
You are not worthy

In the cloud kingdom, the cloud kings eyes lit up as he sensed that he was receiving a message from a crystal transmission. A crystal transmission can be used to communicate through large distances with the help of a crystal. The higher the distance, the more expensive the crystal is. The crystal held in the cloud king's hand was a relatively cheaper crystal. A crystal of higher tiers would be astronomical in price so the one he owned was far worse than the high-end crystals but nevertheless something that normal people couldn't afford.

"We have news on your daughter"

"She seems to be with another man"

"She is currently in the iron-panther sect with the man. the iron-panther sect master will be very displeased with this development. Please take action your grace"

The crystal transmission ended. The cloud king's eyes narrowed as the sender of this message was anonymous. However he did not think much of it and wanted to take action on this matter personally. He rounded up 2 of his most trusted kings guard and left for the iron panther sect.



Secret item received : Angelic Descent (skill)

Allows user to gain the power of the heavens for 1 hour and immensely increase fighting prowess and healing. Can only be used every 3 hours after use.


Rog's eyes lit up as he read through this and felt his blood boil. This was indeed a godly move which he could use in desperate times. And the best part about this was that he just needed to dual cultivate with Felicia. He could feel that his energy was brimming with life and he had made a breakthrough in his current level. he felt like he could take on more powerful people barehanded.

He needed to test this power but didn't want to waste this power at the same time as he might need it during a time of emergency. He noticed a metal ornament hanging off the side of the massive mirror in the room. He grabbed it and tried to squeeze it. To his astonishment he didn't even apply much force and he had already turned the metal ornament into dust.

There was also an ornamental sword hanging off the wall. So he took the sword in his hand and examined it. It was indeed a fine sword that could even be used decently in battle. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw a shirtless youth staring back at him with a sword held in his hand.

The sweat on his body made his muscles shine and his long hair added onto the majestic sight in front him.

He remembered clearly that his muscles were not as toned as it is right now because he never exercised before. This was clearly the effects of dual cultivation. As his cultivation level rose, his body's fitness level would increase with it as well. That made complete sense to him as he looked back at the mirror in pride. He saw Felicia sleeping wearily on the bed after the intense session of "Dual Cultivation" and felt a sense of dominance.

Coming to this world was the best thing that happened to him. he had a mysterious artifact supporting him and a beautiful woman by his side. This was far better than the life he had in earth despite his stay in earth being relatively more peaceful. He wasn't hunted by elven archers at earth or had to kill anyone. But the world he was in now has it's own set of rules governing them.

Just as he was about to lay down his sword, he felt a huge sense of danger. Such that he feared for his life. He gripped his sword tightly and realized that he couldn't move from his position no matter how much he tried. He was suddenly pulled by an unknown force out of the building with soo much force that he broke through the walls and slammed his face on the dirty soil.

Rog coughed large mouthfuls of blood as he was heavily injured. He struggled to remain still as the force still locked onto him.

"You aren't worthy of my daughter peasant". A cruel voice taunted from above him. He barely raised his head with great difficulty to see a bearded middle aged man in a bright green armor staring back at him in disgust. 'This is the cloud king?!' he thought to himself in dread as his expression darkened.

With the sword still in his hand, Rog steeled his will to use his new move, not knowing whether this would be his last day on this world.

Angelic Descent!

The pressure on his body immediately disappeared as all his wounds healed. He slowly lifted himself up as he stared at the awe-struck cloud king. His body lifted itself up as the skill made him fly up into the air as well. He stared at the cloud king in coldness. White light shined around his body as a pair of white wings made of energy manifested itself on Rog.

The cloud king's expression went from dear and awe to impeccable greed.

"Boy, that is a nice skill, i can spare your life if you can give me the manual to it". The cloud king said with greedy eyes.

Ignoring the cloud king, he built his momentum as he charged towards the cloud king screaming " DIE". The cloud king harrumphed coldly and prepared to block the sword strike with his own hand.

The sword that was seemingly augmented by the angelic white light emitted seemed to contain a newer degree of sharpness. The sword cut through the cloud king's hand until his arm, exposing the white bone underneath. Blood spurted as the cloud king withdrew his arm screaming in agony.


The cloud king's eyes were blanched in red fury as he released his energy in madness. Knowing that this may potentially kill him, Rog decided to push forward to find an opening and charge forward again.

"Father stop!" Screamed a voice. But it was too late as a huge wave of energy hit Rog squarely in the chest. However Rog's angelic sword pierced the cloud king's chests and shot out of his back.

Feeling the energy drained from him after sustaining such a heavy wound, Rog's mind started to fade as his sight darkened.