
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Win! Win!

At this moment, on the platform in front of The Simons' Gym.

Harry, alone with a long sword, has already ensnared Zithone, Chestwo, Boothree, and Drafour in his sword formation.

Initially, these four had some advantage when they first teamed up, but it's too late now. They have paid the price for underestimating their opponent.

Zithone attacks with a zither, producing attacks that manipulate zither, but careful observation of his subtle finger movements reveals his attack patterns. By continuously striking at his strings with "Gale Passing Through," Harry disrupts his control over the zither, exposing vulnerabilities.

Chestwo attacks with black and white chess pieces but struggles with close combat due to his weakness in that area.

Boothree uses a brush with broad strokes, but the drawback is that his brush is only a foot long, while Harry's Culti-Me Sword is three feet and three inches long. Harry takes advantage of the length of his weapon.

Drafour employs the "World-Painting Swordsmanship," which uses painting techniques in swordsmanship. Its flaw is that it requires a grand demeanor, which Drafour lacks.

Once these four weaknesses are found, Harry unleashes his sword techniques, gradually trapping them in his sword formation.

The onlookers are dumbfounded.

Harry, with just a long sword, has managed to suppress the four great attendants in his sword formation.

Lonwin can only sigh. It's just a small martial arts gym opening, not a big deal. Besides, the gym wouldn't set up too difficult challenges to attract people.

So, Lonwin only invited Bob and a few others to guard the first few gates and familiarize themselves with Simon's family business.

As for the last few gates, he invited these four attendants who were invincible in Meditation when combined. He didn't expect them to underestimate Harry just because he was young... nor did he expect Harry to come down the mountain. Wasn't he the laziest one?

Bob and the others are feeling bitter. Bob considers himself one of the true disciples, but his strength is nowhere near Harry's.

As for Zithone and the others, they are secretly regretful.

They have encountered many true disciples of famous sects but have never encountered someone like Harry, whose swordsmanship is so extraordinary.

Trapping four people with just a long sword is unimaginable. They try desperately to find a way out of the sword formation, but it's like being stuck in a cloud, unable to break free.

Gradually, they also realize that they can't control their bodies anymore, as if they've been influenced by Harry's swordsmanship.

Damn it, how could a junior have such extraordinary swordsmanship?

At this moment, Harry swings his long sword.

The "Wind and Clouds Hundred and Eight Swords" techniques are continuously displayed. With the four opponents trapped in his sword formation, it's simple from here. He looks at Bob beside him and says, "Oh, are you six going to attack now? It doesn't matter. Go ahead and attack if you want."

Bob and the others are in tears.

They can feel that even if all six of them join the fight, they still wouldn't be able to defeat Harry.

Harry's swordsmanship is too extraordinary.

Such swordsmanship...

"Retract swords." With a movement of Harry's sword, the Culti-Me Sword swiftly cuts through, and blood spurts out in all directions.

At this moment, the wrists of the four opponents are all cut, and upon closer inspection, it can be seen that the wounds where their tendons are severed are all in the same place.

Zithone, Chestwo, Boothree, and Drafour are all gasping for air.

This young man's exquisite swordsmanship allows him to cut the tendons of all four opponents in the same place with one move, without any mistake. His control over the long sword has reached such a level.

This battle has ended.

Tendons are crucial for cultivators.

In the Foundation Phase, the body can automatically repair limbs and reconnect tendons, but in the Meditation phase, once tendons are severed, combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. It takes a considerable amount of time to recover, at least two months. These four have lost their combat effectiveness.

So, they have lost this battle.

At this moment, Harry finds something that puzzles him. Now that he's done challenging and fighting, what's next? Could it be that he'll just set fire? Yes, burning down The Simons' Gym would be a good idea.

Once a fire is set, The Simons' Gym will be destroyed, and rebuilding won't be simple.

Moreover, because his reputation has plummeted due to him defeating everyone alone, combined with other reasons, The Simons' Gym will be seriously damaged in the short term, making it difficult to rebuild.

Very well, let's set fire.

Setting fire is undoubtedly a technical job, and he's never done this kind of thing before. Harry feels oddly delighted.


Meanwhile, in the crowd, there is a man wearing a straw hat, his face hidden beneath it, only the stubble of his chin showing.

Clearly not young, he must be at least thirty years old.

The man mutters to himself, "Sword Heart, it's the Sword Heart. I'm the first true disciple of the East Peak, also just recently grasped the edge of the sword intent, and I'm already thirty-three years old. I didn't expect that there would be such a young person at the North Peak who has already mastered the sword intent. Is this me, or is he the true disciple of the Sword Sect?"

The man wearing the straw hat mutters to himself, seeming a bit melancholy.

From his self-talk, he should be Sherwood, the first true disciple of the East Peak, and one of the few people in the East Peak who has practiced the East Peak's Zhenfeng Sword Art and the Rising Sun Sword Art.

The East Peak's Treasured Sword Art is the Rising Sun Sword Art.

The South Peak's Treasured Sword Art is the Ever-changing Cloud and Mist, with 1,300 variations.

The North Peak's Treasured Sword Art is the Wind and Clouds Hundred and Eight Moves.

Treasured Sword Art, each with its own mysteries.