
Chapter 19

" Adobea, send for my father at once, please." Adobea, with all sense of urgency, hurried out of the clinic to Gaither's father's house. He was having a quiet time when she knocked on his door. Howbeit, sensing a need in someone, put an end to his meditation and listened quietly for a desperate voice.

" Father," called Adobea

" My daughter. What ails you?"

" Aboagye is very ill."

" Calm down. Come in and tell me everything. It's not that bad, is it? What exactly is wrong with him?"

" He has sleeping sickness." Father Mason Brown, rose, perplexed, yet, showing some calmness in his thoughts and actions.

" We'll send for help at once. Tell my son we're on it." Adobea rushed out of his presence, saying nothing else to him but muttering his very words to herself. " They are on it. They are on it. They are on it" she repeated loudly. Upon reaching the clinic, Adobea relayed the message to Gaither.

" Your father says they are on it."