

Once I’ve become Immortal, my attempt to conquer the world shall begin. I, Zhong Shan, in order establish a supreme heavenly dynasty, must marshal all the luck that I can gather to cleanse my own karma. Then I will have the strength to fight heaven itself, create a new world, and live forever. First: Fate Second: Luck Third: Feng Shui Four: Cultivate Inner Virtue. Five: Fame To gain eternal life. To obtain fame, one must establish a heavenly dynasty and amass the luck of the world! To cultivate inner virtue, one must establish holy sites and accumulate an immeasurable amount of merit! To cultivate Feng Shui one must learn to communicate between yin and yang and control the powers of heaven and earth! To cultivate luck! To cultivate fate! Ask the whole world, who can have eternal life!

Junayed_Ahmed_07 · ตะวันออก
1 Chs

Eighty birthday

July 7th, Daegun Province, Xuancheng Zhong Mansion.

The doors of the Zhong Mansion were wide open and eight hundred tables were set up for a banquet. Whether it was inside or outside the mansion, even the street where the entrance of the Zhong Mansion was located, the place was filled with seats. Anyone who came to congratulate, regardless of whether they were strangers or acquaintances, was allowed to sit.

Today was an important day. It was Old Master Zhong's eightieth birthday.

Old Master Zhong was a legendary figure. He started from scratch and spent fifty years to build up his family business. His life was like a legend in Daegun Province.

Even the previous emperor of Daegun Province drank and chatted with Old Master Zhong.

Old Master Zhong was not an official in his life. He was a businessman. However, his status in Daegun Province was very high. In the past fifty years, the money that Old Master Zhong earned was no longer calculated by weight. It was so much that even the emperor was jealous of it. It was so much that it was more than the savings of the thousand-year-old families.

Even Old Master Zhong himself did not know how much money he had. That was because there was a large amount of money flowing into Old Master Zhong's name every day.

Perhaps it was God's will. Old Master Zhong did not have any children. Although he had eight wives and concubines, none of them could bear him a child. It was as if God had deliberately left a huge regret for Old Master Zhong's glory.

However, Old Master Zhong did not blame his wives and concubines. Instead, he took in a large number of adopted sons. Now, Old Master Zhong's adopted sons were no less than a hundred.

Old Master Zhong imparted all kinds of knowledge to his adopted sons to maintain the huge family business. Old Master Zhong was very attentive to his adopted sons. Every one of them was a martial arts genius. It was as if he had taken them in as his adopted sons because of their foundation.

The adopted sons also had children. Therefore, although Old Master Zhong did not have any children, he had many descendants.

With so many adopted sons, they were all filled with a trace of hope for Old Master Zhong's family business. Just like the descendants of the emperor, none of them were easy to deal with.

Since early that morning, a large number of people came to congratulate him. The entire Zhong Mansion was filled with a strong sense of joy.

In the inner courtyard of the Zhong Mansion, there was a five-story pavilion. It was like a pagoda in the Zhong Mansion and was very eye-catching.

On the highest floor of the pavilion, an old man was looking at the guests who had come to congratulate him.

The old man's hair was white, and even his eyebrows and beard were white. His eyes were bright and spirited, and his face was dignified without being angry. This was the stabilizing force of the Zhong Residence, Zhong Shan.

The old man frowned as if he was thinking about something.

At this moment, an honest-looking middle-aged man came up from the back of the pavilion. Even though the old man's back was facing him, the middle-aged man still bowed slightly.

"Father, the banquet is ready. We're just waiting for you to start." The middle-aged man said sincerely.

After being interrupted, Old Master Zhong also came back to his senses and turned to look at the middle-aged man.

"Zhong Tian, your cultivation has reached the Houtian eighth stage, right?" The old man said lightly.

"Yes, foster father, I'm at the eighth stage of the Houtian realm, but I'm already fifty years old this year. There's no hope for me to reach the Xiantian realm in this lifetime." The middle-aged man sighed.

"Mm." Old Master Zhong nodded.

Then, under the guidance of Zhong Tian, they walked down the stairs and slowly walked to the banquet hall.

The hall was already full of guests. Half of them were Zhong Shan's foster sons. The other half were some important officials of Daegun Province. Although Old Master Zhong was not an official, his status in Daegun Province was still quite high. Although it was not as high as the four millennia old families, it was not far behind.

On the north side of the hall, there was a huge golden 'longevity' character. It was given by the current Emperor to celebrate Old Master Zhong's birthday.

At this moment, the banquet table in the hall was full. Everyone was talking about something, but no one touched the dishes on the table.

"Old Master Zhong is here!" A servant suddenly shouted.

When the servant shouted, the hall immediately quieted down. No one outside said anything either.

Old Master Zhong, whose hair and eyebrows were completely white, walked in from the side door, accompanied by his righteous son, Zhong Tian.

Although Old Master Zhong was old, his spirit was still very good. When he walked to the seat in the center, his face showed a smile.

"Everyone, thank you for coming." Old Master Zhong said to everyone.

"Old Master, what are you saying?"

"It's our duty, it's our duty."

"It's our duty, it's our duty."

… … …

The guests all said humbly. Old Man Zhong only nodded his head.

"Su Xing, on behalf of the Emperor, wishes Old Master Zhong longevity and good health." A purple robed man immediately stood up and said to Old Master Zhong.

Obviously, this was one of the princes of Daegun Province.

"Zhao Lin, on behalf of the Master, wishes Old Master Zhong longevity and longevity."

"Qian San, on behalf of the Master, wishes Old Master Zhong longevity and longevity."

"Sun Li, on behalf of the Master, wishes Old Master Zhong longevity and longevity."

"Li Ru, on behalf of the Master, wishes Old Master Zhong longevity and longevity."

Another four middle-aged men greeted Old Man Zhong and greeted him.

"En, good, good. Thank you, Your Majesty and the four Masters. Everyone, please take a seat." Old Master Zhong smiled.

Everyone sat down. Then, Old Master Zhong's foster sons came forward to wish Old Master Zhong a happy birthday.

The banquet lasted for three days, three whole days.

During this period, Old Master Zhong only showed his face on the first day. After that, he did not show his face again.

In these three days, all of Old Master Zhong's foster sons came back to congratulate him on his birthday. Some of them immediately rushed to their family business, but some were asked to stay by Old Master Zhong.

Three days later, the banquet ended. In a meeting room in the Zhong Residence, Old Master Zhong sat alone. In his hand was a red ball the size of a longan fruit. He gently rubbed this red ball, as if it was the most precious thing in the Old Master's life.

After rubbing it for nearly half an hour, Old Master Zhong carefully put it in a small cloth bag. Then, he threaded it with a thin thread and hung it on his chest.

"Let them in." Old Master Zhong called out softly.

"Yes." Zhong Tian's voice came from outside the door.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhong Tian, seven other people came in. Three of them were about the same age as Zhong Tian, about forty or fifty years old. The other four were much younger, about thirty or forty years old.

"Father." The eight people came in and bowed to Old Master Zhong at the same time.

"En, sit down." Old Master Zhong said lightly.

"Yes." The eight people sat down immediately.

"Zhong Di, Zhong Xuan, Zhong Huang, Zhong One, Zhong Liu, Zhong Eighteen, Zhong Nineteen, your cultivation is now stable at the Houtian Tenth Stage, right?" Old Master Zhong asked.

"Yes, Father." Everyone replied.

Only one of the slightly younger men said in surprise, "Ten days ago, I just reached the Houtian Tenth Stage. I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect you to know in advance."

"Zhong Nineteen, thirty-two years old. It's a surprise that you can reach the peak of the Houtian Stage." Old Master Zhong looked at his youngest adopted son and smiled faintly. He doted on his youngest adopted son the most.

"Father, you flatter me." Zhong Nineteen immediately said shyly.

"En. Do you know why I called you here today?" Old Master Zhong asked.

"We don't know." Everyone immediately shook their heads. At the same time, they looked at Old Master Zhong strangely. They didn't know why Old Master Zhong called them.

"The Longmen Convention will be held in a few days. Follow me there." Old Master Zhong said lightly.

"Longmen Convention? Father, do you know where the Longmen Convention will be held? Only the four aristocratic families and the imperial family know. "Zhong Nineteen immediately shouted excitedly.

At the same time, the others looked at Old Master Zhong excitedly.

The honest-looking Zhong Tian sat there silently. Although he was a little surprised, he wasn't too happy. "That's right.

I'll bring all of you to the Longmen Convention. At that time, the elites from all over the world will gather. Most of them will be at the peak of the Houtian Stage. There will even be Inborn Experts. Follow me there and fight to be accepted as disciples by an Immortal Sect. From then on, you will learn the supreme Immortal Dao and become immortal. "Old Master Zhong looked forward to it.

"Yes, Father." Everyone immediately replied excitedly.

Although some people thought that there were immortals in the world, the Zhong Family was a big family. They knew that immortals weren't ethereal. They existed. However, they didn't know how to cultivate immortals. They had a wish, but they didn't know where to start.

"I'll bring all of you to the Longmen Convention. First, I hope that all of you can break away from the secular world and enter an Immortal Sect. Second, I hope that all of you can do something for me." Old Master Zhong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Father, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I'll definitely do it." Zhong Nineteen immediately said.

Seeing that his youngest godson immediately patted his chest and promised before he even heard what he had to say, Old Master Zhong felt a sense of relief.

"Yes, it's not difficult. All you have to do is enter an Immortal Sect and ask for a 'Restriction Breaking Pill' from the sect's master or elders." Old Master Zhong said excitedly.

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

"Father, what's a Restriction Breaking Pill?" Only Zhong Tian asked curiously.

"The Restriction Breaking Pill isn't a very good pill in these Immortal Sects. Its effect is only to help people break through the Houtian Stage. However, it requires a person above the Golden Core Stage to refine it. When all of you enter an Immortal Sect and learn the Immortal Sect's secret techniques, you won't need this at all. That's why it's relatively rare. Back then, I used all of my family's assets to exchange for it with a Daoist. However, that Daoist didn't care about it. Everything in the secular world is no different from passing clouds in the eyes of these people." Old Master Zhong sighed.

Hearing what Old Master Zhong said, everyone sighed. Indeed, they were more interested in their family's assets. However, in the face of immortality, these assets were nothing. Nothing at all.

"Father, do you want to use this Restriction Breaking Pill to break through to the Xiantian Stage?" Zhong Tian asked immediately.

"You're all my sons. I won't hide it from you. Indeed, because I started cultivating late, although I spent a lot of money and bought a lot of spiritual herbs, I could only cultivate to the same level as all of you now. I'm already eighty years old. It's impossible for me to break through. The Longmen Convention is held once every fifty years. It's also my only chance. I hope you won't let me down." Old Master Zhong said to his sons.

"Father, don't worry. As long as I'm chosen by the Immortal, even if I have to pay the price of not entering an Immortal Sect, I'll definitely get a pill for you." Zhong Shijiu said immediately.

"Okay." Old Master Zhong nodded immediately. A trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Father, I …" Zhong Tian said hesitantly. After all, Zhong Tian's cultivation was only at the Houtian Stage Eight.

Zhong Shan seemed to have seen through his eldest son's worries. He smiled and said, "Go and get ready. We'll set off in three days. Zhong Tian, come with me. I don't feel comfortable without you serving me."

"Yes." Everyone replied immediately. Zhong Tian was also excited. Zhong Tian knew that it was impossible for him to be chosen. However, he was extremely excited to be able to see the Longmen Convention. At the very least, he would have no regrets in his life.

Then, everyone left the hall. They were all excited.

After the godsons left, Old Master Zhong stood up slowly and walked slowly to a courtyard at the back.

There was no need for any servants to serve him in this courtyard. No one was allowed to enter and disturb him, not even his godsons. Unless Old Master Zhong allowed someone to enter.

He walked into the courtyard and gently closed the door. Old Master Zhong walked into the bedroom and sat by the bed. Once again, he took off the red ball hanging around his neck.

At this moment, the red ball seemed to be emitting a faint red light. Moreover, there were some colorful lights floating above the red light.

"It's been fifty-five years. When I climbed Mount Everest and picked up this red ball, I was sucked through space and arrived at this place. This is a magical world because there are immortals here. In the past fifty-five years, I've searched for immortal sects many times. They all said that I cultivated too late, my foundation is not good, my veins are not strong, and I'm too old. It's impossible for me to reach the Xiantian Stage. Immortal? Immortal? Is it because I was in my twenties and had yet to cultivate? "Old Master Zhong looked at the red ball and frowned.

"Haven't I reached the peak of the Houtian Stage in the past few decades? Although I can't break through anymore, but … but didn't I succeed? As long as I have a Limit Breaking Pill, I can cultivate to the Xiantian Stage. Then, I can cultivate to the highest level and become an immortal. Who can have a stronger will than me? In order to cultivate, I spent a lot of effort to find a ten-thousand-year-old ice and sat on it to cultivate. I sat there for twenty years. Would those people in your sect with excellent foundation dare to do the same when they were at my level of cultivation? "

"Traveling through space, haha, I almost forgot about the novels on Earth. Traveling through space, why didn't my body become stronger? Why is it still the same? Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered so much in the past few years. Indeed, this time, I obtained a special ability. I can separate from my shadow. I can form a spatial shadow, and this shadow can also take my appearance. Although we are separated by millions of miles, this shadow can be controlled by me. It's as if I have another body at the same time. The shadow doesn't have a mind of its own, only I do. It's a very special ability for one person to control two bodies. This is also one of the reasons why my assets have increased so quickly in the past few years. But, but what's the use of this? The shadow is restricted by my body. No matter how high my cultivation is, it can only reach that high. It can't break through the shackles of the Houtian Stage. I only need a starting point, a Xiantian starting point. As long as I reach the Xiantian Stage, I will do better than anyone else and work harder than anyone else. "

"After raising so many foster sons, there are finally seven who have reached the peak of the Houtian Stage before the Longmen Convention. They should be able to succeed. Seven, at least one will succeed. As long as I can get a Limit Breaking Pill, it will be enough. For me, it's enough. It's really enough." Old Master Zhong whispered to himself.