


/"I miss you?/" The little one asked, a little hesitant.

/"No, after that,/" he murmured.

/"Dad?/" she whispered.

/"Again,/" he ordered.

Knowing what he wanted and not because he was angry, Shana buried her head on his shoulder again, /"I missed you dad./"

Shane hugged her more tightly this time, he didn’t want to let go, although he had found he was a father since Friday but it didn’t feel like he was since his daughter all but addresses him as Mr. Shane. /"Shana, my beautiful pearl princess,/" then he made her look at him, /"from now on, I will address you as Pearl./"

Shana grinned while Lillian rolled her eyes, /"of course he won’t forget his nicknames,/" she muttered to herself but Shane heard her and said nothing, she shouldn’t expect him to suddenly give it up, it’s always his joy to have a special name for all that are dear to him. And just like she is his little flower, his daughter will be his pearl princess.