
Immortal Army in Naruto World

If you were asked to choose three techniques that would be mastered in Ninja world as Cheat, which three would you choose? Ryouma transmigrated as 14 year old Genin in Kusagakure with three techniques he 'choose'. See how he plans and works to live a peaceful like in Ninja World. A quote from Ryouma: No place in the world is safe unless you are strong enough to keep yourself safe.' . . . . . Support me at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/StarStruck_1 You can read extra chapters there. If you want more extra chapters, message me and I will work my ass off to create a new tier and write chapters.

Starstruck_1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Thinking about the village!

"I will deal with them later, for now, stabilizing the village is the priority," Ryouma muttered as he thought of a way to use the criminals in Hozuki Castle and acquire more information about villages from them.

"Hozuki Castle can become a good place to store them," Muttering Ryouma shook his head and decided not to think on this matter. The door opened and Ayame entered the office with Kin at her side.

"Everything is done, and the news about you and Toyoma has been released," Ayame said and Ryouma looked at her and then nodded.

"How bad is the condition of the village?" He asked and Ayame looked at her and said, "It would be better to talk about this after Sakura and her squad has gathered data from everyone."

Nodding at her, Ryouma looked at Kin and said, "From today onwards, no will bite you to heal themselves, except me."


"Also, you will be starting training with Ayame to build up your chakra. For a few days, take a rest and do simple chakra exercises to increase your control, and when Ayame allows, start the Physical Exercises."

'If she is reincarnated, she will have unlimited chakra and she can even heal anyone and restore chakra, but'

'Can I kill her like this? Hah! Just asking this question inwardly gives me the answer. I didn't think about criminals but people like her,'

Ryouma sighed and then he looked at Ayame and said, "Ask all Ninjas to write their experience, their Techniques and what they learned in their life."

"Then compile the data in a few books and they will be taught in the Academy. Besides, when I am done looking at the data that Sakura will give, I will give my opinion on other departments."

"Anything else you want to ask?"

"Yes, what should we do in the settlement?"

"Hmm? I will decide this later." Ryouma said and Ayame nodded at him. She then glanced at Kin and said, "You have to say what you want."

"Eh? Ah Yes! Leader, I have a request."

"What is it?"

"As your personal secretary, I..."


"I want Karin to have a good life," Kin said with her eyes closed and opening them, she saw Ryouma smiling at her.

"No need to be worried about this, she will be studying in Academy like other children, and she won't have to be worried about anything. But..."


"In her place, you will have to work hard," Ryouma said, and Kin nodded with a stunned expression on her face.

"Ayame, if someone is free, send them to Hozuki Castle and if they have any orders related to Box of Ultimate Bliss, cancel them. Also, tell me that I will be visiting the place with the mark."

"Yes, Leader."

"Hmm? Leader? Ah Well! You can just call me Leader," Ryouma said and then he got up from his place.

"What about the ANBU ninjas that were taken by Takashi?"

"Well, he is telling them everything, and making them loyal to you," Ayame said while scratching her face and Ryoua sighed as he heard this.

"Do you have problems in being the Head of the Medical Department?"


"Good, now only, Food, Business, Infrastructure, Education, Entertainment, Human Development, and Finance are remaining," Ryouma muttered, and he wondered if he was forgetting something, but nothing came to his mind.

Leaving the room, he walked towards his house, but his expression changed as he looked at the place and saw that it was demolished.

"Now where will I live?" He muttered and Kin, who was beside him said, "Leader can just live at our place until this is built?"

"Haha! I am just kidding, I can just teleport back to settlement later," Ryouma declined the offer and he moved away. Taking around the village, he smiled with a satisfied expression on his face, as with Rokugo's help, the people didn't live like animals working for survival, but like humans and helped each other.

He saw a man working a woman to take her stuff from one place to another, and if it was before, the man would have run away with the stuff and vice versa.

'Since the land around the village is clear, we can just build small settlements in the place and farm there. But they are prone to attacks and for this, I can just develop an Emergency Service using the FTG seals.'

'Yellow, Red, and Black, I could set it in such a way that if a person poured some of his chakras in yellow seal outside the village, in the control room in the village, the yellow seal would light up, and marking them by numbers will differentiate the settlements.'

'But that is for later as before going outside, I need to see the land in Village, and if it is usable for planting and farming, I will use it.'

'Food is the priority, followed by Business and Education. Since it will take time to write books and compile them, just chakra control and physical exercise will do for now.'

'As for business, this will be decided with the documents that Sakura will bring after gathering information.'

'Should I look for another Bandit Settlement?'

Ryouma thought of all this while walking around, and he was followed by the ANBU that had been released by Takashi. Being Sensor is a requirement of FTG other than having Yin, Yang affinity and Yin-Yang Release, and Ryouma sensed them arriving, but he didn't bother them.

Beside him, Kin stiffened for a moment and then she acted as if nothing happened, but she could see that they were being followed.

"Leader, we are being..."

"I know, you don't have to worry about it. Also, use your Mind's Eye to sense evil intentions towards me," Ryouma said, and Kin flinched as she heard this. She didn't understand how he knew this but, she didn't think much and started to look for evil intentions against him.

Walking in a circle, they caught sixteen people who had ill intentions against Ryouma and they all were taken away by the village ANBU.

Stopping in front of his office, Ryouma looked at Kin and said, "You can leave now, go and take care of your daughter."

Saying this, he walked inside while Kin looked at him until he left and sighed.


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