

it never crossed my thoughts that my cousin’s fiancé will be the fragile heartstrings that coils around my heart

Sparkly1 · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs


"You" I fumed.

"never mind",I told her.

Making my way to the kitchen. I took out the chopping board and started chopping the vegetables.keeping in mind to make a simple but savory breakfast.

Within 40mins I was done,I took out the only Chinese dish that was my mother's wedding gift,and dish out all the meals.i don't know what the foods I normally cook taste like, my aunt made me starve for two days when she saw me tasting the soup I prepared eight years ago.She made me eat stale bread with watery soup,which resulted in me having a troubled stomach. So since that day I kept it in mind never to taste anything that I cooked for my aunt since it will only lead me to an early grave.

I set the dinning table and placed the dish there,whilst waiting for my aunt and Rose to finish their breakfast so that I can eat mine and start the preparation for the lunch early since Rose fiancé will be visiting.

"Oh no" I thought to my self when I realized that we had ran out of stock. I quickly went to my Aunt to ask for money so that I can rush to the store since it was nearby.

I gently knocked on her door and waited for answer.

"Who is that?" A voice from inside asked.

"Aunt Esther it's me, we are out of stock in the kitchen so I need some money for restocking so that I can prepare the lunch.

The door suddenly opened. I looked up and saw my aunt face red with anger.

"Why are you informing me now? Are you that heartless and jealous that you want to ruin your sister fiancé first visit?

I shuddered when I heard her words.