
If we could :Rewrite the stars

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Such a foodie

Lee Young joon , seated in his office burning with fury .

Did he noticed his driver and staffs around him look like they just met their doom .

The door flew open , his brother Lee entered . The staffs has never been more than grateful for his unannounced presence .

They sigh in relief, finally they can breath.

Hyun Kyun looking at everyone and then his gaze finally landed on his amazing dotting brother.

Gosh! Who dare to wake the sleeping lion .

He rushed towards him , hugging him ."Young joon! You're really suffocating your poor workers " He said doing the cute cat face .

"Gosh! Do you want to die " he yelled slightly irritated.

Lee Hyun kyun moved back in fear , gosh! No one everyone calls him psycho, gosh! .

Letting out the breath he doesn't know he was holding . he looked at his brother and back to his workers , with a wave of his hand he dismissed them , they scurry out in relief.

"Are you ok ? He asked eyeing his brother suspiciously, he only look like that whenever he run into that demon .

His heart skip a beat ,She couldn't be back in town, right ?.

"No" he said reading his expression, he knows her so well to know everything going on in his head .

"If it not about the demon then what is it ? " he asked staring at him .


Lee Hyun Kyun burst out laughing , he was laughing really hard that tears fall form his eyes .

"Hey! Do you have a death wish!" He threatened,

Lee Hyun Kyun clapping his hand , "Gosh! She's really brazen! , *sigh* I would love to meet her, so there's someone who dare to tame the big boss" he siad amused .

Angrily, Lee Young joon chased him out , "Get out! " he said pushing him out .

"She'll pay for this she has to" he thought holding her files .


"Hey! Eun save me !" She yelled running for her dare life . Eun stepped in , stopping her grandma from hitting her with the pan .

"Come here you this brat , I should have train you better " her grandma! Yelled trying to get a hold of her .

"Hey! Do you really wish to murder your only grandchild " She said twitching her mouth angrily.

"Gosh! You still have mouth to talk , leave Eun , let me beat some sense into her " her grandma threatened.

"Grandma! What happened? The whole neighbors are staring " Eun said , trying to calm Mi ran Grandma down .

"Eun ! How? How could she .... sigh! " she said beating her chest.

"How could she messed up her interview !" The grandma said staring at her granddaughter .

Scoffing, mi ran turned slowly to look at her best friend Eun .

"Eun!" She called slowly approaching him , while he keep on moving backward .

"Hey! She yelled chasing him .

"Eun! Stop right there ? " she yelled still chasing after him .

"I'm sorry Mi ran " .

"Hey! Do you have a death wish! ? Stop this instant " , , since he won't stop she threw her shoe at him making him thrip.

Smiling she rushed towards him , threatening to choke him .

"Mi ran " He called coughing, As soon as he was able to save himself from her grip , he stayed far away from her .

"Exhale sharply, Gosh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to, ok ? " .

"Gosh! I'm hungry , you owe me so let go to your restaurant " She said and begin walking towards his restaurant.

"Tsk! Such a foodie " .

"Hey! Hurry! " .

He smiled then run after her catching up with her .

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