

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · แฟนตาซี
103 Chs

Chapter 44. Anomaly

Alaric did not fail to tell her his discovery when using the Split Mind during cultivation. Usually, Aurora should have been drooling over the desire to learn the technique but she was not.

How could she? Did she not know the dangers that arose during the process? What Alaric always found out later were the dangers he had put himself in.

"Did you even consider that your brain could die if you gave them excess energy? Even when dormant, they are important. If you failed, you would be brain dead," Aurora ridiculed him.

Alaric knew that it was risky. But what good comes without risks? He could only curse at the creator of the technique. Someone sbould state the risk so that someone would be prepared. But also, he could only blame himself for being too lacking in knowledge.

He usually read books sometimes and it was at one point that he saw the word Split Mind stated. He did not pay heed to it and had continued with his reading. It was only during his cultivation that he remembered the word Split Mind.

As the name stated anyone could guess that it involved one splitting their mind. That simple. That was why Alaric had rushed immediately and picked the technique. He later did learn about or did he not?

"You only stated the advantage you found out but did you consider what harm it could do you? The technique is utter advantage after learning it to completion. You should consider yourself lucky you learnt it.

" Only one out ten people who try it finish it. And two out of the ten face brain damage. According to how complex the brain cells are aligned and intertwined, it means that once you pass a energy to a cell, you kill it and it gets regenerated.

"During this phase, it usually is up to you to carry out the function of the cell. The process takes years if not decades. A cell will approximately take ten minutes to regenerate. Do you know how hard it is to do its function personally?

" A brain cell dead means an impairment in ones coordination. Those who have awakened several cells and gained experience can take an utmost limit of ten cells. This will in turn leave them drained.

"It breaks my heart that your first attempt to open your meridians you chose a whole set.

Even experts say that one should only tamper one meridian at a time. If an expert learnt that you picked nine, they would even bar you from ever cultivating. Its shocking the headmaster didn't.

"Their reason being that you are too greedy. I know your mind now say that they are jealous, hmph. Now back to our topic, an expert will bar you from ever learning another technique once they learn that you awakened all your brain cells at the same time.

"Your only saving grace being now that you learnt the technique to completion, you will have a slightly easier time learning others. But, that will not change the fact that you are greedy. Your greed causes you to make mistakes that always put your life in danger.

"I must say the universe has a hard time keeping up with an anomaly like you. No one benefits from the mistakes they do in cultivation apart from you," Aurora said and as she concluded she poked his nose with her right index finger.

Alaric was sweating with every word she spoke. A cold sweat would trickle down his back whenever she mentioned his mistakes. So he was that close to destroying his future... What made his shake his head was when she heard her call him an anomaly.

She actually was right. He was not even supposed to be in the martial world. He, the immortal king was like a God. The universe usually bowed down to his will. He could not wait to get his full power so he could have the universe under his feet once more.

He was going to thank the universe later for helping him out when he made a mistake. He knew that it was only about a matter of time before he made a mistake that the universe would find difficult to help him out.

He could only thank his past self for creating Sarah. With Sarah, he was going to learn about the risks involved with his actions. This would reduce the number of times he put himself in danger unknowingly.

"Anomaly not monster, I see," Alaric said and laughed lightly. Aurora pushed him with her shoulder bet he evaded her as she slid on his chest and landed directly on his lap. Her hair spread out and fell between his thighs. The back of her neck planted itself on his right thigh and their eyes locked.

For a second that felt like eternity, he had discerned her every feature and his mind screamed at him for always ignoring such a beauty.

Aurora sat up quick and grasped her hands together looking in the empty space but her vision blurry. Her thoughts were disaligned once again. She was very close. Only inches away... She had even felt it... She clenched her toes and pressed her legs together tightly.

"You should try to form an inscription on your own. I know it will be easier now," Alaric said looking at the lost girl. She did not hear him! He took one of her hands separating them. She took almost a second before she came back to life.

" Yes," Aurora replied.

Alaric was sure she did not hear him. He was going to mess with her mind then.

"So I should kiss you," Alaric said as he leaned closer to her.

Aurora's thoughts now worked on an overdrive. She had said yes to this question? He was getting closer to her and she could feel his warm breath on her face.

"Yes, I mean no," Aurora was even confused by herself. She could feel his breath on her ears and she could tell that they were already red.

"You should never get fazed when and lost in your thoughts. People will take advantage of that," Alaric whispered and pulled away from her.

"You did not ask that question?" Aurora asked blushing profusely.

"I wanted you to create an inscription on your own," he said and she nodded.

Aurora calmed herself and started drawing the powering array with her hand. It took a few minutes and she did not feel drained. She proceeded and started drawing the patterns of the inner parts of the inscription. As she drew them, she could feel them getting powered.

She finally reached the boundary of the inner and outer inscription. It was actually her first time reaching it. She did not stop and proceeded to draw the patterns. She felt like it would fail gauging from the fact that it was not crossing the boundary yet.

What she did not note was the fact that the glow in the inner regions kept increasing and after enough power had been built up, the energy crossed and instantly started filling the outer patterns.

By the time, she was finishing the last pattern, the energy had already caught up and as she finished, the inscription had already disappeared. She waited and a shadow formed on them. The inscription with a five meter radius glowing bluish green lit up in the sky.

Alaric didn't miss the proud smile that was on her face.

"You should try to fire using it," Alaric said and Aurora agreed. Aurora was a wood and water/ice elementalist. Aurora was hesitant for a while before she spoke with an embarassed tone.

"How do you attack using it, its not by snapping your fingers, right?" Aurora asked.

Alaric laughed. He just snap his finger to appear cool...

"Since the inscription is made with energy from your origin source, it will have the properties of your origin source. The inscription is like your domain. It is under your command. It is also linked to your mind. Forcefully breaking the inscription can have a drawback on you.

" Its advisable to never let anyone destroy it for you. If you feel that it is in danger, you can destroy it or you should always make sure to always break your connection with it when you are not attacking with it. Since you are connected with it, you can command it to attack with your desired element.

"An inscription give you more than 2x boost to your attack power. The more multiplier inscription you want, the more drain it will have on you. But as we grow stronger we won't have to worry about it so much," Alaric said and Aurora nodded.

Aurora felt what Alaric had said was true when she commanded it to attack and it glowed. Her attack element was water. She used water and ice swords. Ice could be said to be a water branch but not everyone could wield ice if they wielded water.

Also, some wielded ice but not water. This was a pretty messed up element. Someone must have tampered with it.

Aurora decided to let out a sword from the inscription. The inscription glowed and in its center, an ice sword started protruding as the tip showed. Its surrounding of ten centimeters was covered with snow and the sword which was almost half a meter wide started dropping.

The tip appeared like a sharp 'V' that was almost half a meter long. The inscription which was almost fifty meters above finally let the whole sword out.The sword was five meters long from the tip. It was double edged and appeared sharp that even the tiny snow drops that fell on its side were cut into two.

The sword handle was half a meter long and 15 centimeters wide. The sword finally appeared and it shifted so that it lay horizontally. The temperature had dropped slightly but it dropped further when the sword was only five meters above them.

Aurora stood up and opened her hands. This was now her true form. Her lips appeared cold and her skin appeared to turn slightly white. What Alaric found funny was the girl barely 5'2 wielding a sword that was six meters in length. Aurora opened her lips and spoke words that made Alaric slightly shudder.

He promised to never anger her in the future. Was she not in the first stage? How could her attack be this this powerful. Alaric knew then that it was her origin source and her ice breed.