
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs


Breakfast this time, Clare just silently watched her sandwich which was still intact. She felt guilty for the release of Vrochis, if she had not paid attention to the strange sound, the rain monster would not have been released.

Clare's friends glanced at each other, they also felt guilty and kept quiet they didn't want to let go or anything. At first Zoya wanted to reprimand Clare, but she refused to do so because she was afraid to let go of what happened last night.

"Clare...." scolds Gavin surprising Clare. Clare spontaneously looked back and looked at him annoyed. Clare's mood is currently deteriorating and Gavin makes her even more irritated especially seeing Gavin giggling incoherently.

Gavin looked at Clare's plate which was still intact for a delicious sandwich then looked back at Clare who was still silent.

"You're not eating? Don't tell me you're fasting," said Gavin originally.

Clare remains silent massaging her forehead. Gavin who felt ignored, kicked out the student next to Clare and took his place. Gavin watched his brooding little friend think about the problem.

Feeling cared for, Clare became more and more uncomfortable. She turned to Gavin who was still watching her and she frowned.

"Can't you just stare at me like that?" Clare protested irritably.

"If there's a problem, tell me." Gavin said.

"And you're going to add to the trouble." Clare continued at last biting her sandwich in annoyance.

"Is it that big?" Gavin asked raising an eyebrow.

Clare looked back at him. "A lot of things make me uncomfortable. You should know that."

"Someone bullied you?" guessed Gavin

"More than bullied." Zoya interjects under pressure.

"Hey, I'm talking to Clare!" protested Gavin.

"What's the difference? Our problem is the same." Zoya said not wanting to lose.

Clare sighed and didn't answer, Zoya had already represented her. Clare quickly finished her sandwich and gulped the milk as if she were drinking water.

At the same time, the entrance bell rang, they all got up from their seats and went to their respective classes. On the way Clare met Luke who looked normal as if he didn't know what was going on, it confused Clare even though she had already prepared a way to escape Luke's demanding gaze. If all is well, then what creature escapes?

During class, Clare couldn't focus. She scribbled all over his book and didn't do his homework, she was frustrated by this.

"Ms. Davish, Professor Armstrong is calling you."

Cursed are you ancient beasts! free from Luke, but not free from Professor, why is my fate like this? What did I do wrong, God! Clare thought, cursing her fate which was really messed up.

Clare got up from the bench and walked hesitantly out of the classroom. Along the way Clare kept cursing herself for being so careless and easily provoked, I don't know how long she would change, it was very difficult even though Clare wanted to change, there is only a new problem occurs.

Clare lazily took the elevator and headed for the VVIP principal's office. Just about to enter the principal's office, she saw Zoya who had just arrived at her.

"Are you here too?" asked Clare.

"You were also called" Zoya instead asked back with a surprised expression.

"Don't be because of last night's trouble. I've lost hope," said Zoya resigned.

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"But if it's because of what happened last night, why just the two of you? It must be something else," said Zoya positive thinking.

"Hopefully." Clare mumbled even though her feelings were telling her the first guess.

The two of them entered the room and the assistant Professor told them to wait and sit on the sofa. Clare and Zoya's feelings are really unsettled, they were silent, lost in their own thoughts and kept praying that there would be no more trouble.

The door opened revealing Blaire alone making Clare and Zoya even more panicked.

"You were called too!" Clare and Zoya said at the same time.

"You guys too? I thought it was just me." Blaire said surprised then sat down next to Zoya.

"Was it because of what we did last night?" Blaire guessed

"Not necessarily, there's still Jules." Zoya said trying to cover her panic.

Right after that, the door opened again revealing Jules with a bad mood on her face. Seeing that they widened their eyes and looked at each other as well as Jules whose expression turned to surprise.

"You guys too?" Jules said excited.

"Fix, new problem." Clare muttered.

Jules trotted over and sat down next to Clare with wide eyes. "Must be because last night someone saw."

"Even if no one sees it, the Professor himself will know," said Blaire.

Jules groaned in annoyance. "I just want to die!"

"You guys got into trouble because of me," said Clare looking down feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault I've made up my mind so no regrets." Blaire said and Zoya nodded in agreement.

"Didn't we promise to solve the problem together? There's no need for any regrets." Jules continued.

Clare kept her head down feeling guilty about the direction she was going. He just hoped that his punishment would not get him expelled.

"Good friendship, reminds me of my old friends," said Professor Armstrong then chuckled.

Spontaneously Clare, Jules, Blaire, and Zoya got up from the sofa and walked over to Professor Armstrong who was sitting in his old-looking office chair.

"Professor, we know we were wrong," said Claire.

"Already admit it, then there's no need to explain," said the Professor then glanced at them one by one. "Are you sure you only made one mistake?"

"What else?" Jules asked, frowning.

"In recent months, someone disguised as Ms. Campbell and stole Mr. Rowler and broke into the forbidden forest, already know forbidden but still violated. Luckily I didn't leak it." He said glancing at Jules making Jules embarrassed for a moment and didn't dare to look at him.

"Then a low-point disciple dared to hypnotize everyone to attract his attention had also dared to turn back time for his own sake and confuse everyone." He continued then glanced at Zoya until he didn't dare to look at her like Jules.

"Carelessly looking at someone's future without permission is also a mistake and violates destiny, let alone not having authority over it." He said glancing at Blaire.

"Entering all forbidden areas many times, bringing forbidden animals and forests into the dormitory, causing chaos in the academy due to carelessness," said the Professor glancing at Clare as if demanding him to be a bad person, Clare was really embarrassed.

"How did the professor know about that?" Blaire asked bravely, only Blaire's actions were not too prominent compared to his friends.

"I know every move in the academy even your daily activities. Reading books, making novels, traveling, looking for a partner, releasing curiosity, trying new things." call the Professor mentions their activities other than school, eating, sleeping, bathing.

The four of them were just silent, their activities were somehow read. It really made them embarrassed and confused at the same time.

"Are you ready for all the punishment for all your mistakes?" said the Professor making the four of them panic instantly.

What they have in mind, the punishment that will be given is expulsion. If it wasn't that, then all grades were emptied or raising monsters or not advancing or some other punishment that would drive them crazy and ashamed.

Professor Armstrong laughed at their tense expressions, it annoyed Jules as if he was mocking them who were panicking.

"The proper punishment for your misdeeds is expulsion from the academy."

Hearing that they widened their eyes and panicked even more.

"Professor, if you let us out. How can we face the world?" said Clare.

"Profesor, menjelaskanlah lagi. Kami akan memperbaikinya," kata Jules.

"Give us a chance " Zoya continued panicking.

The professor walked back to them and smiled wryly.

"Why do you think I chose you to enter the academy?"

"Every year the professor chooses 16 or 17 year olds to enter the academy. It's normal." Blaire replied.

"I don't just randomly enter students, it's not because of noble or not, rich or poor it's the same. Just because of talent, I believe all of you have extraordinary talent from birth. So think about it, could I possibly just let you guys out?" obviously the Professor made them a little relieved, apparently just a joke.

"So the punishment you get is being transferred."

"Moved? I've been transferred to 3rd grade how can it be transferred again?" Zoya said not understanding.

"Your points are all empty because of your mistakes. Therefore you will be transferred to class...." He said then formed his finger like a zero.

"Zero?" said the four of them wide-eyed. As far as they remember, no one said anything about the dorm.