
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


This is a dimly lit tunnel, illuminated by the faint light of torches, which also reveals freshly dug soil on the walls.

In Sworthy Mountain, there is much to learn beyond just martial techniques and swordsmanship; there are also various knowledge about the underground world.

The underground world is extremely dangerous, and it's crucial to educate about it; otherwise, it's easy to perish there.

Upon closer inspection, Harry noticed that the soil here is fresh, indicating that the tunnel was recently dug.

Continuing down, they found the passage not very wide, accommodating only four or five people walking side by side.

The tunnel was about two people tall, as the underground demons are generally taller than humans, requiring a higher passage.

The downward sloping tunnel led Harry, Squary, and Round further down.

After some time, still facing profound darkness ahead, they heard a sneering voice:

"Interesting, interesting. The juniors of Sworthy Mountain dare to intrude into the territory of our Moon Demon Sect. You are truly seeking death. Submit to your fate."

Gradually emerging from the darkness was a tall demon.

The demon was entirely black, with a skin resembling a hard shell covered in scales.

It had two sharp horns on its head, humanoid in form but much larger, about one and a half times the size of a human.

Its joints had sharp, sword-like protrusions, appearing cold and sharp.

This was a Shura, a monstrous creature from the underground world.

Harry sensed that this Shura's strength was considerable, likely surpassing the previous one encountered, possibly at the Seventh Stage of the Meditation Phase. Squary, however, couldn't sense the Shura's power due to the vast difference in their abilities.

Squary readied his sword, displaying a move called "Righteousness," exuding a sense of justice.

Despite Squary's improvement, facing a Shura at the Seventh Stage of the Meditation Phase was daunting.

With a single strike, the Shura sent Squary flying, causing him to abandon his sword.

Round, positioned nearby, intervened to shield Squary from further harm. However, the Shura's strike sent both of them tumbling.

In just one move, Squary and Round were severely injured.

Realizing the Shura's formidable strength, they knew they were in trouble.

As the Shura turned its attention to Harry, it rushed forward, intending to deal with this younger opponent first.

The Shura considered its elbows, hands, and feet as weapons, confident that they were more versatile than human swords. However, it soon realized its mistake.

Harry's swordsmanship was exquisite.

"Clouds Drifting"… "Strong Winds"… "Cloud-Entwined Sword Disturbance"… "Gusting Winds"…

One after another, Harry's sword techniques targeted the Shura's vulnerabilities, leaving it unable to execute a full strike.

The Shura felt constantly pressured, unable to fully attack as Harry's swordsmanship controlled the rhythm of the battle.

Despite the Shura's greater magical power, it found itself at a disadvantage due to Harry's exceptional swordsmanship.

The Shura had expected an easy victory but found itself struggling against this young swordsman's unpredictable techniques.

Harry's mastery of the sword was like a dance in the sky, effortlessly exploiting the Shura's weaknesses.

The battle escalated, and the Shura found itself increasingly cornered. Finally, with a thunderous sound, the Shura fell under Harry's blade.

The ground was soon covered in blood, a testament to the Shura's defeat.

Squary and Round, astonished, realized they had greatly underestimated Harry's swordsmanship.

While they had seen him in competitions before, they had never witnessed the full extent of his skills.

With the battle won, Harry turned his attention to looting the Shura's possessions.

Disappointingly, the Shura carried nothing of value. It seemed that defeating the Moon Demon Sect would be necessary to obtain any spoils.

However, one prize was certain—the Shura's head. It could be presented to Sworthy Mountain or the Great Jin Dynasty as proof of accomplishment.

Meanwhile, on the surface, Fling frowned upon seeing someone using a defensive talisman. He swiftly flew on his sword to rescue the endangered disciples, disappearing in a flash of white light.

Gling chuckled at first, thinking that Fling's disciples were in trouble, but soon realized that his own disciples needed rescue as well.

"This time, the Moon Demon Sect seems to have many skilled practitioners," Gling remarked as he too flew into action, his sword turning into a streak of darkness plunging into the underground.