Dude gets powers of an Immortal, learning the truth that he lives in a world [Anime] with others like him. This story is purely for enjoyment purposes and is not supposed to be taken seriously. Though, there will be serious moments probably. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.
"Sir, there's another one."
The random cop moved his head out of the way so that Kazemi could see the screen. It was around 5 o'clock pm and he was down at the station, checking all the footage on the south side of Silver City.
"Teenager, average height and build. Camera is in black and white, but we suspect him to have some sort of dyed hair." The random computer desk cop spoke and said.
On the computer screen, there was a teenaged boy walking down a sidewalk. Nothing weird about it or so it seemed in that moment.
The cop sped up the footage to the point where they saw him running down a sidewalk. The boy would then stop and look to his right which was in the direction of an alleyway.
"He isn't that far away from the warehouse, sir. Should we send someone to bring em' in for questioning?"
From this perspective, you were able to see their face. 'What the hell?' Kazemi thought, leaning closer towards the computer screen for a clearer view.
'Is that...Clay? What the hell is he..?' Clay went into the alleyway and the camera kept recording the sidewalk.
"Sir? What will we do?"
The cop looked at him and Kazemi backed away from the screen. "Send this footage straight to my personal email, Hikkens. Don't say a word about this to anyone. Got it?"
Kazemi grabbed his coat and put it on, taking out his phone and calling someone.
"Huh? Why sir?"
"Because I said so damn it!" Kazemi shouted in a low whisper.
Hikkens squealed and nodded rapidly, gulping and shaking as he typed. No one wanted to see Kazemi's bad side nor should people strive to be on it.
The person on the other end of the phone picked up. "Honey,.." Kazemi put on his hat and started speed walking away.
"There's something I need to talk to you about."
Clay rung the doorbell and knocked on the door. 'Is that a camera? When did we get that..?' He thought while looking at the doorbell, the door opening and revealing his mom.
"When did we get that installed?" He pointed to the doorbell. She didn't say anything, only turning around and walking down the small corridor. 'Okay..' He thought, wondering why he was getting silent treatment.
He walked in and closed the door. Walking down the corridor himself, he could tell that something was wrong. The TV was off, the window blinds were down, and the only that was on was the one in the kitchen which shined down on his father.
"What's going on?" Clay asked aloud while looking at his dad. He had his elbows on the table, his fingers intertwined and rested underneath his nose. His eyes were sharp, starring down Clay and watching his every movement.
"Honey, take Eve upstairs.." Eve could also tell that something was up. "Okay." Heather responded and came up to Clay who offered Eve. She...snatched her away from Clay, Eve tearing up from how rough it was.
'What did I do?' Clay thought to himself as he watched Heather carry Eve upstairs. "Clay, sit down." His father said, motioning to the chair across from himself.
Clay's body moved on its own and went over to the table to sit down. He felt like he had to or else there would have been consequences.
"Who died dad..?" Clay jokingly said while awkwardly laughing. Kazemi wasn't amused and instead, sighed. "Listen, Clay.." He cleared his throat. "Im sure you've seen on the news that there was a break in at someone's warehouse last night..."
Clay eyes widened for a split second which didn't go unnoticed by Kazemi who only sighed deeper. "We...checked the cameras, trying to find out who was there that night and uhm.."
Kazemi reached into his pocket and sat down two things on the table. Each of the items would make anyone scared of whats to come and Clay wasn't an exception.
"I..saw you. You were the only person out last night in the downtown area remotely even close to the place. This,...Clay, I.."
Handcuffs and a Gun.
"Clay, I want you to tell me the truth. Tell me everything that happened last night and don't you dare try to deceive me."
"You...think I was responsible for the break in?"
Clay asked.
"From what I've seen, yes. You are responsible. Now Clay, over anything, you are my son. I love you more than anything in this world and you know that.
That's why...that's why you have to tell me the truth here. The contents in that warehouse were firearms and now that they're gone and don't know who took them, Silver City could be in immense danger.
As a cop and a dad, I'm torn. I...don't want to arrest my own son, and it doesn't have to come down to that, alright? So please, just tell me what happened~.."
Kazemi covered his face, his shoulder moving up and down as cries slowly hiccuped out.
His whole spiel reminded Clay that his dad really was that guy. He was someone who loved his son, but also the people. If it meant putting away his own kid for the sake of the cities safety, then he'd do it.
"Don't worry, dad.." Kazemi slowly looked up. "I'd never lie to you. It'll be impossible to do anyways.." Clay wasnt just gonna sit there and lie about what happened last night.
He knew he'd get caught sooner or later. His dad was the best cop in the entire city and he lived under the same roof as him. It was literally bound to happen. Clay just didn't expect for it to be so soon.
"You'll...tell me?" Kazemi questioned, putting away his cuffs and gun. "Of course, why wouldn't I? I'm pretty sure that what I'm about to tell you will you help in many unsolved cases.."
Kazemi pulled his shirt up and wiped his face. "Thank you...for complying. Pulling my cuffs and gun out on my own child is just.." He shook his head as Clay started recollecting the events of last night.
There was so much to tell, but he was sure his father would be able to process and understand it. "Dad, I'm gonna say some really weird stuff, but just know that it's all true.." His father sat up and cleared his throat once more.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, the warehouse was just a location. The containers inside weren't important at all.."
Usually for confessions like this, Kazemi would have to record them. He wouldn't however as he felt as though it'd make Clay feel like he was a criminal being investigated.
"It's the people. The people inside, well.."
Clay heaved a sigh then started explaining everything from the beginning. From him walking down the streets late at night, to him finding out about Unity, then running back home, only to be involved in a crime. He explained everything after, but the alleyway was what caught Kazemi's attention the most.
In these last 3 years, Kazemi has encountered many dangerous people. Suicide bombers, School threats, rampaging zoo animals, he's seen shit that would make any cop give up their badge and see a therapist for the rest of their life.
Not him.
He's considered fearless, a man who's never known fear, a man who never gets scared. A man who could change a criminals whole ideal with nothing but a stare.
"Dad, are you good?" Clay asked, reaching across the table and holding Kazemi's forearm.
The shaking slowly stopped, but not completely. 'He's moving like it's chilly in here. He has a normal expression, but his body is saying otherwise..'
"Uh, yeah." He said bluntly and abruptly. "I just... Are YOU good?" He turned the question around on Clay who had nodded. "Yeah, I'm good dad. I told you I can't get hurt like a regular person could."
"Yeah, I know, but are you okay? You-You killed someone, Clay. You're this calm...when you've murdered a man. Should I be worried?"
"No. And I'm so calm because I have nothing to worry about. What I did, why I did it,.. She was this close to getting raped dad. This Close! If I didn't stop him there, if I didn't try at all~..."
The Guilt.
Clay thought he got over the mans death, seeing it as good judgment on his side. But the tears that fell on his lap were saying otherwise.
"She would have suffered! She would've lived in fear knowing that man was still alive! Pain, Agony, Humiliation, she would have to live with that for the rest of her life~...!
I..just couldn't let that happened. So I killed him. I killed him...so no one would have to experience what she went through~... I'm sorry, dad~...!"
These feelings he's had bottled up and exploded. "I never wanted to hurt him. Just-Just threaten him enough to run away or something. He didn't and one thing led to another and I... And I~...."
As he sniffed and wiped away his watery eyes, something was placed upon his head. He looked up at whatever it was, seeing a brown brim from a hat.
"You know, I've been in your situation before.." Kazemi placed his hand on top of the hat. "When I first shot at and killed someone, I was devastated. Each night I'd have nightmares about it and it haunted me.."
"When did the nightmares stop..?"
Clay asked and Kazemi took his time in answering.
"They...never do. I have to live with it for the rest of my life, Clay. Everytime I put my hand on a gun, I think back to killing them.."
"Then why, dad? Why be a cop when you're silently suffering from it?"
He looked over and out the giant window. The stars were low and would reflect off the surface of the lake.
"Because I love doing what I do. My goal in life was to make the world a safer place. I wanted my kids to live in peace. I wanted my wife to live in it as well. My sister, brother, I wanted all of you to just live a a life where you'd have no worries.
If I wanted to accomplish that, if i wanted to see your smiles,... Moving forward was the only option. I just keep moving forward with my goal and loved ones as motivation.."
Clay could understand just a little. It was either he put down his gun and have the world worsen by the day, leaving his family to go through sadness or picking up that gun and leaving himself in a world filled with pain and misery all for the sake of the people he loved.
"Clay. I don't want this to break you. Seeing you in pain makes me feel pain. I'm old, so it might kill me y'know?" His little joke got a laugh out of Clay.
"But seriously, don't let this discourage you. Don't let fear, sorrow, or regret take control of you. Use it as a guide to seek how better life could be.
You took down a rapist and a evil organization that was slowing taking over this city without me even knowing it. Hell, you're off to a great start already.."
Kazemi then took his hat back and stood up. "You know, I know the rumors about me. How I'm considered a better hero than real ones and whatnot. It...feels kind of good to be considered that, Clay.
A Hero."
"Dad, what are you saying?"
Kazemi shrugged and said, "Take it however you want, but we both know how I meant to interpret it. Clay, you have an gift. That alone makes you more special than you already were.
If it was up to me, I'd use it in my goal to make the world something safer for people. That's just me though. How will you use it?"
He's thought about it a million times before. How'd he use his power of Immortality if he ever actually got it.
'I was younger then, but my first thought was to be a superhero. A man who couldn't die and could be a sheild for the people..'
He hated seeing people suffer. So why doesn't he become something that makes people smile through hardships. A figure in the world that could make people feel safe and guarded.
'I wanna help people. No matter the challenges I'll face, I want to help..'
He sighed, laying his head down on the table while Kazemi stared at him. "Wharever it is you choose, just know I'll support you no matter what, okay?"
And with that, he started heading towards the front door.
He left Clay alone so he could have some time to himself. 'A dangerous world we live in. We both know that. Will he be able to step up though and help change lives like I'm trying to do? Guess we'll see..'
He lit a cigarette before closing the door behind himself, leaving and deciding to go visit a man he's sworn to never speak with again.