
Chapter 8


Somewhere beyond waking, Just out of touch,

I see you smiling, Just as Always.

You always reminded me, Of warm summer nights,

Standing on the shore, Waiting for the stars to fall.

Silver moonlight in your hair, Eyes that shimmer like Jewels,

How often I've wondered, How your blood might taste.

I will hold you, Even as I push you away,

For you an angel, And I have Fallen.

I cannot reveal my secrets, Though you beg for explanations,

My Darling, you could not love me, If you knew the dark curse I hide.

Daylight approaches and you cry, For now it is that I take my leave,

Not before a kiss; sweet as crimson rain, Heaven forbid it-- I have Fallen.

- Vampire Diaries -

Katherine woke up after losing her consciouness the second time around. She felt that she's not alone and when she opened her eyes, her friend's smiling faces were infront of her. She deeply sighed and looked at each one of them seriously. "Can you show me your fangs?" Katherine said making her friends looked at each other. "Are you sure?" Amber asked and Katherine nodded. "You won't collapse again?" Dawn asked and Katherine nodded again. "Okay, here it goes." Thana said and they simultaneously show Katherine their fangs. Katherine touched Amdis fang and even pulled it just like what she did with her grandfather. "Ouch! That hurts!" Amdis said covering her mouth. "Sorry." Katherine said.

"Am I really a vampire?" Katherine said looking outside her window. "Yes, you are." Amber answered. "And you're not just a normal vampire. You're going to be our Queen soon." Dawn said. "A Queen? Me?" Katherine said with a faint smile on her face. "Yes, you're going to be a great Queen, Kath." Thana said. "I don't think so." Katherine said. "Believe in yourself, Kath. Besides, we're all here for you." Amdis said.

Suddenly, the door opened and Athan entered. "So, is our Princess ready for her..." Athan wasn't able to finish his words because in an instant, Katherine was already infront of her grabbing his collar. "I told you not to call me princess, Athan!" Katherine said with her golden eyes. "Woah, okay, okay. Relax, Kath." Athan said holding Katherine's hands. "Wait, what happened?" Katherine asked letting go of Athan. "I think your powers are coming out." Amber said. "Powers? I have powers?" Katherine asked not believing what she heard. "Yeah, we all have." Dawn said. "And one of them is what you did a while ago." Thana said. "One of them? You mean I have more?" Katherine said really confused. "Yeah. Silly girl." Thana said using mind link. "I'm not silly, Thana." Katherine said. "You heard me?" Thana said over the mind link "Of course, wait, you're not opening your mouth, Thana?" Katherine said with a furrowed forehead. "Yeah, you try. Just concentrate." Amdis said using the mind link. "Athan is a jerk." Katherine said over the mind link. "Hey! I can hear that." Athan said and all of them laughed.

"Where are we going?" Katherine asked. "Back to the Arena. Drake and the rest are waiting there." Athan said. "And why?" Katherine asked curiously. "Have you forgotten that you have challenged Drake?" Athan said. "Oh." Katherine said. Athan opened the door and to their surprised, Vladamir's body was tossed towards them. Luckily, they all avoided it including Katherine. Serafino smiled when he saw her granddaughter starting to have her powers back.

Before, Serafino wanted his granddaughter to have a normal life but when her parents were killed by the Sanguinarians, he knew he can't do that. He asked the help of a witch. Because Katherine's powers are too much too handle, he needed the help of a witch to make a potion that will hide Katherine's powers onto the deepest part of her body. And when the right time comes and when he knew she can handle them very well, they will naturally come out from her.

Katherine saw Drake's fangs and red eyes. When she looked at Vladamir, he's also had the same looks. "What is happening here?" Katherine said with her loud voice making everyone in the arena felt shivers of fear but at the same time, happy because of what she had. She walked towards Vladamir who was still on the ground. She touched the wound in his arm and to her surprised, Vladamir wounds were healed. "Another one of your powers." Amber said answering her puzzled face. "Really?" Katherine asked with an amused face. "Yeah." Dawn said smiling. After healing Vladamir, she approached Drake but, he avoided her making Katherine's brows raised. "I can heal myself." Drake said with a little anger in his voice and started to walk away. Serafino and Lazarus knew why Drake was like that. He was jealous when Katherine touched Vladamir.

Before Drake could go out from the arena, Katherine called him. "Drake?" Katherine said then, suddenly, Drake walked towards her without making a fuss, the rest laughed. Drake was like a robot walking towards her. Katherine is confused and the same time feeling awesome because one by one, she really possesses powers that she didn't expected at all. "And another one." Dawn said. "The Great Drake Morris was hynotized by his future Queen." Alaric said. Lucky for him, Katherine was really enjoying using her powers, so she was not able to hear clearly what Alaric said. Serafino is smiling but behind those is a really worried grandfather. He knew there's more and he's afraid that everytime one of her granddaughter's power comes out, she's one step nearer to danger that's awaiting for her. Lazarus felt Serafino's uneasiness.

"Don't worry, she have them." Lazarus said talking about Katherine's friends. "Him." Lazarus continued looking at his son, Drake. "And us." Lazarus said making Serafino nodded.

"Drake." Katherine repeated his name making him back to his senses. "What happened?" Drake asked curiously making the rest laughed again, including Katherine. Drake looked at himself and he cursed because he knew that Katherine healed his wounds. "Did you use your powers against me?" Drake asked with a serious tone making Katherine stopped from laughing. "Yes, why, do you have any problem with that?" Katherine asked. "Next time, don't do it. I said I can heal myself too!" Drake was angry again. "What is your problem? I healed you! A simple thank you is enough but right now, you're angry as a bull!" Katherine said really annoyed of Drake's attitude.

"That's enough, the two of you." Lazarus said. "Katherine just go back to your room. Your powers will consume your strength so better rest and be back here tomorrow." Serafino said. "Vladamir, go with her." Serafino said making Drake's anger rose up again. "Drake!" Lazarus called his son when he tried to attack Vladamir who was following Katherine going out of the Arena. Drake just punched the wall leaving a mark then quickly vanished out of their sights. Lazarus deeply sighed. "For the rest of you, continue your drills." Serafino said and the rest nodded.

"What is Drake's problem, Vlad? Why did you fought? Did you had an argument?" Katherine asked while they are walking going back to her room. "Just a little misunderstanding, Kath." Vladamir answered. "What misunderstanding? You are calm in dealing with people, Vlad. Is there any problem I need to know?" Katherine asked. "Nothing serious, Kath." Vladamir said but he really wanted to say, "He's jealous of me". Vladamir smiled and Katherine saw it. "Vlad?" Katherine said with a raised brow. "Just rest and don't mind us, okay?" Vlad said patting Katherine's head like a child.

To Vladamir, Katherine is like his little sister. Drake was really out of his mind. He doesn't need to get jealous of him but of course, Vladamir needs to confirm that Drake can protect her and he already found out that a while ago. Using only his powers, the wounds given by Drake to him will not heal fast, it will take a day or two. He's thankful that Katherine had healed him and it really amazed him how she is getting better with her powers but just like Serafino, he's worried for her safety but he's willing to give his own life for her. He will do anything to keep her safe.