
Chapter 4

It’s Valentine’s Day today. Aboagye, who haven fallen irreversibly in love with Adobea stayed his thoughts on bringing her out of the pit of despair concerning how much her father disliked him. How best can he win his affection? As he reminisced about the good times the two of them shared secretly together, there was a knock on his door. Hoping it was Adobea, he quickly brushed his hair and straightened his shirt, only to be disappointed with a smiling male face, happy to be carrying what would make him the happiest man on earth.

“Can you sign this, please? It’s a delivery for you.” His hopes dashed and the broad smile wiped off his face, he braved it all and gently took the pen from the deliveryman, appending his signature with a sigh and a frown.

“You don’t seem to be happy on this day of love,” said the deliveryman sympathetically.

“I was expecting someone else,” said Aboagye, unable to hide his disappointment anymore. “May I know what’s in the parcel, please before I break down?”

“It’s exclusively for you so please do yourself a favour and open it yourself. Happy Valentine’s day.” As he walked towards his red van, he said “And oh, I’m sorry to have caused you so much pain. However, I want you to know that this is at a discount and I hope things work out for you two.”

“Thank you,” said Aboagye, wondering what could be wrapped inside the box for him. Walking back to his sitting room, he sat down sullenly and closed his eyes for a moment. What if it’s something I don’t want? What if it’s from a secret admirer? What if it’s from one of my former girlfriends? It wouldn’t be cool at all. After a few moments of breathing in and out to get ready for the parcel, he opened it slowly and peeped inside, then shut his eyes on second thought. Should I shake the box instead? What could be inside? Aboagye shook the box; but his instincts told him he should handle it with much more care. What could it possibly be? Why don’t you just open it Aboagye?! He admonished himself.

“Okay! Finally!” Lifting it so fast, the box, turned upside down, exposing its contents. It was a bottle of perfume.

Hm! This person seems to know what I like! He was expecting the usual chocolates, a teddy bear, or a card. Instead, there was a note in the box with a message.

“Happy Valentine’s day!” Aboagye smiled, still dumbfounded. Ogling at the name signed underneath, he suddenly jumped up with a start.

“No! Not You? I can’t fall any deeper in love. No!” He touched his heart with the bottle.

“I’ll forever cherish this,” he said. Am I obliged to reciprocate? What am I going to send her? She’s aware I’m not as wealthy as she is? And her father hates me?

Adobea received the note she was waiting for. It was not only a note but also a card reassuring her of his love for her. How is he ever going to win her father’s heart? Already, his dislike for her was obvious.

“Baafour,” said Adobea gently. “Where did you find my sweetheart?”

“Daddy should hear you calling him that,” he replied with a wry smile. “You owe me. Do you know that?”

“I’ll pay you whatever amount you ask for. Just tell me where I’ll find him.”

“That will not be prudent. For now, just be content with the method of communication until we settle things with Daddy.”

“We? So you’re both in this together?”

“Why else would I be the postman? I want you to be happy. I believe things will get better between the two of you. You have a perfect chance of surviving every odd.”

“Why would Dad want to make my life so miserable?”

“He loves you. Don’t ever doubt that. He’s only being overprotective of you.”

“Is he going to marry me?”

“Obviously not!” he replied, laughing.

To have fallen in love was not the crime: it was to have fallen in love before or whilst betrothed to another man. Nobody knows how Mr Adjei found out about her continued involvement with Aboagye. Perhaps a bird had whispered it in his ear.

“What is this I hear about you going out with Aboagye behind my back, Adobea?” asked her father as they sat to discuss the way forward. This time, her father could not wait for her to come begging him.

“Dad, I thought both of them were under scrutiny? Why be biased against one?” Her father’s demeanour changed with the coming of the genuine question. As one who always preached about truth, integrity, and fairness, it was time to examine his own actions.

“We just fell in love. Has that become a crime too?”

“You don’t fall in love. You walk into it with your head held up high and your senses intact. Someone connected me to your mother. I would never have thought of marriage if they hadn’t done so. I’m doing the same for you.”

“My case may be different from yours’, Daddy.”

“I understand that. But at least, give me the chance to help you find the best man. Just give him a try.”

“I don’t think you gave Aboagye any chance. I think you will be fair to allow him to love me too. Allow me to use my discretion for once in my lifetime.”

“Instincts and experience tells me you are wrong.” Adobea sighed.

“I wish I could agree with you.”

Mr Adjei could not stop himself from being angry over the fact that Adobea was seeing someone else behind Gaither’s back so much that Baafour was concerned about his father’s emotions and how they would affect Adobea’s relationship with him.

“Losing your father's blessing has serious consequences, Adobea. Why don't you just go along with your father’s wishes?' asked Baafour, her elder brother.

”Are you listening to yourself? Were you not the one who gladly welcomed Aboagye? Have you changed your mind so soon because of some kind of opposition?'

" Yes I was, but the situation spells surrender,' replied Baafour.”

“So you think I should discourage Aboagye?”

“Something like that.”

“And deny my feelings for him?”

“As difficult as it will be, I think it will put you in your father’s good books.”

“Love cannot be stifled. It is like killing someone slowly with poison. That’s how it will feel.”

“Let him die if it’s not meant to be.”

“Seriously? I don’t think you know what love is!”

Mr Adjei, although he had sent his daughter away from his house by word of mouth, kept hoping and praying that the union between his daughter and Gaither would work.

“We had better find an amicable solution before this situation escalates into something else,” said Baafour, Adobea’s young er brother to her.

'” What can we do about it, Baafour?”

'” I suggest you give yourself the chance to get to know this guy better, after which you can make your final decision.”

“This suggestion does not sound well in my ears but I will do it only for you. What about Aboagye……? I have already fallen in love with him? and you seem to be vouching for him already.”

“Yes. I’m aware of that fact.”

“You have double standards, Baafour.”

“Forgive me. I don’t even know what I’m saying. I just don’t want any bad blood between you and Dad. I would also want you to be free to choose whoever you want but use this chance to prove to him that love is a personal thing.”

Adobea disagreed with him but chose to dance to his tune. A chance to prove to her father that it was not right to coerce anyone to marry someone they did not love seemed worthwhile. She would entertain him for a while until it was impossible to do so anymore then, she would have fulfilled all obligations. Although there were no deep feelings between them yet, peace was her watchword and so it continued. What if she fell in love with both of them? How would she get rid of one?

After several deliberations, Adobea and Baafi were at their father’s door to lay the facts bare before him..

“Knock, knock!”

“Who is it?”

“It’s us, your children.”


“Baafi and Adobea.” Mr Adjei ran to the door as fast as he could.

“Please come in,” he said excitedly. Adobea was stunned to notice his reaction. “What can I offer you?” he asked.

“Oh Dad!” said Baafi. Cut out all the niceties. We are here to make peace. Don’t behave like there’s nothing at stake.”

“How did you expect that I would receive you? Coldly? I am not at war with you?”

“But you sent your eldest daughter out for a reason?”

“Yes, I did. And now, I’m glad to have her back.”

“Did you think she would come begging you to take her back?” Mr Adjei felt a little embarrassed with his question. “You are speaking as if nothing happened. Do you retract your words or not?” Shaking his head for a moment, Mr Adjei said:

” Yes, I do regret all that I said and yes, I want her back. No matter what happens, she’s still my daughter, isn’t she?” Holding out his arms to embrace her. Adobea rose to meet him. Baafi seemed peeved.

“Does that mean you’re taking her back?” asked Baafi.

“You can rightly see so, my son.”

“I don’t want you sending her out behind my back. She may not come to you again.”

“Take my word for it. I am certainly not doing that again. Ever!”