
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

The Simons’ Gym

Time has slipped by another year.

At this moment, the northern peak of Sworthy Mountain gradually regained its calmness.

The weather was fine that day, with clear skies and warm sunshine. White clouds drifted lazily in the sky.

On a grassy patch halfway up the northern peak, a young man lay down, using a long sword as a pillow. Beside him was a bottle of wine. The young man would lie there for a while, occasionally taking a sip from the bottle. As time passed, another year had gone by.

He was now eighteen years old.

During this past year, the fierce storms that swept through the northern peak had subsided. He had returned to his usual lazy self. Yes, he hadn't forgotten about his vendetta against Aeron, but he didn't feel the need to express his hatred every day. As long as he kept it in his heart, it was enough.

Throughout the year, he had put in rare effort. He spent six hours a day practicing, much more than before. However, compared to other true disciples who practiced for ten or twelve hours a day, this amount seemed meager.

Nevertheless, he had made progress during the year.

With the help of the three cloud rabbits and four cloud cats on his spirit tablet, he had almost effortlessly cultivated to the eighth level of refining qi, focusing on the fine channels and micro-vessels.

In addition to the twelve primary meridians and eight extraordinary vessels, there were some minor channels and micro-vessels in his body, not very conspicuous.

Originally, his small circulation of qi circulated between the twelve primary meridians and the eight extraordinary vessels. However, reaching the eighth level of refining qi, his qi began to flow into these minor channels and micro-vessels, resulting in further growth of his qi.

From the seventh to the eighth level of refining qi, it was not considered difficult; it was all about accumulating qi.

Of course, during this year, he had not only done these things.

He also practiced some swordsmanship, such as his master's Darking Sword Technique.

However, he had yet to grasp the essence of the Darking Technique. According to his master, it wasn't because he lacked talent in swordsmanship but because of his personality.

Swords, like people, varied greatly.

For someone like his master Abbas, who was usually calm and melancholic, practicing the Darking Sword Technique was quite normal.

However, for someone like Harry, who was lazy and optimistic, practicing a somewhat melancholic technique like the Darking Sword Technique was quite difficult.

Of course, failing to master it wasn't a big deal for Harry. Sword intent couldn't be forced. If one insisted too much, it could easily lead to deviation.

If I succeed, I am fortunate; if I fail, it is fate.

That's all.

In fact, Harry's significant achievements so far were not only due to his high talent in swordsmanship but also because of his temperament, which aligned with the Daoist and immortal philosophy of purity and inaction.

If one was too preoccupied with worldly matters, driven by strong desires for success, it could easily give rise to inner demons and hinder cultivation.

Harry lay on the grass, yawning lazily. He felt quite tired, especially since the weather was getting hot, and by midday, everyone felt sleepy and just wanted to nap. After taking another sip of wine, he felt even drowsier and soon fell asleep.

Just as Harry fell asleep, Squary arrived. Harry was puzzled.

Wasn't Squary supposed to be accompanying his master, Squaring, on a journey? In the past year, the true disciples had begun to accompany their masters on journeys.

Harry hadn't joined his master on such a journey, mainly because Abbas' health was deteriorating, and he couldn't afford such long travels anymore. Secondly, Harry didn't really need those simple journeys now. Of course, the main reason was that Harry was lazy.

At this moment, Squary, who had undergone a transformation during his journey, appeared much more refined than before. Seeing this, Harry realized that such journeys were indeed beneficial.

"Oh, haven't you been accompanying your teacher on a journey? Why are you back?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you really don't know? It's because Caldwell, the lord of our northern peak, is about to celebrate his five hundredth birthday, so we all rushed back for the occasion," Squary explained contentedly. "It's a pity to accompany my master on this journey. I can't eat anything delicious and can only travel by the book."

Harry was surprised. "Oh, Caldwell's five hundredth birthday is coming up?" He felt a bit embarrassed. It seemed he was too lazy to socialize on the northern peak, not even knowing such widely known events.

"I heard Babber and Baily are also about to return to the mountain. Everyone will come back for Caldwell's five hundredth birthday celebration," Squary added. "I guess there will be quite a few guests on the mountain in a while."


Because of Caldwell's upcoming five hundredth birthday celebration, the northern peak had indeed become much livelier recently. Most of the top ten true disciples had returned to the mountain.

Due to the return of most of the top ten true disciples, Harry found himself unusually quiet.

Ada would often challenge him to a sword fight, not to mention the others.

The real trouble came from Babber and Baily, both of whom constantly sought him out, trying to win him over. The two competed with each other, each wanting to become the next lord of the northern peak. When Harry was still lazy, no one contested him. But now that he stood out more, why didn't these two compete? Harry couldn't help but feel annoyed; it was a headache.

Now, it was difficult to find peace on the mountain.

Forget it, let's go down the mountain for a stroll.

Harry thought of going down the mountain, and coincidentally, Squary also wanted to go down.

While Squary was on the mountain, he had to follow the rules set by his master, Squaring, and behave like a good disciple.

But now, both of them wanted to enjoy themselves outside, and Round, the third member of their trio, naturally followed suit.

Once again, they arrived at Rivershadow County.

Rivershadow County was bustling with activity. Along the streets, there were rice shops, taverns, shops, markets, and fish markets, bustling with people.

Harry followed the crowd, holding a wine gourd freshly filled with brewed grain wine. He took sips from it as he walked, feeling extremely comfortable. This was the life he enjoyed. As he walked along, he noticed a large crowd ahead and went over to ask someone nearby.

"What's going on here?" Harry asked casually, eager to join in the excitement.

"Oh, I heard that The Simons' Gym, which has been closed for a year, has reopened and set up a challenge. Many people are rushing over because they've set up ten levels, and if you can pass a few levels, you can win a lot of rewards and even the chance to join The Simons' Gym. Many cultivators are coming to join in the fun," the person explained.

The Simons' Gym was a force under Aeron's command.

For wandering cultivators, joining the ranks of someone as powerful as Aeron was a great opportunity. The biggest problem for wandering cultivators was the lack of guidance and support.

By joining someone like Aeron, they could receive guidance and support.

Usually, The Simons' Gym attracted many wandering cultivators.

However, such overt forces as The Simons' Gym couldn't recruit too powerful individuals. They couldn't recruit anyone above the refining qi stage, or it would violate the rules of the northern peak.

During the storm that swept through the northern peak a year ago, many of Aeron's covert agents were wiped out, and Harry was aware that The Simons' Gym had been forcibly closed at the time.

Now, to his surprise, The Simons' Gym had reopened.


Harry smiled, feeling excited. He hadn't expected Aeron to resume his activities after the storm on the northern peak.

Since he had encountered it, he would have to disrupt it. It would be satisfying to undermine Aeron's influence and strike a blow to his reputation. Unconsciously, he felt exhilarated.