as long as it can, but the knowledge related to capability above admantium class were only available to peak Admantium level beings, as world is vast there is many things that Admantium beings are incapable of doing and there is many knowledge that will hurt to know before accumulation of various life experiences

As one of them is that, there is vast world above thousand deity world and beyond Admantium level, beings can grasp ability to travel through space to reach other worlds and other such things although it was a general knowledge in ancient times, but now it's only known to peak power houses of world, in-order not let the younger generation become depressed and effect their confidence by knowing that there is no way they can reach level above Admantium because seal placed by ancient beings

Among them they have seen information left behind by founder ancestor of family were he explained details about universe

The world they are in is thousand deity planet it is situated on a solar system with single planet, single moon and single sun this solar system was, what sealed by ancient beings before they left to face a calamity

And he explained in records, such worlds with numerous planets exist in vast ocean of stars and uncountable such worlds forms a galaxy and they know this thing in front of them is a galaxy as they have seen various such paintings in rerecord left behind by founder ancestor

They know this galaxies combine to form universe it was recorded that ancient beings has gone for war between two universes

And someone among them had just woke a galaxy as a innate power they were speechless this old monster who have nowhere to vent their feelings began to send messages to all other old master who're leisurely travelling or enjoying life or relaxing in various place of world to come to family HQ ancestor even use his position to call them back so as to share this news and make them feel "happy" thought ancestor and other old monsters with evil smile

while the size of galaxy become one kilometer ten percent of energy in origin energy ocean was devoured by the whirlpool and it's still devouring vigorously, it must be known that although thousand deity world is a just planet in vast universe, it itself is almost strong as a universe who has many galaxies and it itself can support an entire universe, ten percent energy of such world is almost equal to ten percent energy of an entire universe

if old monster of Leon family know prince has devoured ten percent of origin energy ocean what expression they will have on their face is some thing to be seen

while ancestor and others watching the formation of galaxy the size of galaxy was increasing at study pace and it now is two kilometers in size, suddenly among numerous light spot or the stars a sudden change occurred