
Immortal Cultivation Temptations

Luo Tian, the sole heir to the powerful Luo empire, is a man of many talents. He excels in business, combat, and scheming, possessing exceptional intelligence, decisiveness, ruthlessness, and cunning. However, his insatiable lust for women threatens to consume him. He maintains a harem of a hundred beauties, claiming them as his own through manipulation, power, or abuse. His desire for more women seems boundless, and he yearns to indulge in the flesh of the beautiful women of the immortal world. Upon transmigrating into this new realm of cultivation, Luo Tian discovers that humans possess extraordinary capabilities. Sword immortals can part seas, and fairies gracefully soar through the skies. Luo Tian's desires burn even more fervently, and he sets his sights on achieving immortality and constructing his own limitless harem. His journey begins at the esteemed Profound Sword Palace, where he encounters the alluring Sect Mistress female elders, and disciples. every one of them possesses unparalleled beauty and strength. As Luo Tian rises in power and influence, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries. He must navigate treacherous alliances and betrayals, fight powerful enemies. Along the way, he meets a cast of captivating characters, including Empresses, fox spirits, and seductive enchantresses.

Dark_Sovereign_28 · แฟนตาซี
92 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening in the Grand Hall: Profound Sword Palace Chronicles

The entrance to the Grand Hall was a sight to behold, its walls encircled with a grand moat. Inside, the hallowed halls seemed to be made of pure gold, dripping with elegance.

Adorning the walls were magnificent tapestries depicting ancient battles and legendary swordsmen that seemed to shimmer in all their glory under the warm glow of crystal chandeliers. The floor was made of polished marble, reflecting the youthful faces of the aspiring cultivators like a still pond's surface.

A sense of palpable tension hung heavy in the air as these men and women, dressed in vibrant robes of various colors, exchanged nervous glances. Some stood tall, emanating confidence from their every being, while others fidgeted with their swords or clasped their hands tightly trying to steady their nerves.

At the front of the hall sat a group of esteemed sect deacons, their robes embroidered with intricate patterns and eyes filled with immense wisdom. Among them was elderly figure whose reputation was known throughout the vast Great Desolate world- the venerable elder, who had led countless generations of disciples down a path of immortal cultivation.

The Profound Sword Palace was a citadel of immortal cultivation and martial arts, governed by its elders and Sect Master. 50 Outer Court Elders clothed in emblazoned robes and versed in many forms of martial arts, were responsible for setting the foundation of the sect. Each elder had accumulated centuries of cultivation experience during their tireless journeys and battles across the continent, and they dedicated themselves to training their disciples and guiding them on their path of immortal cultivation.

The 15 Inner Court Elders were held in the highest esteem among the sect's members. Their intricate robes spoke of their profound understanding of immortal techniques and mystical philosophies beyond mortal comprehension. It was said that each Elder could single-handedly vanquish an army with a mere wave of their sword. They had reached the peak of immortal cultivation, and their unparalleled mastery was revered within the sect.

The Inner Court Elder assembled in the sequestered chamber; his faces lit up by the flickering flame of a candelabra. The Inner Court elders held sway over cultivation opportunities and resources, and nurtured promising disciples into extraordinary martial artists.

Beyond the elders, the Profound Sword Palace had a dedicated team of deacons who loyally served the sect's needs. Supervised by both the Inner and Outer Court, they performed administrative tasks and ensured order within the Profound Sword Palace's territory.

The Inner Court Elders were handpicked from the most reliable disciples, given an inner knowledge of how the sect operated. It was their responsibility to act as a link between the elders and lower ranking members of the sect. Tasks included organizing activities for disciples, carrying out assignments, and protecting valuable artifacts kept hidden in secret locations.

Similarly, the Outer Court Deacons played a vital role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the sect's day-to-day affairs. They supervised the training grounds, organized competitions, and provided guidance to the outer court disciples under the watchful eyes of the Outer Court Elders.

Together, the elders and deacons formed a harmonious system that upheld the traditions and values of the Profound Sword Palace. Their collective expertise, dedication, and commitment to nurturing the next generation of cultivators ensured that the sect continued to thrive and produce exceptional talents that would leave an indelible mark on the world of cultivation.

In the grand hall of the Profound Sword Palace, fate wove its intricate threads, bringing together a group of strangers on the precipice of their destinies. The young people present found their hearts pounding in unison as they exchanged glances filled with anticipation and nervousness.

Amidst the bustling crowd stood a petite girl, Li Mei's bright eyes darted around as she took a tentative step forward. Her voice, trembling slightly with anticipation, broke the tense silence that surrounded them.

"Wow," she breathed out in amazement, her lips stretching into a smile that seemed to reach out to her newfound companions. "Quite the crowd here. The energy is palpable."

Zhang Wei stood resolutely tall, his obsidian eyes aglow with determination. "It certainly is an honor to be considered for the prestigious Profound Sword Palace. Though this assessment may very well decide our futures, I'm confident we are all prepared."

Liu Xue's slender fingers nervously adjusted the azure folds of her robe as she voiced her apprehension. "I can't help but feel both excited and anxious at the same time."

Finding solace in their shared vulnerability, Chen Wei leaned against a nearby pillar, his cocoa eyes radiating confidence. "No doubt our future lies on this assessment. We have to remember that what we lack in experience or proper knowledge about immortal cultivation, we make up for with years of training."

Zhang Ying, her face aglow with warmth and compassion, eloquently shared her thoughts. "Each one of us possesses special talents, which makes us stand out from the others. So let us believe in ourselves."

Li Mei's sapphire eyes lit up with eagerness. "I've spent years training for this very day and I'm ready to show the Profound Sword Palace what I'm capable of!"

At once, the youths began bantering with excitement at their prospects of stunning the audience with their capabilities. However, amongst them were those who didn't share in the same enthusiasm due to their fear and anxiety. They hoped for success but held onto doubt in their hearts.

The hall was abuzz with anticipation as a throng of excited youths, aged between 16 and 18, had congregated in the grand hall of the Profound Sword Palace. Everywhere one looked, there was an electric aura of mingled exhilaration and dread—for every disciple requirement ceremony held three years apart marked the start of a life-altering journey for each participant.

In these hallowed halls, hundreds had gathered to have their talent in the mystic arts of immortal cultivation tested. The outcome would determine if they managed to spread their wings wide and soar among the heavens or be left disheartened and crestfallen. But for those whose latent potential surpassed expectations, this ceremony held the promise of an extraordinary ascent—a chance to ascend to celestial heights in single resplendent leap.

The youths stood rigidly in the grand hall, their dreams and sense of trepidation woven within each other. Every step they had taken on their journey had ushered them to this moment of truth, a moment that seemed to hold a million possibilities; yet, all of these ideas were shrouded by an ominous cloud of doubt. The hall echoed with hushed whispers and heartbeats that thudded like drums of war, as though the very fate of all who were present hung in the balance.

A hush fell over the crowd as the double doors swung open, and all eyes turned to the figure walking in with an air of authority, his presence commanding respect from all who beheld him. It was the Inner Court Elder who will be leading this year's Disciple Recruitment Ceremony, the moment that would determine the future of every youth present in the Grand Hall had come.

"Greetings, youngsters!" the Inner Court Elder called out in a booming voice. The hall quivered with reverberating energy, and the youths couldn't help but be drawn to it. "Welcome. Today, we are gathered here to select those gifted in immortal cultivation, those who will walk the path of immortality."

The atmosphere thickened as the crowd went silent. All eyes were on the elder as they knew what this moment meant for them: a chance at greatness, an opportunity to pursue immortal cultivation. With bated breath, all present waited for him to begin the selection process.

"The path of immortal cultivation and the sword is not one to be taken lightly," the Elder intoned. His stoic gaze met with the wide eyes of the youths before him. He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in, before continuing solemnly. "It asks for unwavering dedication, indomitable spirit, and an unyielding thirst for growth. Only those who prove themselves worthy will be blessed by its power."

A hush descended upon the Grand Hall as the youngsters contemplated on these words. Suddenly, the Elder spoke again, this time in a thunderous voice: "Always remember that the path of immortality is paved by mountains of corpses and the seas of blood! Will any of you still choose to take it?"

The youths exchanged determined glances, their resolve palpable. This was their chance to prove themselves, to rise above their peers and seize the opportune moment that lay before them.

"Without any further delay, let the disciple recruitment ceremony begin!!!" The loud voice of the Elder served as the signal and the selection process began.

The discipleship selection process was a rigorous one, comprised of three distinct stages: the Bone Age Test, the Spiritual Root examination, and an assessment of comprehension.

In the world of immortal cultivation, it was possible to maintain a youthful appearance even after several decades – hence the need for the Bone Age Test. This exam aimed to detect the chronological age of the cultivator by delving into the essence of their very bones.

The Spiritual Root test was implemented to find out whether or not the candidate had what it took to begin on the path of immortal cultivation – that is, if they possessed the Spiritual Roots required for absorbing and refining Qi. Not everyone was blessed with these roots, which facilitated one's absorption of the life force that permeated throughout heavens and earth – namely Qi. After all, only by refining Qi could one break through the boundaries set by mortal flesh and attain everlasting life. Therefore, having Spiritual Roots was an absolute prerequisite for this process.

Spiritual Roots were also divided into different grades, determining each individual's talent in cultivation – Mortal Grade, Earth Grade, and Heaven Grade being at the top tier. These categories were further split into Initial Level, Intermediate Level, and High Level.

The final examination was designed to examine each aspirant's aptitude for comprehending cultivation techniques, battle strategies, and other components vital to immortal cultivation. Grasping and understanding such information was crucial for progressing on this path and mastering it altogether.

One by one, the anxious youths stepped forward, their hearts pounding and palms slightly damp with nervous anticipation. The grand hall, bathed in an ethereal glow, seemed to hold its breath as the attendants watched on in awe.

As if in slow motion, Li Mei emerged from the throng of spectators. She marched towards the stage with a determination that belied her age and size. It was clear that she was ready for whatever lay ahead.

The deacon eyed her as she approached. He gestured towards three imposing crystal bars situated nearby. Each possessed a distinct color and a thickness comparable to two fully grown men combined.

"Proceed to the blue crystal bar and place your right hand upon it," he commanded in a detached tone, pointing to the corresponding shimmering gem.

Li Mei surveyed the crystal with trepidation before slowly extending her right hand towards its surface. Inexplicably, a radiant glow began to emanate from the crystal's surface, accompanied by the emergence of intricate characters.


Observing the results on the crystal, the deacon intoned solemnly, "Li Mei, sixteen years old, meets the requirements for the second assessment." His finger then pointed towards the middle crystal bar in a gesture that seemed to signal Li Mei to proceed.

Li Mei's fingertips vibrated with anticipation as she extended them to touch the glittering crystal bar. It was a beautiful amalgamation of luminescent colors, crafted from an unknown material and captivating in its complexity. She felt a surge of electricity course through her veins as her palm met the smooth surface, almost as if the stone's energy had come alive.


As if on cue, Li Mei heard a tremendous proclamation echo throughout the Grand Hall. In that instant, time seemed to stand still as the crystal glowed brighter than before. She held her breath, waiting for its revelation to unfurl.

In an instant, majestic words materialized on the crystal's surface, revealing Li Mei's potential and destiny. Her heart raced as her gaze locked onto the sublime inscription that shimmered before her.

"Intermediate Earth-Grade Spiritual Roots."

The deacon could not contain his surprise - it was an unexpected discovery that marked Li Mei as one with immense potential and promise for greatness. 

A wave of murmurs filled the Grand Hall as onlookers began to comprehend what these words meant for Li Mei. Even the Inner Court Elder couldn't hide his shock at this extraordinary grade of Spiritual Root.

"An Earth-Grade Spiritual Root? My goodness, that's amazing!"

"So jealous. I'd be satisfied if I had an Intermediate-Mortal grade Spiritual Root!"

"That girl's so lucky! If nothing goes wrong, she'll surely become an expert one day." 

"Maybe I should start sucking up to her so I can at least lick her boots." 

"Eww, that's gross!" 

A flood of passionate murmurs spread through the crowd, composed of both men and women. Their voices seemed to merge together in a loud roar of wonder and admiration for Li Mei's outstanding feat, filling the air with their claps and cheers. Yet not everyone was wearing expressions of honest joy on their faces.

Envy and jealousy simmered beneath the surface, manifesting as glances filled with longing and discontent. Some were inspired by Li Mei's success, while others felt resentment for those lucky enough to possess such powerful spiritual roots. "Why can't I have what she has?" one whispered bitterly, their eyes burning with determination.

The hall was abuzz with the excited murmuring of the crowd. Conversations and speculations washed over each other like waves, creating a cacophony of sound that ebbed and flowed with excitement. The air was thick with anticipation and tinged with an unspoken fear – what if they didn't awaken descent spiritual root?

Amidst the mix of sentiments, it was only natural that a few peculiar individuals with curious inclinations found themselves drawn to the scene. Their eyes glinted with a fervor that strayed far from the realm of mundane curiosity. Like seeping shadows, their presence added an enthralling veil of eccentricity to the atmosphere of the hall, intensifying the complexity of human nature.

"This girl is truly talented, seeing her Earth-Grade Spiritual Root we can finally add fresh blood in our profound sword palace's inner court!" The Inner Court Elder exclaimed joyfully. It was common knowledge that those blessed with mortal grade spiritual roots were placed in the outer court while those fortunate enough to possess earth grade spiritual roots were ushered into the prestigious inner court as disciples.

Needless to say, the disparity between these two groups was immense, especially when it came to resources and privileges they could avail from the palace. Not to mention that there was a chance for them to be taken under wing by one of the esteemed inner court elders!

As for those who even higher Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root — any individual possessing such supreme power would be bestowed with immediate honor and crowned as a core prime disciple of the palace. The luxury and privileges that such disciples enjoyed were transcendent even compared to some inner court elders; in terms of status and dignity, no core disciple could be deemed less noble than them.

Li Mei's comprehension was evaluated, and as everyone expected, she had a superior comprehension as well.

Zhang Wei stepped forward, his aura full of excitement and energy. His eyes seemed to flash with sparks that illuminated the hall.

"Zhang Wei sixteen years old, Earth Grade-Intermediate Spiritual Roots," declared the deacon.

"Liu Xue fifteen years old, Earth Grade-Initial Spiritual Roots," followed shortly afterwards.

"Chen Wei sixteen years old, Earth Grade-Intermediate Spiritual Roots."

Finally, Zhang Ying made her approach, her presence radiating warmth and compassion. As she stood there with her hands outstretched and her eyes closed, an ineffable air of majesty and grandeur filled the hall.

The deacon's voice thundered throughout the chamber, reverberating with unrestrained jubilation. "Zhang Ying, sixteen years old, High-level Earth-Grade Spiritual Roots!!!!" The awe-inspiring proclamation caused all present to stand still in amazement at the rare sight before them. To possess such extraordinary roots could position Zhang Ying as an inner court elder in just a 6-7 decades or even within a few tens of years - a feat only possible for those with the coveted Heaven Grade Spiritual Roots, in terms of potential High-level Earth-grade spiritual roots were second only to Heaven-grade spiritual root, the potential of such root bearer wasn't something to scoff at. Such potential existed only rarely; it was worth noting that prestigious institutions like Profound Sword Palace had no more than fifteen inner court elders within its ranks.

"Heavens! Those Intermediate Earth-Grade Spiritual Roots weren't enough, they had to bring out someone with High Earth Grade Spiritual Roots just to make us feel like trash," one of the youths grumbled bitterly.

"High Earth Grade Spiritual Roots! That means that this girl will have a chance of becoming an inner court elder!" Another youngster exclaimed in awe.

"I should try to befriend her; it never hurts to have friends, right?" one said, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"That senior sister's boots look even more lick-able!" another chuckled maliciously.

"Fuck you, Wierdo! Don't you have some physician to visit instead of coming here?" another jeered.

The youths' voices were not the only ones making noise - a chorus of admiration and congratulation had erupted all around Elder Yu Hui when the news of Zhang Ying's High Earth-Grade Spiritual Roots had spread like wildfire. 

Elder Yu Hui stood solemnly as he slowly spoke: "I have decided that this girl shall be my disciple." His voice rang loud and clear, filled with determination and conviction. Everyone was taken aback by the sheer magnitude of his words, and soon followed up with raucous cheers

Many of them clapped their hands in approval; some bowed their heads reverently while calling out: "Congratulations elder Yu Hui for accepting a new disciple!

Congratulations elder Yu Hui you finally found a new disciple!"

As the news of Elder Yu Hui taking on a new disciple spread, the atmosphere in the grand hall shifted noticeably. The deacons around her eyed her selection with admiration, their eyes gleaming with envy at Zhang Ying's good fortune. Even within the expansive Profound Sword Palace, Elder Yu Hui held an impressive status; Core Disciples would lower their proud heads to greet him with respect.

This scene alone was enough to emphasize the magnitude of Zhang Ying's newfound opportunity—a chance to receive guidance from one of the sect's most revered figures. And so, the youths took their turns demonstrating their talents. One by one they showcased their Mortal and Earth Rank Spiritual Roots, even if none could boast a High Earth Grade. Every display of an Earth Rank spiritual root earned murmurs of awe and admiration from the crowd, accompanied by an approving nod from Elder Yu Hui. Despite the nerves threatening to unravel them, they had overcome and presented their abilities confidently.

A mixture of emotions swirled within each participant as they returned to their spot among the hopefuls—relief, anticipation, and a burgeoning sense of accomplishment. They had made their mark on those who witnessed their potential, leaving an impression that could not be forgotten.

Countless eager young men and women thronged the square in front of Profound Sword Palace. The air was heavy with anticipation as they had eagerly awaited their assessment to determine whether they were blessed with spiritual roots that could be channels for immortal cultivation. Alas, two-thirds of them hung their heads in dejection when it was determined they had no spiritual root, the disappointment of not being able to tread the path of immortality more agonizing than not passing the assessment.

As the fervor and expectation hung thick in the air, the voice of the deacon echoed through the cavernous hall, a commanding presence.

A hush fell over the congregation as he spoke, his words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife. "Luo Tian," he called out.

The name reverberated throughout the grand hall.


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