
Immortal Soul Within Mortal Bodies

Stealing from 11-year-old young masters is both lucrative and morally right. I'm a landscaper by trade, one of the first in the Thunder Eagle sect. As an outer disciple, I also work for tips. That used to be enough until I got a girlfriend. Ok, it's not what you think. I'm not showering her with new Dragon Fang flying swords and all the beauty pills I can funnel down her throat. Her clan is in a bad situation, barely keeping it together, by the way she says it. She's also too prideful to take the stones herself so I drop off the money. It's gotten better, but even fleecing ten young masters a week isn't enough to keep the lights on. Fortunately, a tournament is coming up, and my demand has never increased. This is the story of how love killed me.

UBMars · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

CH12: Catgirl Smut

Hungry ghosts were dangerous to souls they could touch. At my deepest level, if they could get past my pressure body, I would be done.


In the air, I traded blows and threw them, taking hits and falling to the ground. Dust filled the air as I stood back up and returned to the fray.


With each exchange, my pressure body evolved, trading spindly limbs for muscular arms and a thin chest for bulk. I was a living testament to adaptability, my body transforming to meet the challenge.


As the battle raged on, I hit faster and more confidently. My blows felt final, like a judge's gavel, as the famine royals fell, drained of spiritual energy.


There was a source of power beyond pressure that held the bodies of famine royals together. I saw them more as a single mind controlling many spirits than a single spirit. They were like a bunch of tiny pressures stacked together to seem like a single big one. This caused pressure stamina issues that I didn't have. On the other end of things, they had abilities and durability I lacked. If not for my pressure, I would be destroyed by one of them touching me.


Compression had weaknesses that expansion compensated for. Expansion types are more durable than mine and don't have to use pressure to protect themselves.


I slammed my hands together, unleashing a pressure AOE that knocked hungry ghosts away. Pressure was strange; it was force. My body was a constantly moving shape of pressure that only appeared solid.


A door opened before me, and a heavy blow sent me back as someone else left.


I knew my pressure body couldn't cultivate because I tried it. Without enough heavenly lightning, chi wouldn't stick to it, limiting my chi to the foundation realm. The chi powered my fragments and soul abilities; it was a wall I couldn't surpass without a flesh-and-blood body.


It had been days, so it had been an hour outside. I slammed my face into a tree and screamed, unleashing a wave of pressure that shattered the souls making up the tree. I held up a hand and stared at it.


Black static was all it was, pressure moving dense enough to appear like flesh. It even felt somewhat soft to the touch. Spirit art dragon body helped me make bones and muscles beneath slight variations on compressed pressure. All I was doing was faking it.


I had my spirit art dragon's body powered by tons of chi. Slowly but surely, my pressure form gained definition. Every fight changed me, adding detail until I appeared almost human. My fingers pressed against my face, and I felt soft flesh, bone, and hair on my head. It felt good to feel, even if it was a lie.


A new presence approached. I turned to see a cat-eared woman with large breasts, a coat covering her mid-rib and exposing her stomach. Her hair was orange and spiked with small fringes of blue and white mixed in. Her shapely body shifted slowly as she approached. Only the clawed tips of her fingers and the shape of her eyes made her out to be other than human.


"You are working hard to escape. I can't believe how far you threw that one guy." She licked her lips. "Introductions are in order. My name is Li Mei, and I'm a degenerate."


I took a step back at the sudden words. When my mind finally processed them, I tried to calm down.


"Atom Newman, what do you want?" I asked.


She licked her lips. "You look stressed, and I think you must have big balls to try so hard." I stared at her and blinked slowly.


"Are you defective?"


"I'm just a mix of girls that want to guzzle some cock. Come on, help a girl out. There are no dicks here; I'm so thirsty. You must have long dong and hard a pair of cum tanks." She held her hands out with her mouth wide open, making gagging sounds. "Do you know what I'm saying?


"You want something you can't have because we're all souls here."


Li Mei grabbed her massive breasts and bounced them up and down. "Do you see these, my brown, perky nipples? They bounce, and you would know they are soft if you touched them. I want you to come here, and if you have a dick, let me sandwich it between these massive jugs. Trust me, I'll glug harder than you've ever been glugged before."


I've never been glugged before. It was tempting even though I was a Ken doll down below.


"Listen, I think you have the wrong guy. I'm hardly that detailed."


"Souls can change how they appear, especially when they become royals. Let me show you something." She grabbed my hands and pressed them against her soft breasts. I stared in shock as I felt my fingers sinking in. They were soft beyond clouds, and I felt something happening between my legs. It shouldn't be possible. "Jackpot," I stared down as she spread her boobs apart to get a view of my dick made from more sensitive pressure sliding out between my legs.


"This shouldn't be possible. I don't even have hormones anymore."


Li Mei cackled. "Don't have the hormones. The soul makes how you think you should feel reality. With a powerful enough soul, anything is possible." A dick made of static pressure, slow but constantly moving force. It was all an illusion. Pressure condensed as more chi fueled the change. Regeneration, growth, and endurance were the lock and key to my useless spirit art dragon's body. Add my pressure fragment, and rules bend while others break outright.


I felt my pressure fragment grow until it reached rank 5. Chi from within my soul poured in, fueling growth with unending chi.


My static, nearly translucent body solidified into smokey black flesh. As more power flowed through me, I could feel my soul throb with the change.


"Let the power of horny flow." Li Mei said.


"Why are you here? How are you here?" I asked.


She held my dick up and shook it at me as pre dribbled down because I thought it should. "You seem like the repressed kind of guy, and De Zimo is a mutual friend. He said you might need some relief, and if anyone can do what they say can't be done, it's you." Li Me said.


I reached down and tugged on her cat ears. She purred before squishing her big white giggly breasts around my cock. "Is this even real, or am I dreaming?"


She opened her mouth and kissed the tip with her big, pouty lips. Slowly she opened her mouth and sucked the head in, smooshing her face against her cleavage. Li Mei pressed her breasts against her face as she gagged on my meat stick. I groaned as my balls churned, and suddenly, all the stresses of the past two decades slowly vanished.


I groaned and came deep into her throat, sending burst after burst to her stomach. When I pulled away, it spilled on her breasts, dripping down shiny creamy skin, only for the woman to collect it. She let it pool between her boobs before lapping it up. She saw me looking and opened her mouth wide, showing it off on her tongue before swallowing it.


"All gone. That was better than I thought. If I had a pussy I would let you fuck me." Too bad I don't have one.


I nodded and fell back on one of the flesh trees. Many eyes opened but shut immediately in the presence of hungry ghost royalty.


"Ok, I have a plan," I said.


"If you become my familiar, I will get you that pussy." I said.


Ten formations remained full of heavenly lightning and Lui Fang's soul. She had betrayed me. Maybe it was time to get even. It was a fun thought, but I wasn't sure if any of it was possible.


A smile spread across my face, and Li Mei looked at me with innocent eyes.


"Ok, I'll make a contract with you. Give me a day, and I'll have one written up." My mind went blank at that.


I grabbed her hand before she could run off to God knows where. "Hold on a second. What contract? Where do you get the paper, and how would it bind us?" I asked.


"Atom, if you keep looking into my eyes, I'm going to suck your dick again." My mind blanked, and she giggled. "I'm only joking; mostly, I feel like you don't trust me with all the questions. What can I do to earn some trust?"


I pushed her away, and she grinned, revealing a pair of dazzling canines. "Seriously, what are you talking about," I said.


She coughed into her hand and hopped onto a cushion of air, floating with her wide hips and long white legs.


"There are two types of contracts: whole life which lasts forever and term which need to be renewed. They are devices used to enforce the agreement. Making them is one of three techniques found in this place. What I have planned is simple. Atom Newman and Li Mei will work together without betraying each other for five years." I blinked at that. "De Zimo said you had trust issues."


"So I help you get a body, and you'll work with me. Is that it?" A smile slowly spread across my face. This could be the peace of mind I always wanted."


"Why can't you just make a vagina?" I asked.


"My fragments won't let me make an organ designed to facilitate the production of life. Boobs are fine, and I can make my mouth feel like heaven. The rest of the stuff is a no-go, not even a butthole. I think my fragment knows how I would use it." Li Mei said.


"I didn't know fragments could do that."


"You are new to this. Fragments are just tools for a human in the lower ranks of cultivation. It isn't until after the nascent soul that they affect them. For a hungry ghost, we are much more connected to our fragments, and it's as limiting as it is empowering."


"What about when you reach a nascent soul in your new body."


"I plan to add a life, growth, and endurance spirit art and merge it with two other life-based spirit arts that incorporate death for a sage art with so much survivability that it will make a phoenix blush."


"What about your hunger fragment?" I asked.


Since she was being honest, I might as well learn more.


"Life needs fuel. I'm sure I'll manage to do something interesting with it." She stared at me and pointed. "I've been upfront; it's your turn. Tell me all about your fragments and what you plan," Li Mei said.


"You are overbearing," I said.


She walked up to me and grabbed my meat stick while looking at me. "I'm not hearing a lot of talking. You must want me to show you what I do to bad boys who don't talk." Her lips pressed together, reddening as she licked them with an extra-long tongue.


I flicked her forehead and knocked her into one of the screaming trees. She laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.


"Fine, I plan to make a transformation sage art," I said.


"Those are hard. They also need lots of chi, not just all that pressure you're pushing out. You'll need to increase your soul space for that." I smirked at her. "You found a cheat, and I don't want to know. It probably isn't applicable anyway. De Zimo said I would like you, and I hate that he's right. Well, my man, if I'm not sucking your dick and drinking the contents of your balls, I guess I'm going to get the contract. Please don't leave without me. I might go crazy here by myself." Li Mei said before turning and running off, shaking her butt the entire way.


I sat on a rock because floating distracted me from my concentration. Transformation sage art wasn't my first choice, but with the amount of chi I have and will have in the future, it only made sense to go for the most chi-intensive sage art I could.



A symbol in Elder Yu's hand made a three-headed beast bow and let them through. She shivered at the nascent soul realm power radiating from the beast, glad it was behind them and keeping any pursuers off their backs. The gate leading deeper into the vault rumbled as she focused on the beginning it depicted. A man with flowing dark hair was wearing the most ornate golden armor she had ever seen. Demons of all kinds lay at his feet, defeated, and piles of treasure were led out by men with eagle heads replacing their own.


"It was once customary for the followers of a great cultivator to wear the head of the animal on their banner rather than display their face in such depictions. This was the sacking of the Camio clan by the arch-traitor, the founder of the Golden Eagle Sect. After his ascension to hell, my forbears removed his name, and his teachings were slowly lost. He was a Psyren that managed to maintain his human form. This world will never see his like again, and we ensured it." Elder Yu said.


The door slid open, and they walked through to an elevator. Crystal power sources awoke, feeding the format, and they descended deep within the earth. Through the glass window of the elevator, she saw the bones of vast creatures, magma rivers, and an underground sea with strange creatures she never could have imagined.


"This vault has never been sacked so long as the Golden Eagle Sect and the Thunderbird roosts remained. Every mountain was a power source for the vault defenses, so the only way to get here was to destroy them." Elder Yu smirked. "It has taken a long time to get to this point. I was forced to read ancient accounts of this place in the diaries of old severing experts." Elder Yu tapped on a control panel, and the doors of the elevator opened. "If I hadn't, I wouldn't have known that this scene around us is an illusion. If allowed to continue, we would reach a false room with scrolls that are fake."


She walked behind the man as they exited a room filled with large crow-like demons. Elder Yu raised his black Dao sword and deflected an attack she couldn't see. Crows in the shape of men attacked, and he tore through them one after the other.


"Stay close behind me. There is no end to these beasts." As Elder Yu fought to keep them safe, more crows crawled out of the shadows. She reached for her red jade spear, but it was absent. The lightning tribulation must have destroyed it. That spear was the last remaining treasure of the Lui Clan; it belonged to her father, and it hurt to lose it. "Don't bother trying to fight; you'll only get yourself killed."


"I will try not to slow you down, Elder." She bowed low as a slash of talons nearly took her head off. Wounds collected on Elder Yu's body, and they healed just as quickly as a red substance raced to put his body back together.


They reached a small room between the swirling staircase leading into the darkness they had been traveling down. "Soon, we'll get the city of night where the true treasures are kept. Some information is so powerful it can infect even cultivators. There were outbreaks, and the arch-traitor's son was infected. He guards the scrolls in the city below here.


"I thought you said there were no more Psyrens." Lui Fang said.


"He isn't one. It skipped his generation, or it was the effect of an experiment by the arch-traitor. Either way, he became desperate enough to use the scroll. This is the result of someone unworthy using it."


She had a thought and didn't like where it went. "Where do they get the women to practice the art."


"They have tunnels leading up to the surface. Don't worry about them getting out. They can't stay away from the scroll for long. It calls to them, and they can't help but answer." Elder Yu said.



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