
Immortal Supreme Roamimg Multiverse

Allen was a reincarnared first into cultivation world but without any golden finger. Fighting against all cost he reached the peak, only then did he obtain his golder finger, ability to travel to different anime worlds. Follow Allen journey to finally enjoy witjout any threats in different anime, manga and many other worlds.

Nobody2NoBody · แฟนตาซี
147 Chs

Chapter 359 War and Victory

What happened to Pandora was just an episode, and the Olympian gods knew nothing about this incident.

  In contrast, on the Sea of ​​Pontonoris, above the Palace of Poseidon, the battle between the gods has intensified.

  The dome of the temple was lifted and light shone into this ancient hall.

  Huddled in a corner, as the only mortal in the field and the fuse of this war of gods, Andrea looked up at the gods in the sky.

  At this moment, the war between gods has turned from testing into a fierce one, and some people have been injured and bleeding.

  The surging power vibrated in the sky, and various artifacts shone brilliantly. Andrea even saw clearly that even Hera's white arms were left with bloodstains for the first time.

  You know, just like Athena is known as the "bright-eyed girl" in the human world, the Queen of Heaven is also known as the "white-armed Hera". This is both a compliment to her appearance and a description of her authority.

  Because in the hearts of wise men in the world, eyes are the windows of wisdom and soul, and arms symbolize the kindness of a mother nurturing her children.

  Fertility and wisdom are things that mortals desire and cannot live without. But at this moment, their masters are competing in the sky.

  "...Did I do this? "

  Her eyes widened as she realized that a choice she had made had led to a conflict between the gods, but Andrea only looked confused.

  Before she came here, she had heard a lot from Alvin, about the situation among the gods and the dangers facing Athens. He told her that if the golden apple could not be given a proper owner, the world would be doomed to be a river of blood, because this was the will of the king of gods and the unspeakable consensus of the gods.

  But now, Andrea found that things didn't seem to be like this. Because even if she gave the golden apple to the sea god, the result didn't seem to change.

  In other words, she even began to doubt, if she gave the golden apple to the goddess... would this fight really still happen?

  [This is an accident, Andrea... I have to say, this is something I didn't expect]

  [According to my original intention, Keto should have left directly after getting the golden apple, instead of causing so much trouble.]

  A familiar voice flashed through her mind, but this time, Andrea did not accept it so easily.

  She was silent for a moment, then asked in her heart:

  "I know this is not what you want... But Ivan, why do you think that war will break out among the gods? Can't the God King prevent the outbreak of war? Why can't he stop all this?"

  'Besides, the gods created all spirits... Although I questioned this point in the previous debate, I also think what you said makes sense, but is there a possibility that they are not as bad as you say? After all, there are many absurd rumors about gods, but there are also many about nobles and kings, even more. I have heard my father mention them everywhere... But kings and nobles still rule this world, and will gods really start wars in the world and cause millions of people to bleed?'

  [So you think that the problem lies with Keto, and that I made you choose her, is that right? ]

  'No, I'm not blaming you, Alvin, but... the choice made by this sea god is not what you thought.'

  Biting her lip lightly, Andrea took a breath.

  In front of her, there is a barrier that seems thin but is indestructible.

  That was left by Athena. Maybe others have forgotten it, but she still remembers this believer who brought everything in the beginning. It is also because of this barrier that she can watch this war of gods from the perspective of a spectator.

  'There is something wrong with the sea god, and the God King left because of it. Maybe you didn't expect that... But it is precisely because the God King is gone that no one can stop the conflicts among the gods - my father told me about this. A country needs a strong king. Only in this way can it suppress discord and control all the forces it can control.'

  [So you think that the previous approach might be wrong, and you should give the golden apple to Athena. Even if some gods are really dissatisfied, the King of Gods will definitely be able to suppress the conflict between the gods.]

  "...I don't know if this is right or not, but at least the current result is not what I want."

  Speaking softly, Andrea felt that her life in recent times was a bit absurd.

  Because of an unexpected hijacking, he came into contact with an unexpected person, which then led to a war between gods, and even the war between gods might cause conflicts among humans.

  For a moment, she felt that everything was a little unreal, and she began to doubt many things.

  After all, she is still too young.

  [I see]

  The voice sounded in my heart, and then gradually became lower.

  Listening to Andrea's question, Ryan couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

  Although it seems that everything has not deviated too far from the right track at the moment, and the source of Ketuo's accident lies with the Lord of Hell, which can be avoided in the future, Ryan still reflected on himself at this moment.

  Yes, what he knows does not mean that others also know it. Even if others know it, it does not mean that they can understand and act accordingly.

  Even Keto would obey Asmodeus' orders at a critical moment and eventually change his plan. Now the war in the world is inevitable. If he also turns a blind eye to the opinions of mortals like the gods of Olympus and arranges everything in his own way, then in this upcoming war between humans and gods, let alone Athens, will even Silvermoon City be as easy to use as he imagined?

  Maybe, maybe not. If he is still a complete self now, Ryan doesn't need to consider these things.

  In the face of absolute power, all problems are not problems. But since there is no absolute power, from the perspective of the embodiment of human nature, Ryan even feels that his understanding of human nature is quite shallow.

  Just like Andrea was too young, he had never been at the top of the world before, and after becoming a god, he naturally wouldn't care about these things. Maybe in this regard, he still has a lot to learn... Thoughts flashed through his mind, so at this moment, the plan that was originally changed because of Keto's choice was directly erased in Ryan's mind.

  He anticipated that if the disputes in the world were doomed to not be postponed, then perhaps he could take the initiative and gain the advantage; he also thought about clipping Zeus' wings and then delaying time, which seemed to be very necessary.

  But now it seems that Ryan doesn't think it's that necessary.

  For some reason, Cohen's image flashed through his mind. At this moment, following his spiritual intuition, Ryan gave up these plans.

  What will happen if the war on earth fails? Perhaps the destruction of Athens and Silvermoon City, and the increase in Zeus' power after he conquers the gods. But what does this mean to him?

  When his divine incarnation returns, this era will come to an end. And the life and death of the living beings on earth...

  Let them decide for themselves.

  As the embodiment of humanity, he just lived as an ordinary human being and did what he wanted to do, such as learning about the development of alchemy.  

  [In that case, Andrea, since you still have hope in the gods, then do as you wish... and see what Zeus and the gods will bring to Athens in the future.]

  Speaking in a low voice, Ryan smiled easily from his seat far away in the Acropolis.

  Well, I really worry about nothing. If it were me before we separated, I probably wouldn't care about the golden apple at all.

  Even Andrea would probably still be disappointed. After all, when it comes to disappointing people, the gods never disappoint people.



  During this moment of communication in her heart, Andrea, looking up at the battlefield in the sky, suddenly discovered that the war between gods had once again reached a turning point.

  With a slight hum, as the weapons collided, after continuous impact with the artifact Spear of Walkertor, the bronze sword in Ares' hand finally showed some cracks.

  A corner of the sword tip broke off and flew into the ocean, but Ares, who had already fallen into a rage under the blessing of power, was unaware of it. He held the dagger and still rushed towards his undefeated sister.

  "No, what sister? I am the brother! What victory? I am the embodiment of war. It is difficult for you to be born in the Father's head. What does this have to do with me?!"

  The body of the god became more and more powerful, and the war between the gods boosted the power of the God of War. And not long ago, the fight in the underworld only stimulated the power of [Material Destruction]. As the God of War, Ares also benefited from it.

  At this moment, he felt as if he had never been stronger. After all, Zeus and Ares were both members of the Olympian pantheon, so when the King of Gods fought against the outside world as a living god, the laws of war would naturally become active and prosperous.

  "Look, Athena, I am the God of War!"

  With a roar, along with his own authority, a series of phantoms flashed behind Ares. They seemed to be the shadows of all the gods and humans in the world who were fighting at the moment. He even saw two blurry and huge phantoms, which were the giant snake and Zeus from before.

  With boundless power on his body, Ares was confident that any existence that had not broken through the limits of a true god would not be his opponent!



  The next moment, the spear and sword collided, and Athena's spear seemed to have retreated a little.

  Staring directly at his opponent with bloodshot eyes, Ares wanted to see panic and disbelief in the other's eyes, but the result disappointed him. In Athena's eyes, all he saw was the usual calmness.

  At this moment, a nameless fire surged into Ares' heart, and the will to fight was like a flame that ignited the hot blood in his chest. It was always like this, she always looked indifferent, as if she saw everything!

  In that case, I will use my sword—




  In the blink of an eye, the long sword suddenly broke into pieces. This sword, which was forged by the three Cyclops for a hundred years under the guidance of the God of Craftsmanship, could not match the real artifact.

  Under the force of the collision between the two, pieces of bronze fragments scattered in the sky and the ocean. But at this moment, what really made Ares unable to understand was the unfathomable divine power on the opposite side, which was like the ocean.

  In just a moment, the Spear of Voktor shattered his weapon, and then, in Ares's unbelievable eyes, it slipped out of Athena's hand and pierced straight through the God of War's chest.


  The spear then flew across the sky, swept across the sea, and nailed Ares' body to an unknown mountain on an island. With a roar, the goddess looked away.

  This is not surprising, after all...

  "Yes, Ares, you are war."

  Athena spoke softly, turned around, and grasped the tip of Poseidon's trident.

  "But I am the winner."

  Because they were both members of the Olympian pantheon, Zeus's battle brought Ares strength. However, because he was fighting with Keto at this moment, the victory of Hell over the King of Gods was also a victory for Athena.

  So, just like every time before, the war was defeated in the face of victory. The Goddess of Wisdom, who had originally stood at the limit of the true god, also temporarily sensed the vaster realm in terms of pure power under the feedback of authority.

  What a pity...

  Athena felt a little regretful that she did not show this power, because in her perception, a familiar and powerful existence had already arrived under the sky.

  And the next moment, as expected, on the Sea of ​​Pontonoris, the pressure of the God King swept across the area.


  With a low roar, it was hard to tell whether it was joy or anger, Zeus appeared in the sky. With a casual wave of his hand, the thunder arrow in Hera's palm fell into his hand.

  In the hands of its true master, this artifact immediately showed its true power. In an instant, countless lightning bolts turned into walls, instantly separating all the gods fighting on the scene, and Zeus also randomly looked at the God of Wind.

  "My friend Zephyrus, please tell me. What happened here? Why did the gods I trust the most fight with each other when I was away for a while? They have no dignity as gods should have."

  With a stern look, Zeus asked the question even though he knew the answer. While asking the questions, he also secretly took note of every neutral god in the field.

  How can you be neutral? Don't you have any relatives or friends?

  The trip to the abyss ended, but Zeus's desire for more powerful power became more urgent.

   Chapter 360: The Conspiracy Under Humiliation

  "......So this is roughly what happened, Your Majesty."

  Above the sea, under the power of the God King, the fight among the gods seemed to have temporarily stopped.

  But this is only temporary. Almost everyone can see that after a bloody battle, both sides involved in the war of gods have accumulated deeper contradictions.

  No one knows in what form this conflict will erupt and when it will erupt...but it has nothing to do with the God of Wind.

  In response to Zeus' question, Zephyrus simply evaded the main point and described the cause of the conflict between the several people. For example, at the beginning, it was the Queen of Heaven who initiated the attack.

  His statement was very objective, and Zeus was also very satisfied after hearing this objective evaluation.

  "So Hera, are you still unhappy about the ownership of the golden apple? But this is the result we had agreed on in advance."

  "The winner among the mortals will decide the owner of the golden apple. This is the promise I made before the gods, so I will not break it. As my queen, you should understand me."

  He nodded slightly to Zephyrus, as if he had just learned the whole story, or perhaps appreciated his attitude. Then Zeus looked serious and rebuked Hera.

  "Zeus, what do you mean?"

  With eyes wide open, Hera looked at the injuries on her body, somewhat incredulous.

  No matter what, I am your wife and the one who is hurt, right? Shouldn't you stand by my side at this time?

  With a flick of her sleeves, Hera pointed in the direction of Keto.

  "Zeus, if it was someone else it would be fine, but who is she that you actually questioned me for her? What was the result of your pursuit just now? Who was the person standing behind her - secretly colluding with outsiders, shouldn't you have taken her down immediately?"

  "Hera, I have never joined Olympus, and it is not your turn to judge me. It is not your turn to question who I am connected with. How come the King of Gods invited gods from all corners of the world to attend my niece's wedding banquet, but excluded me, the master? That's really a big joke!"

  With a disdainful smile, at this moment, Ketuo was not afraid at all.

  The Goddess of Life is connected to the Lord of Darkness, so what's wrong with her being connected to the King of the Nine Hells? Yes, Zeus could ignore all this and take her down, but if so, wouldn't the God King's drama be in vain?

  So just as she expected, Zeus hesitated for a moment, and then suppressed his anger towards Hell.

  He simply looked at Keto deeply, and then said calmly,

  "Hera, there is no law in the God's Court that prohibits the gods from making friends with outsiders. As long as she does not violate the order of the God's Court, no one has the right to judge her."

  "And she's right. Although the original sea gods assisted Poseidon in the past, it doesn't mean they belong to Olympus."

  "Zeus! Don't you know, what a fair decision, she just--"

  "That's enough!"

  The voice paused. Hera never expected that the culprit of the war of gods would inexplicably become her.

  Grievances and dissatisfaction burst out in her heart. This was the first time that Zeus had been so disrespectful to her.

  However, in response to the Queen's anger, Zeus simply said calmly:

  "Hera, I know you are very dissatisfied, but in Olympus, I am the King of the Gods."


  As if to release the depression caused by his previous embarrassment, at this moment, the supreme royal domain with Zeus as the center descended on the sea.

  On earth, in Zeus's true home turf, at this moment, even the gods outside the Olympian pantheon deeply felt the vast power. In their eyes, Zeus at this moment was simply the only one in the world.

  "Everyone, let's stop here. In the name of the God King, the wedding will go on as usual, and the matter of the golden apple is over. Too many things happened today, Nereus, I am very sorry for all the accidents."

  "Finally, Hera, and my wisest daughter, no matter who is right or wrong, you are fighting each other, and as someone who is closest to me, I really can't bear to see you fighting. Come back with me to Olympus, where I will personally mediate the feud between you."

  He announced calmly that Zeus was taking back his power.

  As his queen, Hera enjoyed the power and should share his worries. He could secretly support all her revengeful actions in the future, but today, he just wanted this conflict to continue.

  So there was no chance to explain. With a flash of lightning, the figure of the God King disappeared again in an instant.

  But compared to him at the previous wedding banquet, Zeus at this moment left a different impression on the gods outside the temple.

  Decisive decision-making, strict adherence to promises, and powerful strength. No one paid attention to the fact that Zeus was led away by the mysterious aura. At least before the news from the underworld came, they all felt that the King of Gods must have gotten the result he wanted after leaving this time.


  Zeus left, but things here are not over yet.

  Everyone's eyes were focused on Hera and Athena, even the lawless Poseidon.

  Zeus didn't seem to mention him just now, but in fact he secretly warned his brother with his momentum. Although Poseidon sneered at this, considering that he was teaching his wife a lesson, he just pretended not to see it.

  It would be better to fight... Poseidon sneered secretly and hoped that Hera would not be patient and would go back and fight with Zeus.

  "Hera, you..."

  "I'm fine."

  Shaking her head slightly in response to Hestia's concern, Hera felt her body a little cold standing in the sky.





  Without saying it, Hera, who always cared about her face, felt the burning pain on her face as she felt the gaze of the gods.

  They all seemed to be waiting for her decision, to see whether she would go against Zeus's ruling as the Queen of Gods and take action against Athena again.

  Some were as concerned as the goddess of fire, some were as provocative as Keto, and some were obviously allies before but were secretly watching the joke...Hera's towering chest rose and fell rapidly, and she clenched her silver teeth, and finally she pretended not to care.

  Because she sadly discovered that even if she ignored the rules, her strength was not enough to support her to achieve her goal.

  "Why are you still standing here? Since Zeus wants to see me, I won't stay any longer. Zephyrus...you and Nereus will take care of this."

  "As you command, Your Majesty."

  He obeyed the order in a low voice. Unlike the other gods, the God of West Wind did not react any differently because Hera had just been reprimanded by Zeus.

  His attitude has not changed at all compared to before.

  "...very good."

  The palm slid across the bleeding arm, and some blood was wiped away. Following the breeze, they slid onto the bodies of the goddess of beauty and the goddess of agriculture.

  Without looking at Athena and Keto, or the Palace of Poseidon at her feet, Hera turned around.

  Just now, she was interrupted by Zeus before she finished speaking. In fact, she felt that Keto was not worthy of the golden apple not only because of his identity, but also because she felt that this was a mockery of Athena.  

  Perhaps it was because of the fleeting collision of momentum between Zeus and the incarnation of the Lord of the Nine Hells not long ago. Although the two later chased each other to the underworld, this accident eventually broke something and made Hera discover something wrong.

  The solid disguise was torn apart by the power of the same person, and Hera suddenly discovered that the mortal who made the decision... didn't she have her power?

  Yes, it was her, the princess of Athens, the person she hinted at kidnapping, and the person who made her suffer a loss... At this moment, even though accidents happened frequently, the result seemed to lead to a destined ending.

  Hera originally intended to reveal the truth in front of the gods and tell them the problem of that mortal, but with Zeus' tough attitude, she swallowed her words.

  If Zeus had decided not to stand on his side, then everything could be classified as an accident. No one stipulated that the clergy could not participate in the debate and eventually become the debate champion.

  So when Hera found out about Zeus' attitude, she gave up the plan. Besides, the golden apple was no longer important to her. She just wanted everyone to pay the price.

  "This isn't over yet... this is just the beginning."

  Hera left in a flash, and behind her, Athena saw her leave and followed her away after giving Artemis some instructions.

  Soon, the terminated wedding continued, but the gods were no longer interested in it.

  Artemis decided to escort the princess who came to make the decision back to the human world, and Aphrodite also left quietly.

  This was because of the mark on her face that had not yet disappeared... and also because of an unexpected discovery.

  Aphrodite randomly chose a direction and covered her face with a silk scarf. It must be said that with a layer of covering, she looked even more beautiful.

  With Ares, who volunteered to follow her and ask about her well-being, she landed on an uninhabited island and began to wait quietly.



  The sun sets and the long day is finally over.

  With the wedding hastily concluded, Apollo returned to his post and the day finally ended.

  On this moonlit night, Aphrodite sat on a rock with the somewhat bored God of War beside her.

  "...Afu, who are you waiting for? I'll go and bring her to you, okay?"

  Ares couldn't help but complain as he paced back and forth.

  "If you don't want to wait, you can leave."

  Aphrodite snorted softly, not believing that the licking god would leave. As expected, the only response she got was Ares' apology.

  But perhaps the prayers of the God of War finally took effect, and after a while, a streak of light flashed across the sky.


  Somewhat surprised, Ares had no idea what the goddess of agriculture was waiting for. However, upon seeing the newcomer, Aphrodite immediately went to greet him.

  "…Aphrodite, what do you want from me?"

  The light fell to the ground, revealing the figure of the goddess of agriculture.

  Demeter seemed a little nervous. She glanced at Ares, but the goddess of beauty just waved her hand gently.

  "Ares is not only my husband, but also Hera's son. Moreover, we do need enough fighting power."

  "Stop beating around the bush, Demeter, let's get this straight - since you're here, it seems you've also received Hera's message."

  After that, Aphrodite held out her hand.

  A drop of bright red blood rolled in her open palm, and in front of her, Demeter hesitated for a moment and took out another drop.


  Ares had no idea what was going on and looked confused, but the goddess of beauty obviously had no intention of explaining to him at this time.

  She just looked at the Goddess of Agriculture and spoke in a soft voice:

  "Very good, it seems you have made a decision. Yes, the alchemy of Athens is simply questioning your authority as the goddess of agriculture... But you are indeed the god who controls the growth of all things, not the god who controls agricultural technology."

  "...I don't intend to be an enemy of Athena, nor do I intend to be an enemy of anyone. Hera left me a message saying that she has a way to solve this problem, and I don't need to do anything..."

  "You're right. We don't need you to fight anyone."

  Nodding in approval, the goddess of beauty clenched her fists.

  It was not until this moment that the goddess, who had been severely humiliated before, showed her inner unrest.

  What a small injustice you, Hera, have endured. I had words carved on my face in public. This hatred is irreconcilable!

  "You just need to provide all the other assistance, Demeter."

  "If Hera wants to target Athena, she must first target Athens. If you want to stop the outflow of those alchemical creations, you must also end everything at the source. Then the question is, the gods rarely interfere in human affairs, why is Athens still so unscrupulous, why can't we do anything to it?"

  "…because Athens still has a king who stands at the top of the world."

  She whispered, and Demeter finally knew what she was here for.

  "Yes, that's right. He was the one who promoted alchemy, and he was also the embodiment of his lack of respect for the gods, even daring to defeat them. Apart from not expelling the gods' followers and respecting Athena, what's the difference between him and Tantalus?"

  "Since no matter what we do, he is the mountain that cannot be circumvented...then let's not go around him. Let's just move him away first."

  A sickly blush flashed across her face. Few people knew that Aphrodite was not only famous among gods, but also in the human world.

  The story of Theseus and the Queen of the Amazons is widely known, but the inside story is much richer than most people know. Because after her chosen ones failed to win her heart, the goddess of beauty finally chose to take action herself.

  After all, Aphrodite's belt has always been worn by only her.

  But the result...

  "Theseus... As expected, there shouldn't be such a powerful person among humans."

  Aphrodite said with a smile and took a deep breath.

  "So let's use his death to declare the majesty of the gods."

 Chapter 361: Return of the Human World

  It is not arrogance, nor is it a failure to recognize the strength of the opponent.

  On the contrary, as a god who had once transformed herself to seduce Theseus, Aphrodite knew his strength very well.

  With superb martial arts, firm will, and strong faith, from a human perspective, Theseus is indeed very powerful. He has even reached the pinnacle that mortals can reach under normal circumstances.

  To such a person, those gods who possess the same power but live a life of luxury seem to have no chance of defeating him in the human world - but from the perspective of the human world, the goddess of beauty is also very clear that there is no true invincibility here.

  As the king of Athens, Theseus took back the autonomous states, defeated the rebellious nobles who surrendered to other gods, and took power into his own hands. Externally, he also demonstrated unquestionable ruling power, and even the incarnations of the gods were defeated by him.

  Looking at the world, Theseus seemed to have no rivals. But in fact, his continuous victories were not because there was really nothing that could limit him, but because of the constraints imposed on the gods. And that was not only the constraints of the law, but also the rules that had been in place between them.

  Not only the goddess of beauty knew this, but Theseus himself knew it too. After all, he had never faced the siege of several gods at once, and no one had ever used secret means against him.

  In this case, just like in later games, in a competitive game where the maximum level is only fifteen, as long as it progresses to the later stages, when everyone's level and equipment have reached the upper limit, what determines victory or defeat is often awareness and technology.

  Therefore, don't say that the strength of both sides is equal. If one side's soft power is too low, then even if he is given an extra piece of magical equipment (artifact), he will still not be able to beat a professional player.

  But on the other hand, even if you are a world-class master, if there is a huge disadvantage in numbers, it is impossible for you to defeat ten enemies alone when they rush at you.

  This is determined by the upper limit of power, and it is also the current situation in the human world. Regardless of whether there will be someone who can continue to improve his strength without becoming a true god, and make the originally distinct realms of demigod and true god overlap, at least for now, there is no such person in the human world.

  Therefore, as the king of Athens, Theseus had no problem moving forward or backward. Even though there were many conflicts among the gods, they had never joined forces to target a human.

  After all, this is the case with the goddess of beauty and Hera. Even though they both have conflicts with Athena, their relationship with each other is not necessarily very good.

  Until this unexpected war between gods, when conflicts were intensified, those past unspoken rules naturally ceased to exist.

  "It just so happens that Hippolyta probably still holds a grudge against what happened before..."

  Aphrodite pondered in her heart as she left the nameless island.

  There are more than one strong mortals, Theseus just happens to be the strongest one in the world. In addition to him, the Amazon Queen is also the strongest in the world.

  After being a god for many years, who doesn't have two elects who can see past it? Since Theseus was blind and couldn't see Hippolyta's... and his own stunning beauty, he deserved to pay the price for it.



  Silver light flashed across the sea, like a white deer leaping in the woods.

  Now that the golden apple had found its owner, the King of Gods left, and the gods who had participated in the banquet also chose to leave.

  Artemis was the same, remembering Athena's instructions and the new wild power she had gained from Keto, and the elegant "white deer" jumped quickly on the sea.

  Soon, a huge city gradually appeared at the end of the sight. On the hill outside the city, there was a tall spire.

  Above the top of the tower, the thing that looks like a lightning rod is crystal clear and it shines brightly even without any light.

  In many cases, this tower was used as a beacon by Athenian ships sailing far away in the fog. In fact, this strange light is indeed very penetrating, and even fog cannot cover its brilliance.


  "We're finally here, come on down... Andrea, you're so hard to find."

  "Even I sent out an oracle to order people to look for your whereabouts. I rarely do such things. But now it seems that you are actually living a pretty good life."

  There was a flash of silver light, and finally he appeared in front of the royal palace in Athens.

  Artemis then stretched out, showing off her energetic body.

  The previous battles had made her somewhat tired, and now that she was back in Athens, she was able to relax.

  "Your Highness, I'm really sorry... I reported that I was safe after being rescued, but I didn't want to come back, and ended up encountering that conference..."

  "I know, so the pursuit of you has slowed down. Of course, you are really good at hiding... Compared to your experience, I am actually more interested in the person who saved you. After ruining Hera's good deeds, that woman has a strong desire for revenge."

  "Well... But in the end this is your problem, so you should keep it to yourself and tell your father."

  Waving her hand gently, Artemis interrupted Andrea's explanation. She tilted her head slightly and looked towards the direction of the palace with a half-smile.

  "Right, King of Athens, this is your family affair after all - but I have to remind you that although I am not Athena, as the Lord of the Wilderness, I am definitely one of the most capable gods among all the gods, and I am even better at perceiving traces."

  "You may have misunderstood, Your Highness Artemis. I did not hide my whereabouts. In fact, I have nothing but gratitude and respect from the bottom of my heart for you bringing my daughter back to me."

  With a long sword on his waist, no crown, and a gray uniform, a middle-aged man who was very familiar to Andrea walked out from behind the empty gate of the palace.

  Taking a look at his daughter whom he had not seen for half a year, Theseus smiled helplessly, then touched the goddess' chest to signal.

  "Welcome, Your Highness. You make my palace more brilliant."

  "Well, I know that I believe your words of gratitude and respect from the bottom of my heart. But I also believe that you also feel from the bottom of your heart that humans don't really need gods that much."

  Artemis pouted and said bluntly.

  As one of the true gods officially worshipped by Athens, the words she spoke were enough to cause a great shock in the kingdom.

  This was tantamount to blatantly accusing the king of being unfaithful, and thus arousing the wrath of the gods and the human kingdom.

  However, at this moment, even Andrea knew that the goddess was not blaming anything, because she herself was the kind of god who did not need humans much and did not care about these things.  

  If Artemis had not had a conflict with Zeus who came to visit her in Silvermoon City, she could have lived her life by the lake with the Dryads (forest nymphs) and Oreades (mountain nymphs).

  Wilderness and woodlands are her favorite places, not cities. She gets inspiration from witchcraft and divine arts, and teaches animals how to pursue the way of nature. Even without humans, she still has her own believers.

  So Artemis said this simply to mock Theseus for not speaking the truth. Even though she knew that in today's world, mortals who dared to say such things would either push stones endlessly or suffer eternal punishment in the underworld.

  "You are too kind, Your Highness. In fact, I have never rejected gods, and I have always welcomed gods like the goddess and you."

  Taking a few steps forward, the king touched his daughter's hair.

  Ever since she realized that her identity had been discovered by the goddess, Andrea took the initiative to give up her disguise, so at this moment she has returned to her original appearance.

  She looked like she hadn't suffered much compared to six months ago, and on the contrary, she was much more energetic... But Theseus discovered that at this age when the body is developing most rapidly, his daughter seemed to have grown a lot taller.

  By the standards of this era, she was almost an adult… Seeing the joy and a little nervousness in his daughter's eyes, the middle-aged man smiled gently.

  "Andrea, I'm glad to see you're safe and sound. Well...it looks like you've had your own little adventure, just like I did when I was young."

  "This is your business and your own decision. Just as I have always been proud of my past, I think this will also be your most precious memory in the future. But Andrea, I still want to know, is there a god guiding your path along the way?"

  "…No, it was a friend of mine who saved me. I am very grateful to him."

  The voice was not loud, but it was very serious. Although there was a small disagreement just now, the little princess still spoke without hesitation.

  She thought her father would ask about Ivan's origins, but in front of her, Theseus just laughed twice.

  "Hahahahaha...very good. It's okay, Andrea. I don't mind you making friends. But since it wasn't the guidance of the gods, but you escaped from the danger on your own, it is really a happy thing."

  Theseus turned around and bowed slightly to Artemis. In the eyes of the King of Athens, it was indeed full of gratitude and respect.

  "Your Highness Artemis, regardless, I thank you again, and I hope you understand that I am not rejecting the gods."

  "God has brought many good things to this world. The church's scriptures teach people to be good, and the priests' magic can heal injuries and comfort the dead... These are the reasons why gods deserve my respect."

  "But what I want to say is that although God created humans, just like children always have to learn to survive independently in this world. I just hope that the gods will be the gods, and the human world will be the human world, without so many interferences and orders. If every god can let go like the goddess and you, then perhaps humans themselves can give a good enough answer."

  "Okay, we get it, but that's impossible, isn't it? Unless most of the gods are killed or injured, this is doomed to never become a reality."

  Artemis waved her hand in boredom. She already knew the other party's attitude. Although this sounded very passionate, she also knew that half of Athens' opponents were provoked by this.

  Humans are really strange, the most capable ones are either non-believers or devout believers. But from another perspective, maybe it's because non-believers still have other beliefs in their hearts.

  "Let's get back to business, Theseus. I'm here to remind you."

  Changing the subject, now that the person has arrived, it's time to get down to business.

  "If nothing unexpected happens, in a few years or a dozen years, a war may break out in the world, an unprecedented war that affects the whole world."

  "Athena hesitated for a long time. I don't know what she was thinking, but she finally made a decision. However, before that, she asked me to tell you that the gods' affairs are theirs, but you have to pay attention to your own safety."

  Looking directly at Theseus, Artemis said solemnly, "If a war were to break out among the human race, you would be the biggest thorn in the eyes of some gods, and the first one to be removed. But as long as you remain in Athens, your safety will be protected by her."

  "No one can hurt you in Athens. This is Athena's promise to you."

  "...I understand. Thank you for the goddess's kindness and for coming to tell me. But in today's world, there may be enemies that I cannot fight against, but there should be no dangers that I cannot escape from."

  Refusing politely, Theseus smiled and said:

  "If possible, I still want to try it with my sword if it's really dangerous."

  "It's good that you understand. I'm just here to remind you, not to force you. Humph, I don't think I can force you."

  With a slight snort, Artemis turned away, but she noticed the hesitation on Andrea's face out of the corner of her eye.

  "What's wrong? Do you want to say something?"

  "Your Highness Artemis, I just want to ask, the war you just mentioned, what was the cause of..."

  "I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the golden apple. Athena must know the whole story better. But she is always like this. She is thinking about her own things and is unwilling to tell me clearly. But little guy, no matter what, I am sure that if Zeus really wants to stop it, he can definitely do it. As for whether he will stop it..."

  "Who knows?"

  Artemis disappeared in front of the palace in a flash of light. After completing this task, she hurried back to her own place to further utilize the wild power she had obtained from Keto.

  Such a compatible power is not so easy to obtain.

  As for the subsequent war between humans and gods... Touching the crescent crown, Artemis didn't care much about it.

  With the help of this artifact, she can move freely between the spiritual world and the real world without any restrictions.

  The worst outcome would be to go in and hide. So she actually had some expectations for the possible war.

 Chapter 362: The Gap

  "It's finally over, even if it's only temporary."

  Following the crowd out of the venue, when Andrea returned to the Royal City of Athens, Ryan cut off contact with her.

  "I just don't know what the result is over there... It seems like a long time has passed since the beginning."

  The journey was short and the process was exciting for others, but now it is time to come to an end.

  Andrea still wanted to be her princess, and Ryan wanted to travel around the world. So they might not completely cut off contact, but in the next few years, they really didn't have much chance to meet each other often.

  As for when they would meet next time... Ryan divined the future. The result was as he expected, there was no clear foreshadowing, he only saw a scene in fate.

  It was a figure with a bloody sword, and in front of her, there seemed to be many people with different expressions.

  There is excitement, reverence, fear, and unwillingness...all these things come together like a picture scroll of the world.

  "So, the next time we meet will be around the time when Andrea draws her sword and kills someone?"

  "But she seems to be a clergyman, right? Are clergymen now starting to kill people with swords?"

  Some doubts flashed through his mind, and Ryan once again felt that prophecy was not very reliable, especially when the object of his prediction was related to himself.

  Either you use accurate predictions to tie yourself to fate, or you can only get some ambiguous hints. In this respect, predictions are always difficult to achieve.

  "And Athena... Hasn't she read the 'script'? I don't know why, but I feel like her initiative in this matter is a little low..."

  As his thoughts turned, Ryan thought of the image that came before the connection was disconnected. It was Artemis' warning to Theseus.

  He was not surprised by the other party's choice. After all, he would find it strange if a human hero of Chaos became modest and cautious. But the feeling Athena gave him in this matter was like, "I know something might happen to you, so I'm just reminding you. I also know you probably won't listen, so I'm just going through the motions."

  But no matter how you look at it, this 'process' seems a bit confusing.

  "What over there, Mr. Irving, what did you mean just now?"

  The voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ryan's thoughts.

  Also following the flow of people, Iapetus, disguised as Count Ilos, left with Ryan. However, he looked a little nervous, looking around from time to time.

  "Nothing, I'm not talking about the person you were hiding from... Didn't you see just now that she's no longer there?"

  Shaking his head slightly, Ryan stopped thinking about the prophecy: "I'm talking about a distant place, a place that is far away than the farthest place you want to know."

  "There is someone who is very close to me there. I am just a little worried about whether he can do it smoothly and succeed. After all, it is too far away and I can't reach him."

  "Well, I don't know what you mean, but I hope you get what you want."

  Seeing that it was not something he was concerned about, Iapetus breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this time, the conference was finally over. The audience who stayed on the scene before did not get to wait for their champion, but instead got to wait for news that Andrea would be summoned by the goddess, so there was no news of returning here.

  The incident of the golden apple also spread among the people. Even though the story spread among the people only described the causes and consequences of Andrea giving away the golden apple, and did not contain more secrets about the conflict between the gods, it still caused heated discussions among the people.

  The champion of the competition chooses the most beautiful goddess. No matter how you look at it, this is something worth talking about for people of this era.

  But laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway. After hearing this story, Iapetus also felt that the storm was coming.

  It was just a simple choice in the story, who knows what happened in reality. Now, he just wanted to find out the details of the Ocean God's wedding banquet and see what happened there.

  "The conference is over, and I have completed what I promised you. In that case, let's say goodbye now."

  Iapetus said with a smile as he said goodbye.

  "Of course, if you please."

  Ryan nodded and did not stop him.

  He watched Iapetus disappear in the crowd. He didn't know when he would come back and what he would choose to do.

  After all, he was almost certain to come back, willingly or not.

  From the moment he helped Andrea win, he was destined to be unable to escape from this conflict between humans and gods.


  Soon, after leaving the crowd and shuttling back and forth a few times, Ryan returned to the hotel where he had stayed before.

  Compared with before, there are a lot more people coming in and out here.

  Now that the conference was over, a large number of Gentiles no longer had any reason to stay here.

  In the future, except for a small number of people, they will probably leave the Acropolis.

  "Please wait a moment - Mr. Irving, please wait a moment!"


  The voice came from behind him, and Ryan turned around to look back.

  He probably didn't know many people during his two days in Athens... But the next moment, he understood how the visitor knew him.

  "Prince Odysseus, I didn't expect to see you here."

  "I thought you had returned to your kingdom after the conference."

  "I am preparing to leave... My father's health is not very good anymore. The hidden injuries he suffered in his early years are difficult to completely heal even with divine magic."

  A trace of regret flashed across his face, and Odysseus said apologetically: "Mr. Iwen, I have to apologize to you first."

  "Because Miss Leah has been summoned by the goddess, I'm afraid she won't be able to come back for a while. But remembering the bet I owed, I took the initiative to investigate her residence, and then I learned that you are her friend who came to Athens with her."

  "It may be a little offensive, but I hope you can pass on my apology to her."

  Behind Odysseus, a large number of guards were carrying boxes down one by one.

  Judging from its heavy appearance, it must be filled with gold.

  That was the gambling debt the prince owed before the game. In addition, Odysseus said solemnly:

  "In addition to the money bet, there is also the promise I once made."

  "Since she won, if we become opponents again somewhere else in the future, I swear on my honor that I will give her the benefit of the doubt three times and never break my promise."

  "...I understand, Prince Odysseus. If there is a chance, I will convey your good faith for you."

  Ryan nodded, not intending to refuse the other party.

  Although there is no chance to hand over these riches to Andrea for the time being, on the one hand she doesn't need them, and on the other hand there is nothing wrong with Ryan taking them.  

  The previous game bet was originally his idea, so it is normal for him to receive some compensation now.

  "Since you are willing to pass it on for me, I can rest assured."

  Odysseus let out a sigh, as if he had let go of a worry, but then he hesitated again.

  Finally, he asked,

  "Excuse me, Mr. Ivan, but I still want to know... where is Miss Leah from?"

  "She is from Athens. As for her exact origins, you should ask her yourself when you have the chance."

  Waving his hand slightly, Ryan did not intend to continue answering the other party's questions.

  However, Odysseus seemed to be very satisfied with such a response.

  "Thank you for your answer. If you encounter any trouble in the future, I will try my best to help you."

  After making a promise, Odysseus left with a little regret and expectation.

  Although we don't know their specific origins, it is enough to know that they are Athenians.

  With the level of knowledge available at that time, there were only so many young girls in Athens who had the opportunity to receive a quality education. He only needed to send people to look for them one by one in the future, and he would always be able to find out their identities.

  "Athens...I'll come again."

  Having made a decision in his heart, Odysseus left calmly.

  But at this moment, he probably could not have imagined that he would come to Athens again in the future, but the form would be completely different from what he imagined.


  Mount Olympus in the eastern part of the continent.

  At the top of the sacred mountain, the gate of the palace opened, reflecting thousands of auspicious colors.

  Standing on the mountain peak and overlooking the world, nine layers of clouds and fog blocked the view.

  Mount Odile used to be twelve cloud layers away from the human world, which is a number that symbolizes perfection in Chaos.

  In comparison, Olympus, with only nine floors, seems a lot farther away from the sky and a bit closer to the human world.


  When I walked out of the palace, the sky had already darkened.

  Athena calculated the time and thought that things on Artemis' side should be almost done.


  A voice with suppressed anger came from behind, and Athena smiled without saying anything.

  Just now, Zeus spoke righteously for a long time about the harmony and friendship among the gods, but it was obvious that the two listeners and the king of gods, including himself, did not take it to heart.

  However, the final result was somewhat unexpected. Zeus actually asked Hera to stay in Olympus for a while to "reflect on her mistake of taking the initiative."

  Logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with what Zeus did, because Hera was indeed the first god to take action, and it was understandable that he punished her.

  But the problem is that most of the time no one cares about the truth, people only care about attitude.

  Zeus's punishment of Hera for being "faultless" was obviously meaningless in calming the situation, but instead further ignited Hera's anger.

  "Athena, do you think you won? I don't know how you got Zeus to speak to you, but don't think that this is the end of it."

  The voice was low and cold. Although the decision was made by Zeus, Hera's resentment was more directed at Athena.

  The reason is not surprising. This is actually a common phenomenon in psychology. When faced with a decision made by someone who is higher in status, power and authority than oneself, many people will subconsciously be unwilling to put the main responsibility on the other person, regardless of whether they are satisfied with the result.


  Athena smiled again, but still did not respond, nor did she even stop.

  The shrunk-down bracelet of the Spear of Voktor hummed softly on her wrist, but she merely stroked it and soothed her own artifact.

  Well, yes, just like in the original myth it is rumored that it was Athena's breath that gave the third generation of humans wisdom.

  Although there is actually no logic, after all, Athena was not born when the first two generations of humans were born, but as the goddess of wisdom, she can indeed give wisdom to external objects, and her accompanying artifact is the first example.


  Being ignored again and again, Hera's chest couldn't help but rise and fall violently.

  After enduring for a long time, she finally calmed down.

  Looking at Athena's receding back, the Queen clenched her fists.

  "Just wait until Athens is reduced to ashes, then I'll see if you can still remain so calm!"

  "When that day comes, I will return everything you gave me."

  The sound spread in the wind, stirring up a little dust. In the palace behind Hera, Zeus watched this scene quietly.

  This was what he wanted... let's get started, he couldn't wait.


  As the sun and the moon alternated and time passed, the marriage between the mortal world and the gods finally came to an end.

  In the same year, Thetis, the hostess of the wedding banquet, became pregnant with her own child. She eventually named this child who was stronger than his father as predicted, Achilles, and placed great hopes on him.

  In the same year, a Chamber of Commerce quietly opened in Athens, and some new and strange things began to spread from here.

  The Kingdom of Argos announces the expansion of its army, and Eleusis's protest against alchemical fertilizer grows louder. Around Athens, traces of underground biological activity appear one after another.

  The whole world, like a huge machine, began to slowly move at a faster speed.

  But these had little to do with Ryan, and he focused all his energy on himself. Until one moonless night, he put down the book in his hand, and an intuition rose from his heart.

  On the other side of the world, my other half seems to have finally taken a step forward.

  That world began to open the first crack to me.