
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

85 Party

We set up laundry service for the next day, before leaving to walk across the way to the address that Hauata gave us. It wasn't hard to find, the tell tale signs of a large get together, with people, music, and torches lighting the paths around the place.

The second we arrived in the drive way, Hauata was coming outside to grab some beers from the back of a tiny pick up truck.

"Ia Orana! You came!" She sets the beer back down and gives me a quick hug, "Merci, Ari will be glad to see you. He's in back."

"Did you want some help bringing the beer inside?" Lance quickly offers to help seeing that their is a few cases there.

"Merci! Oui, Oui, just one. Ari's brothers can help. Viens, Viens." (Come, come.) Hauata grabbed a case, motioning us to follow as Lance grabbed one for me and him to carry inside.

We follow Hauata inside, through a nice large living room open to a large kitchen through large, open, sliding glass doors to a lit up backyard full of people. She opens the beer in a kiddie wading pool, full of ice and then hollers at someone in French motioning back the way we just came.

The commotion caught Ari's attention and he made his wave over with arms wide. "Lirael! Maeva!" He wraps me in a quick hug and turns to Lance, "Ia Orana, maeva, you are Lirael's man I believe, yes?" Ari sticks out his hand and Lance takes it.

"Ia Orana, yes, I'm Lance." Lance introduces himself.

"Good, good. Thank you for coming to my birthday! Let me introduce you both to my family and grab a drink!" Ari led us around introducing us to his large family, including his children.

Everyone was very warm and welcoming, insisting we try this or that dish. It was great to have some real comfort food, it also helped with all the beer they were drinking. Every time our beers emptied, some one was handing out fresh cold ones. As the night drew on, dancing started, and Hauata pulled me out to teach me some of the moves.

I keep looking over to Lance as I'm dancing, noticing his enraptured stare with that half cocked grin of his that told me he was loving what he was seeing.

I notice one of the guys pat Lance on the back and they all start laughing at Lance's expense, who merely shrugs in response to them. The guys say something and one of them take off to the people playing music. The drums start doing a faster beat and Hauata takes my hand and guides me back to the sides where our drinks are.

The guys pull Lance out to the improvised dance floor and teach him a few basic moves and then one of Ari's brothers start shouting in Tahitian. Then they all started shouting, and doing a dance making Lance join in with them, even if a little behind, he was able to keep up at the tempo they were going.

I jumped when the women started shouting too, making Hauata and I, giggle.

"Viens, now we dance to our man." Hauata motioned for me to follow her to join the dancing.

I paid attention to how they approached their men and tried to mimic the moves. Until Lance swooped me up in his arms.

"I know you're having a good time, but we need to get back to the room. I don't think they would appreciate me wanting to take you right here and now." Lance whispered huskily into my ear, making me blush.

I nod, "Alright, lets tell the birthday boy bye."

I find Hauata and Ari together, dancing still lost in each others eyes, making me feel like we were almost intruding into a private moment between the pair.

Ari's head pops up and they stop dancing, smiling he asks, "Hey, you two having a good time?"

"We have." Lance starts out, "but we are going to head back to the room for the night. We just wanted to say thank you for your hospitality."

Ari smiled, "Maururu, (thank you) I'm glad you both came. I'll see you two around the hotel before you go back home. Nana. (bye)" He waved and Hauata waved saying bye as well.

We left feeling bubbly from the beer, but in high spirits as we made the short trek back to our bungalow. Lance still was swinging my arm around, making me dance and twirl with his steps, in and out of his arms.

"You're making me dizzy." Giggling, my breathless but reluctant voice giving away how much fun I was still having with. The moon lit up our path perfectly, any others on the pathways smiling and stepping to the side as we danced our way back to our room.

Lance looked carefree and relaxed, his handsome locks, lazily curled perfectly across his brow. His eyes bright, sparkling like starlight and his smile radiant, open caught in a chuckle as he pulled me close to hold me still. He gently holds me close as we finish our way to the room, swaying to the beat of music only we could hear.

Once the door had shut, Lance was back to making me spin in tight circles, making me dizzy again. Giggling, we run into the bed and we fall on it together with a bounce.

Breathless, I lay there, my head spinning from giddiness and the alcohol, I gasp to regain my breath.

"Stay here a moment." Lance whispers before sliding off the bed.

"No problem here." I chuckle, taking in a deep breath, feeling my head come to a slow stop and my breathing normalize.

I feel the dip of the bed as Lance's weight joins me again. I open up an eye at him, to see he's smiling like he is up to something mischievous.

"What?" I ask, stretching my arms before pushing myself up on my elbows.

"I wanted to give you something." Lance's devilish smile turns to nervousness suddenly as he pulls a box out from behind his back to hand to me, "I hope you like it."

Shocked, I look at the large, blue jewelry box in front of me, feeling my eyes go big like saucers. It's too big to be just a ring, so my stampeding heart has its reigns pulled back. I sit up and clear my throat, not sure what to say.

Smiling, I try to form words, "I... When did you..?" This man... he is something else sometimes.

Lance chuckles, "Just open it." He presses his shoulder against my own, urging me to open the box.

"Lance, you really..." I start as I open the box and stop in my tracks. It's the jewelry set that I liked at the store when we got caught in the rain the other day. The simple pearl is held in a swirl of white gold and accented with a simple and small diamond, with matching earrings and complimenting bracelet.

My jaw is tapped, making me close it without realizing it had even been open.

"Lance, I.... thank you." I finally work out, covering my mouth with my hand that still wants to drop open.

My heart swells with emotion, with all that he's done for me and continues to do for me. I blink away the happy tear that wells up in me, as I lean forward and kiss his lips.

I realize, I'm safe with him.

"Thank you."

And I mean it with every bit of my heart.

Does anyone want to know what Lance looks like? Comment what you think of the story so far and I'll post a picture of him in the comments! <3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mara_Hellercreators' thoughts