
Immortal circle

An immortal girl that has lived for more than 1000 years and a mortal boy with special powers in a world where people that are immortal or have special powers are considered as demons. They get executed the moment they get caught. "should i try getting caught then?" the girl thought to herself thinking that no one could hear her. She was falsely wrong.

aspsyche · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

Chapter 3 -more info abt mc- (2/?)

My legs had gaven up and i was staring at the ceiling trying to adjust to what had just happened.

After some time I had gotten back up and was calling the police and an ambulance, they arrived after some minutes and the ambulance took my family to the hospital even though they were probably already dead while I was getting questioned by the police with questions such as:

"how it happened?

What exactly happened?

Did i know anything beforehand?

Why didnt i try to stop it?"

and blah blah blah.

That was how my so called family ended as a tragedy and even got in the news.

Now after 1000 years or so, im living as Ayuna Makuge, a high school student and Makuge is the 10th last name that I'll need to change in some years again.