
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Suddenly, a challenging battle erupted.

However, since it had come, it might as well be fought.

Harry didn't mind at all.

Swinging the Culti-Me Sword repeatedly, he unleashed one sword technique after another.

At this moment, Boran couldn't help but feel both shocked and furious.

As a renowned wandering cultivator, he had encountered countless experts and seen many figures from the five major immortal sects. However, he had never seen a junior disciple, not even twenty years old, reach such a level of swordsmanship.

The other two members of The Three Big Swords, Doran and Dobo, were also astonished.

They were also long-established wandering cultivators but had never seen such swordsmanship.

They were amazed to see their leader, Boran, being forced into such a state by Harry's sword, as if he was being controlled.

Doran and Dobo exchanged glances and immediately drew their swords, joining the fray.

Their goal this time was to cripple Harry, not engage in one-on-one combat. They had initially thought Boran could handle the opponent, but now that Boran couldn't, they decided to team up three against one.

Doran used the Earth-Shattering Sword Technique, a technique that, once unleashed, had a momentum akin to splitting the heavens and earth. The sword aura surged powerfully towards Harry.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the last member of The Three Big Swords, Dobo, employed a set of Diamond Sword Techniques. Once unleashed, his entire person resembled a furious Vajra, with an extremely intimidating aura.

Boran's Earth-Splitting Sword Technique, Doran's Earth-Shattering Sword Technique, and Dobo's Diamond Sword Techniques.

The three sets of ferocious and powerful sword techniques launched attacks against Harry.

The sword qi emitted by Boran and Doran was earthy yellow, while Dobo's was golden.

The three sword qi rolled and surged, directly pressing down on Harry, showing signs of suppressing him from the beginning.

The opponents are very strong.

After clashing with the swords of the opponents, Harry realized that they were formidable and probably two of them were at the ninth stage of Meditation, while one was at the eighth stage.

Moreover, their combined attack was much stronger than his own.

Dealing with such opponents wouldn't be easy; the three sets of extremely fierce sword techniques even made it difficult for his Culti-Me Sword to keep up.

No need to rush.

First, wear down the opponents.

With Harry's sword swinging, he began to use seemingly soft techniques.

However, these techniques were all cunning and sharp.

As the Culti-Me Sword rotated in his hand, he displayed exquisite sword techniques one after another. While the three opponents followed a fierce path, he countered with softness.

With a few more casual strikes, he forced these people to realize that they couldn't even fight head-on.

Finally, with a few more casual strikes, he forced the three to separate and scatter.

Indeed, this battle became somewhat troublesome when the three teamed up, but later on, Harry found it quite easy.

If he hadn't broken through to the seventh stage of Meditation, this battle would have been quite difficult. However, reaching the seventh stage of Meditation naturally enhances a cultivator's ability to handle group battles.

Moreover, The Three Big Swords, these three individuals, were just wandering cultivators without good techniques or profound skills, and their swords are so much inferior than Culti-Me Sword, so Harry became accustomed to the pressure of such battles and found it easier.

Harry became more and more relaxed as he fought, his swordsmanship flowing freely.

At this moment, Boran, Doran, and Dobo of The Three Big Swords were all sweating profusely.

They had initially thought it would be a relatively easy task, but now they realized it was anything but.

The strength of this junior's swordsmanship was beyond anything they had ever seen.

With just one sword, he had managed to trap all three of them.

And to think, his mana was slightly weaker than any one of them.

As a result, with slightly weaker mana, he had managed to single-handedly trap three opponents. Such swordsmanship was simply unbelievable.

Boran and the others were now struggling under Harry's sword, unable to execute complete techniques, unable to team up, and forced to dance around, seemingly completely controlled by the opponent's long sword.

At the same time, they recalled what someone had said: "Harry, this junior, is at the sixth stage of Meditation, and his swordsmanship is not bad."

Damn, he clearly is at the seventh stage of Meditation. If it were just a discrepancy in mana advancement, that wouldn't be such a big deal, but his swordsmanship isn't just "not bad"; it's incredibly exquisite.

Damn it.

At this moment, many people began to gather and watch.

Initially, they kept their distance, fearing the ferocious attacks of The Three Big Swords, but as they watched, they realized that they were completely overwhelmed by the young man.

"Who is this young man? How can someone so young, who doesn't even look twenty, suppress The Three Big Swords with just one sword?"

"Yeah, The Three Big Swords are notorious wandering cultivators from Weststate, known for their killings and plundering. They've done many evil deeds. Somehow, they arrived in our Rivershadow Manor recently, and these three have been arrogant. They've survived so far solely because they're extremely tough. I didn't expect someone like this, facing a young junior, to completely overwhelm them."

"Who is this young man? How can he be so powerful?"

"To suppress The Three Big Swords with just one sword, what an amazing young man." Rivershadow Manor is close to Sworthy Mountain, and there are often cultivators coming and going.

Among the onlookers, there are some cultivators who recognize The Three Big Swords.

Finally, a true disciple of Sworthy Mountain's South Peak, who had been taught swordsmanship by Harry, couldn't help but exclaim, "Isn't this Harry? He's truly remarkable, single-handedly suppressing three people...".

Other people, upon hearing this person recognize the young man, also approached and asked, and the disciple of Sworthy Mountain's South Peak recounted Harry's past battles one by one.