


/"Oh,/" Lillian said, so he is the famous Xavier Gray, that means Shane was wrong, Xavier is her type of man, but that’s if she wasn’t already in love with someone else.

/"Yes, and it’s a pleasure finally meeting you Mrs. Williams or can I call you Lillian?/" He asked, a soft smile playing on his lips, his dark hazel eyes perusing her face as if to imprint every little detail in his mind.

/"I’m sorry Mr. Gray but I am just getting to know you, only my friends call me by my first name./"

/"I understand,/" he smiled, /"although I do hope I would be upgraded to the friend zone sometime soon./"

/"Time would tell Mr. Gray./"

/"Call me Xavier,/" he still had his hand stretched out to her and she sighed, putting her hand in his, he turned it just in time to place a kiss on her knuckles.

Lillian took back her hand almost immediately, /"alright Xavier, nice meeting you./"