

crazyBuddha · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3

Matt trudged through his high school's hallways, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his head down. He'd always felt like an outcast, never quite fitting in with the popular crowd. He preferred to spend his time reading and playing video games instead.

He noticed a group of guys gathered around the school corridor as he walked to his locker. They were the popular kids, the ones who seemed to have an iron grip on the school. Matt knew he should avoid them. "Hey, look who it is," sneered one of the guys as Matt approached. "It's the nerd," Matt's face flushed with embarrassment as the others laughed. He tried to ignore them and go about his business, but they persisted.

"Hey, I heard you aced the math test," said another. "Unfortunately, that will not help you get selected for the preminary game list."

Matt gritted his teeth and tried to push through them, but they stopped him. "Where do you think you're going, dweeb?" the first guy asked, roughly shoving Matt.

Matt stumbled backwards, almost losing his footing. He realized he was in big trouble now. These guys were known for bullying anyone who got in their way, and he had just made himself a target.

Things only got worse over the next few days. The popular kids seemed to follow him around, mocking him and making his life miserable. Matt was at a loss for what to do. He'd never been in a situation like this before, and he didn't want to tell anyone for fear of complicating matters.

But as the weeks passed, Matt realized he couldn't ignore the problem any longer. He needed to do something because the top guys at school were determined to make his life a living hell.

Fortunately for him, while eavesdropping on them, he discovered that they were planning to vandalize one of the school's properties in order to frame someone because he had crossed them. Matt realized his chance for vengeance had arrived.

He went to the principal and revealed everything he knew to him. His information was taken seriously by the principal, who launched an investigation. Finally, they were able to apprehend the perpetrators before they could carry out their plan.

As a thank you, the school compensates him for his intelligence. Matt was lauded as a hero, and he became the talk of the school. The same kids who had once mocked him were now attempting to befriend him. Matt had no idea what to make of it all. He had never wanted to be popular, but it appeared that he had no choice now.

Matt began to enjoy the majority of his days at school with peace of mind as time passed. Along the way, he made some genuine friends and even began dating a girl he had always admired. But he would never forget how it felt to be on the outside looking in. And he promised himself that he would always be available to anyone in need, just as someone had been for him.

Matt's newfound fame presented its own set of difficulties. Everyone wanted to be his friend, including some of the people who had tormented him only a few weeks before. He didn't know who to trust and was constantly walking on eggshells.

To make matters worse, the top guys in school were still after him. They couldn't believe someone like Matt could bring them down and were determined to exact their vengeance.

Matt was at a loss for what to do. He tried to stay as far away from them as possible, but they seemed to be everywhere he looked. He knew he couldn't relax his guard for even a second.

Matt trudged along the sidewalk on his way home from school, his backpack slung over one shoulder. He hadn't gone more than a block when he heard footsteps behind him. Matt turned to see three of his classmates, Jake, Eric, and Tyler, closing in on him.

Jake sneered at Matt. "We heard you were the one who told the principal about us. Is that correct?"

Matt paused for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I told him about what you were up to."

Jake stepped forward, his fists balled, after the three boys exchanged glances. "That was a huge blunder, snitch". Matt attempted to back up, but the three boys were too quick. They swung their fists at him. Matt tried to duck and evade, but he couldn't compete with their strength and skill.

A fist collided with his jaw, knocking him to the ground. Matt groaned as he struggled to stand, but the three boys were back on him in an instant.

They kicked and punched him nonstop, not letting him catch his breath. Matt tried to fight back, but their aggression and skill overwhelmed him.