

In my home,next to a place called Nowhere,in the middle of a dreamland called HOPE. A very good place to live but still suffers from the terror called NON REALISATION .In fact this is a place we have all been .A place with free visa, no requirements,no discrimination , but the question still remains '' how is it formed ?

Well I believe that everything in life started with words. Even the holy books proves me correct. The words the creator said at the beginning was the word to bring to existence Light,Life,and Lies. BUT this is very hard to think about without a little bit of our Imagination.

Now let me bring you to my home, this place with Fresh fruits ,High mountains, Beautiful places, Wonderful creatures,Magical people. And all this existed in a land called BLÛETON. A place where the trees grow without leaves .A place where the skies shines this colour that looks like a mixture of red, yellow ,indigo and yes '' BLACK ''. The mountains were high, but who dears to climb. Kept sacred by the ICHÀLIÉÉS for over centuries. The places filled with castles, mansions, towers, lighthouses, but who dears to live in them. A place where the people prefer to live in the caves and jungles under the shades of the yellow sun. Even the beautiful animals ,Creatures I would say. No Wonder no one eats them. A place where the people prefer to eat one another. And this wonderful magical people which all the magical powers are landed onto each and everyone irrespective of their tribes , on their tongues with the power to convert impossibilities to done ,But all these shall be made possible by the sacred and magical word '' IF ''

A Land for power. A land for wealth.A land of Inhumans. A land where only the powerful lives in buildings. But the problem is WHY?

BLÛETON used to be the union of 11 tribes ;












These are different peoples with different way of life, occupation, reasoning, gods but all joined together to form one land . BLÛETON was one of the greatest kingdoms ,Fought wars, usually peaceful ontill hunting seasons which are like once in 4years, beautiful.

All these were what BLÛETON were before the Clan War ( Gaezanians Attack ).

After the Gaezanians attacked. the land of BLÛETON was divided into three ;

The Haliiees which were the desert and dryland areas. Underdeveloped, filled with big Animals,Fruits. These was the home for the ICHÀLIÉÉS hunters and rangers . They known as the beasts of the bushes because they attack other kingdoms through the bushes. They believed in fighting and converting lands into theirs. The get power from the black moon. They clothed in blacks, their eyes were black and all these collided with their skin being black.

The Yarags these were the developed parts with buildings, plenty people, machineries. It was filled with mountains and rivers .Army men raised from the soil to guard the kingdom. They uphold the greatest of all warriors. They believed in the gods . They were know for having a peaceful town with great land mass. Schools,Hospitals,Castles , Halls, all these existed. They were known for various festivals for their gods. The kingdom was demarcated four corners by a great wall with a very large height. So tall that its impossible for any intruder to enter the kingdom. On top of the walls were guards, mainly trained archers who would defend the kingdom. They don't fight wars so didn't conquer anywhere . And if they wanted to, No kingdom can ever win over such highly trained killers and soldiers. It was a city were kings lived. Its beauty was unimaginable , So many tall buildings and because of this many people lived there . A place ruled by only Royalbloods.

The Ibantia , these were the weakest of all 11 tribes consisting on Ateries and Pintøø. They were rejected by the other two divisions after the war so the were driven to the eastern parts. Workers built a very beautiful city but prefer to live underground . Cavemen who lived in the very high mountains. Bushmen who had fought with arrows and spares safeguarding the thick forest from wonderbeasts . Little of the population used guns. Those who used guns were horserangers and kings soldiers . The Division was very small so every family in the kingdom is subjected to summit one of their male children to the army. Females were kept indoors to help for the domestic works. Retired soldiers will have to join the builders to develop the underground. The thing about these Ibantians are that they don't believe in gods but get energy from the sun. So they fought only on day light and won every fight fought . At night they stay on defense. They were great people not known for big wars. They were known to be slaves because at the early centuries, these two tribes used to be slaves for the other 9 tribes. But, after the the war , they had taken up courage to become on great land on their own where the Ateries were soldiers and the Pintøø were still slaved unto builders and Bushmen .

People always ask '' What do they eat?

But never forget that these people eat only living things like; Plants, animals, fishes, and yes human begins. Cannibals indeed . They were kept aside from entering the human world by a wall called the BLACKHOLE. A wall that keeps the human world away from this Dreamland of inhumans. Noting gets pass that wall. Bonded with magic from the great council. Arranged with symbols and codes far beyond reasoning and solving. And kept in the middle of a deathland called NOWHERE.

The magic of this world were of great types

with over 20% of the population were magician. 40% of the population were Knights. 15% were giants and demi giants . 5% were gods and kings. 2% were globbins and thieves. 3% farmers and builders. 5% were archers and chariots. 7% were dragon blood and barbarians. 2% were slaves and healers. 0.99% were herdsmen.And 0.1% which were actually the rarest of all were OXblood.

This was a group of people who were the mixture of humans and inhumans. They were killed all-round the world of the inhumans. They were believed to have being giving the power to conquer kingdoms. They were feared . OXblood came from any tribe but never in history of BLÛETON had an OXblood came from the Pintøø tribe. The Pintøians were of 60% of the population of BLÛETON . But , after the war they were scattered to be slaves of different masters. Some take away to Gaeza . Some ran into the thick wondrous woods of NOWHERE. Some remained at Ibantia while some just changed their citizenship to other nations. Leaving behind a small nucleated town not more than 6% of the population of BLÛETON. They were the smallest of all tribes and most at times not even recognized as a tribe. A lawyer from the Yarags should state that there are only 10 tribes and could prove it.

what if there's a magic in the word If

IkwunneDenniscreators' thoughts