


/"Mrs. Williams, I have been expecting you./"

/"Thank you, Charity,/" she said, going into the house with Shane behind her, /"is he awake?/"

/"Yes ma’am, he woke up an hour ago./"

/"How is he adapting?/"

Charity sighed and shook her head pitifully with a faint smile, /"poor man still finds it hard to believe that he is free, he still thinks that one day a woman named Margaret is going to show up with her men to drag him back to that purgatory, as he likes to call it./"

Lillian smiled, /"he will get over it, no one is taking him back, not on my watch./"

Charity nodded, /"he would forever be grateful to you ma’am./"

/"Charity, who is that?/" and old cranky voice asked from the bedroom.

/"Your guests, Eric, the ones I told you want to see you./"