
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Harry's Virtues

Harry's temperament is generally like this.

Usually, he appears harmless, lazy, and lethargic, with a carefree attitude. Even if someone slightly offends him, he generally doesn't bother to mind.

He's essentially the kind of good-natured person from the Northern Peak who greets everyone with a smile and doesn't mind cracking a few jokes. 

However, once he is truly provoked, pushed to the limit, he completely transforms into someone else. Those from The Simons should have experienced this quite well.

In fact, this is still considered good behavior, as Sworthy Mountain Sect is a reputable and orthodox sect that does not allow internal conflict or killing. Otherwise, Harry might really do something extreme. That's just his nature.

Furthermore, don't be fooled by Harry's usual demeanor. Once he gets serious, he's completely different. When he's serious, he can forget about almost anything else and immerse himself entirely in swordsmanship. When he reaches this state of immersion, his swordsmanship improves rapidly, and not just that,

Previously, only Abbas had seen this side of Harry.

Now, Squary and Round are witnessing it for the first time. Their personalities are quite similar; they usually enjoy joking around. However, in these past few days, Harry has been completely absorbed in his swordsmanship practice, paying no attention to their usual antics.

Squary and Round now understand that Harry's success is not purely luck.

A Shura approaches.

This Shura moves swiftly, accelerating instantly.

Squary and Round know that Harry is focusing on sword practice now, so they don't intervene and let Harry handle it.

Culti-Me Sword strikes, its bright sword light flashing in the dark tunnel.

With one strike, the Shura is already enveloped in Harry's swordsmanship.

The Shura initially intended to attack the seemingly fatter Round, but with this sword technique, it's already been enveloped. It's as if an invisible force is compelling it to be drawn into this circle, leaving it feeling somewhat frustrated.

The Shura attempts to attack Harry, but at this moment, Harry's Culti-Me Sword flickers, its blade sharp, forcing the Shura to dodge to the left.


The battle continues.

After an unknown duration, the Shura suddenly realizes that it has been dodging left the entire time, unable to take a step to the right. Moreover, the leftward movement seems to be fixed. How is this possible?

The Shura immediately tries to dodge to the right, but it is met with the sharp coldness of the Culti-Me Sword's blade.

Helplessly, it can only dodge left again, continuously moving towards the predetermined direction.


Until its death, this Shura never dodges to the right once, constantly dodging left under Harry's sword, endlessly.

At this moment, Harry understands that he can completely control which direction the Shura moves and what actions it takes.

Unconsciously, he feels that the life and death of the enemy are entirely in his hands.

With a sword in hand, he controls the opponent completely.

That's the feeling.

Harry suddenly stops his sword, staring blankly at his Culti-Me Sword.

After a while of daze, his eyes become extremely clear, and he shouts, "I understand."

At this moment, Harry finally understands how to completely comprehend Sword's Heart.

It's extremely profound, but to put it plainly, it's about using the long sword to force the opponent to move where he wants and perform the actions he wants.

As long as he can completely comprehend Sword's Heart, it can be said that the opponent, in his eyes, is nothing more than a puppet.

Now, as long as the opponent's power does not greatly exceed his own, he is basically assured of victory.

If Abbas were to find out, it's hard to say how he would react. He would probably be quite pleased.

Squary and Round, at this moment, don't know how to react either. They have witnessed Harry completely comprehending Sword's Heart, and they can't help but feel that this level of swordsmanship is too terrifying.

Squary murmurs, "Did I see it wrong? From start to finish, this Shura couldn't move to the right at all, only left."

"Completely forced to keep moving left by the swordsmanship." Round nods.


On the surface.

At this moment, The Flying Sword, Fling furrows his brow, while The Goosing Sword, Gling, laughs heartily. He must be pleased.

So far, in this expedition to the underground world, out of the eight true disciples of the Northern Peak, four have used protective talismans and were saved by Fling, thus losing their qualification for the expedition. Similarly, out of the seven true disciples of the Southern Peak, only one has used a protective talisman and was saved by Gling, losing the qualification as well.

This expedition between the true disciples of the Northern and Southern Peaks seems to have some signs of rivalry.