
Im just a Tailor In marvel

A Monster from one punch man is reincarnated. And all he wants to do is live a semi normal life. But your never too old for your wants to hurt. #No harem #No system also i own nothing.

RoyalAlpaca_1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Life goals

After checking the perimeter of the general store for a breaching point, the man settled with jumping on the roof of the two story building. looking around for a moment he spotted the door leading to the roof, and decided to try his luck in opening it.

' you would be surprised how often the doors to the roof go unlocked to buildings like these. since, if this world is even remotely similar to mine, most employee's love their smoke breaks.'

He thought to himself shortly before turning the doorknob. And as lady luck would have it the door was unlocked, evident by the piece of folded paper stopping the door from fully locking, falling out. Which the man promptly caught, before entering the small stairwell and placing the piece of paper back to it's original home.

' Damn i love when thing's go that smoothly. now let's get down to business'

He thought with a snicker. He then proceeded with caution and made his way down the stairwell, periodically checking for cameras or censors. Though he doubted this building had any, since he had purposefully picked a store that looked a little rundown and shabby. this was most likely a small family run business, in decline. But being cautious never hurt anyone.

After a moment he made his way to a second door that he opened with ease. Leading him to a fairly large room, that was clean and organized and filled with a variety of things, though one could tell easily that the quality of these things weren't the best, but that was to be expected. After taking a observatory glance around the room he walked towards a clothing rack with shitty palm tree shirts on it and snatched a shirt off and began drying his soaking wet body with it.

After thoroughly drying with it he tossed it back on the rack.

' It works surprisingly well as a towel'

He thought while walking past the actual towels and towards another rack adorned with decent normal looking shirts. Browsing through the rack with his finger's he picked out four short sleeved, button up shirts that he liked and would fit him. Two plain black shirts and two matte blue shirts.

Taking the other three shirts and neatly placing them on top of the clothing rack, he took the black shirt he had in his hand and popped the tag off of it, he then put it on and buttoned it up. leaving two undone. next was underway which was simple. Four pair of XL boxer briefs to accommodate for his meat and he was all good in that department. Next was pants, there were a sickening amount of ugly ass shorts and only one rack with a tiny amount of pants on it, precisely six, four of them being equally ugly jeans.

" Tch "

The mans disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined. But on the bright side he did find two barely decent grey slacks, unfortunately his luck seemed to stop there as when he put them on the pants fit but where a tad to short, rising above his ankle. he let out a sigh of disappointment and went on towards the footwear which was plagued by sandals. he grimaced and snatched some black and white slides off the shelf and put them on.

he didn't want to spend anymore time then he needed to in this place. so he quickly grabbed a duffle bag off a near by shelf and began filling it with the necessities like his shitty clothes a lighter, a poncho that he decided to put on and snacks like jerky chips cookies and some water he found on the first floor etc.

' ok lets head out '

the old man's mood was visibly soured from the lack of quality clothes. He then left from the same place he came in, and jumped off the building duffle in tow and towards the end of the amusement park which seemed liked an exit to him when he looked from the roof.

while walking in the rain his poncho keeping him dry he took a moment to collect himself and think. what would he do with his second shot at life ? he started thinking.

' ill be successful this time ill become a tailor in this life like i told mum and pops i would in my last. i also plan to enjoy life to it's fullest this time. maybe even fine me a nice woman this time around.'

he thought to himself while stroking his gray beard. nodding in approval he decided that would be the goal, of course he wouldn't skip out on honing his strength. but he will use it to better himself and take what he needs. instead of world domination or whatever the fuck he was supporting before, with the monster association.

' But first i need funds, a home and knowledge about my new world. then leisure and enjoyment comes after.'

Was his last thoughts before finally exiting the amusement park.